Health Benefits of Oranges

Health Benefits of Oranges

16 Health Benefits of Oranges

Commonly known for the profuse contents of vitamin C, juicy orange is, in reality, a great energy-boosting fruit. Oranges are those mouth-watering fruits, which are not only consumed raw or in juice form, but today, they have become an indispensable part of some of the cuisines, as well.  The tanginess and richness that orange provides to the eatables is worth appreciating. This article will let you acquaint with some really incredible health benefits of oranges. Have a look!
1. Helps in Weight Management
Being a fat and calorie-free fruit, oranges are amazing for those, who want to get rid of their extra inches In addition to this, oranges are also highly profused with various vital compounds, like copper, magnesium, etc, which takes care of the overall well-being of the body.
2. Prevents Cancer
The combination of antioxidants, flavonoids, and a huge amount of Vitamins in oranges assist in preventing cavity, colon, stomach, breast and lung cancers.
3. Controls Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
A huge amount of minerals, like calcium and potassium in orange keeps the heart rate moderate. The cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free properties of fibres in oranges maintain the blood pressure of the body and keep the heart healthy.
4. Helps in Lowering the Cholesterol Levels
Oranges are also recognized for lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in individuals. It is done with the help of hesperidin compound that also assist in reducing the high blood pressure. However, hesperidin works in combination with another very important element, called pectin. Pectin prevents the body from incorporating unhealthy fats, thereby reducing the danger of high cholesterol.
5. Increases Male Fertility
Oranges are good for men as they are capable of increasing the male fertility by keeping the sperm healthy. The very essential folate compounds of the oranges contain many nutritious elements, which are good for the health of the sperm and also safeguards it from genetic damages.
6. Good for Vision
The amount of Vitamin A and various flavonoid in oranges makes them an essential fruit to keep the skin and membrane of the eyes healthy and take care of the vision. Along with these elements, it contains many other antioxidants, like lutein and beta-carotene, as well, which makes your skin look gorgeous.
7. Reduces Kidney Disease
Consumption of a moderate amount of orange juice reduces the risk of kidney ailments and also prevents the formation of stones in the kidney.
8. Combats Viral Infections
The polyphenols and anti-viral properties of oranges fight and preserve the body from viral infections.
9. Mitigates Constipation
The fullness of dietary fibres in oranges stimulates the digestive juices and regulates proper bowel movement, thereby easing the troubles of constipation.
10. Relieves Arthritis Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of oranges are helpful in providing relief from arthritis pain and inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed orange juice to get rid of the inflammatory troubles, like arthritis.
11. Puts off Premature Ageing
The availability of bioactive compounds (like Narigenin) in oranges is of great worth in making your skin feel great and free from premature ageing. The essential compound of orange fights-off the free radicals, assisting the body to get free from the wrinkles, blemishes etc.
12. Absorbs OTC Medicines
One of the very interesting facts of orange is that it helps in absorbing the medicines that we take for curing any disease. Orange juice absorbs the physiological and biochemical effects of medicines and thus, helps in curing the disease fast.
13. Treats Ulcers
Orange juice is helpful in treating intestinal ulcers, which are sometimes the main reason for the inception of constipation. Orange juice stimulates the digestive tract and cures ulcers.
14. Prevents Anaemia
Not because of the presence of iron, but due to the presence of vitamin C, oranges are helpful in treating anaemia. The vitamin C compounds of orange helps in proper absorption of iron in the body that we consume from other iron-rich sources. The vitamin B6 in orange is a superb blood purifier.
15. Maintains the Health of Bones and Teeth
The abundance of calcium in orange maintains the well-being of bones and teeth. Calcium is the pre-requisite of healthy teeth and bones.
16. Helps in Brain Development
For healthy brain development, oranges are a great choice as they keep the vital organs fit. It is equally good for pregnant women as oranges prevent any kind of neurological disorders in the embryo, and also keeps the mother healthy.

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