Health Benefits of Black Tea

Health Benefits of Black Tea

11 Health Benefits of Black Tea

One of the most extensively consumed beverage, black tea, is significantly becoming a health drink too because of the various nutritious compounds that it encloses. Black tea is more oxidised than white, oolong or green tea and hence; it is a little different from them in terms of flavour and health benefits. Check out in this article that how black tea can prove to be beneficial for you.
1. Provides Antioxidant
Black tea is a superb container of antioxidants, like polyphenols, which help in curbing down the DNA damage. It also aids in curing hearing troubles and Parkinson’s disease.
2. Increases Immunity
The principal compound of black tea that enhances immunity is alkylamine antigens. Black tea helps us in upholding our health from common diseases, like cold and flu. The tannins in black tea combat these infectious viruses.
3. Stress Relief
The L-theanine compounds in black tea reduce the level of stress hormones in the body, which consequently recovers our concentration power and makes us feel relaxed.
4. Improves Digestion
Consumption of black tea every day maintains the health of the digestive tract because of the tannin contents into it. These tannins help you to get rid of intestinal and gastric ailments.
5. Maintains Oral Health
Black tea has also proved great in maintaining the dental health. It restricts the growth of bacteria and consequently, reduces plaque build-up. The polyphenols found in black tea kills harmful bacteria.
6. Keeps Heart Healthy
The propensity of cardiovascular health is also diminished to a large extent by black tea. The antioxidants in black tea trims down the risk of heart attacks by preventing arteries from injury.
7. Increases Energy
Black tea helps in enhancing blood flow to the brain and hence; it is considered to be an energizing drink. Moderate amount of caffeine in body stimulates alertness, metabolism, and brain function.
8. Prevents Cancer
Black tea is also considered effective in treating cancer by eradicating the formation of cancerous cells. The TF-2 compounds in black tea causes cells causing cancer to go into the state of apoptosis, which is the automatic death of the cancer cells.
9. Eliminates Free Radicals
The antioxidants present in black tea remove free radicals that are the main reasons behind internal blood clotting, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Black tea with lemon is really effective for this purpose.
10. Aids in Weight Loss
Being low in fat, sodium, and calories, black tea is also good in watching over the weight. However, to sweeten the tea, avoid sugar and use honey or stevia leaves.
11. Lower Cholesterol
Black tea drops down the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the body. This supports in keeping the heart healthy.

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