Health Benefits of Honey

Health Benefits of Honey

14 Health Benefits of Honey

The health benefits of honey are far more beyond than its taste. It is the powerhouse of powerful antioxidants, antiseptic, anti-bacterial, various minerals and almost all the vitamins. This astounding rich golden liquid is an alternative to sugar and is used for a number of reasons. It revitalizes a person from within, especially in summers. It is an instant energy booster and is used in cooking, skin care, hair care and various health related concerns. Discover below the health benefits of honey that can treat you well.
1. Thwarts Cancer and Heart Diseases
Being a rich source of flavonoids, and antioxidants, honey reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. Honey has carcinogen compound, which possesses anti-tumour properties.
2. Prevents Hay Fever
Eating local honey is an excellent home remedy to treat hay fever. Local honey is that honey that contains very minute amounts of the pollen, found in your area. Honey reduces the symptoms of hay fever and boosts the immune system.
3. Boosts Athletic Performance
Honey reduces the risk of muscle fatigue and improves athletes’ performance and stamina. This is because of the perfect balance of glucose and fructose in honey. This combination also helps in regulating the blood sugar levels in the body.
4. Eases Cough and Throat Irritation
A tablespoon of honey can ease the sore throat and constant coughing. When honey is combined with ginger or ginger juice, it can do wonders in treating throat irritation.
5. Wounds, Cuts and Burns
Honey is a natural antiseptic and an excellent first aid in curing cuts, burns and wounds. It reduces the growth of bacteria and keeps away the infection from wounds. In case of cuts, burns or wounds, wash the affected area with normal water properly and before dressing it with bandage, apply a layer of honey. It will reduce pain, swelling and soreness.
6. Digestion
Honey is a little laxative in nature and therefore, it combats constipation and bloating. Honey is rich in friendly bacteria, which keeps the digestive and immune system healthy. Tea of honey and lemon is a natural remedy to get rid of indigestion.
7. Hangovers
The fructose in honey helps the body in collapsing alcohol into nontoxic spin-offs. Honey deals with the toxic effects of alcohol, relieving the effects of a hangover.
8. Reduces Cholesterol
The antioxidants present in the honey are natural cholesterol fighter and hence, protects heart, as well.
9. Calms the Mind
The researches have shown that honey has various compounds that can treat anxiety and depression.
10. Prevents Gingivitis
Honey prevents the plaque build-up in the mouth and gums by killing the germs. Honey keeps the mouth germ-free, clean and fresh.
11. Cures Ulcer
Honey can be applied directly to treat ulcers on the skin. For internal ulcers, you can imbibe honey. The anti-bacterial properties of honey make it an excellent cure for ulcers.
12. Sleep-aid
Honey is great when a person is suffering from sleeplessness. It also treats nocturnal cough.
13. Weight Loss
When honey is consumed with warm water, it helps in digesting the fat that is pre-accumulated in your body. Thus, it helps in reducing extra kilos.
14. Natural Sweetener
Honey is a natural sweetener that contains about 69% glucose and fructose. Honey can be used as a substitute to sugar and is better than normal white sugar for the overall health.

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