Intestines push it through the rectum and out of the body. The stomach gas is generated when the food is broken down in the stomach. There is always some gas that is emitted during this process but an excess can cause belching, burping, loos motions, stomachache and flatulence. In this write up we will discuss the causes, types, diet and lifestyle modifications with simple home remedies that can relieve you from stomach gas.
Causes Of Stomach Gas
The most common cause is swallowing air while eating and drinking. Well this not only causes stomach gas in babies but adults as well. We all unknowingly swallow air and therefore it is said that you must eat with your mouth closed which you thought was just about good manners! Certain types of foods may not be easily digested by your body.These include rich and oil laden food stuff or food items high on sugar and insoluble fibers. Other food items like beans, cauliflower, broccoli are also known to cause gas. In many cases intake of spoilt and stale food can release bacteria in the digestive system which can interfere with digestion and exert pressure on the digestive system which may in response increase the acid production in the stomach leading to stomach gas.
Types Of Stomach Gas
The stomach gas can be categorized based on its causes. Food induced stomach gas occurs due to intake of food items that are hard to digest. Second type is infection induced stomach gas which can inflict you due to ingestion of bad bacteria or fungus laden food items.The third kind of stomach gas simply occurs due to stomach disorders like Gastro esophaegal reflux where the valves that stop the reverse flow of food become faulty and the gas from stomach begins to seep back into the esophagus. The fourth type is associated with allergies and intolerance to certain food items or medicines.
Home Remedies For Stomach Gas
Since stomach gas is a common condition, it is best treated at home. Even if you are on medication, these remedies will help and expedite the effects of such medicines.Carom Seeds
Carom seeds can help in alleviating the symptoms of stomach gas by expediting its movement and also aiding in the digestion. There are various ways in which carom seeds can be consumed for this particular condition. Roast 2 spoonful of carom seeds and grind it.
Add a pinch of salt in it and consume with some water after the meals. Alternatively, boil a glass of water and add a large spoon of carom seeds in it. Keep boiling until the water reduces to half of the original quantity. Strain and drink this water with or after the meals.
We all know that our stomach contains Hydrochloric acid which helps in dissolving and digesting the food in our stomach. Excessive gas is produced when the acid balance or PH of the acidic composition gets disturbed..Vinegar can help in restoring this balance. Use apple cider vinegar for this purpose. Undiluted and unprocessed vinegar should be used. Add 2 spoons of vinegar to half a glass of water. Gulp it down and you will find relief in 10-15 minutes from gas. Burping would be normal after consuming this vinegar solution.
Yogurt is a pro-biotic and anti-fungal agent. Therefore, it is very apt for stomach infections caused by fungus. Good bacteria aids digestion and if it gets destroyed due to any reason, the fungus tend to grow fast causing various ailments including stomach upset and gas. Consuming yogurt works in two ways. One, it restores the good bacteria in the body and second, the soothing and cooling nature of yogurt reduces the inflammation and cools the stomach heat down providing relief from the burning sensation.Garlic
Garlic keeps your digestive system and its tracts clean. It is wonderful for digestion and eliminating gas. Best way of consuming it is in the morning on empty stomach. Take some warm water in which you can add some honey. Take a clove or two of garlic and consume it with the warm water every morning.This will regulate healthy bowel movement and flush the toxins out of your body. Garlic has been found to be very effective in digesting rich and heavy spice laden food. In fact most of such rich preparations are made with tempered garlic as one of the ingredients.
Mint has many medicinal properties. One among them is cleansing the digestive tract and relieving from gas. Mint is used as base ingredient in many herb based commercial medicines. It is as effective as any antacid depending on the dosage and concentrate that you are consuming. In this segment we will explain various ways in which you can use mint against the stomach gas.Take a bunch of mint leaves, crush them with 2-3 spoons of water in stone and pestle. Now Strain the water and consume it without diluting. Alternatively, you can prepare mint tea by boiling a bunch of mint leaves in water. Tear them roughly so that they infuse properly. Drink this water 2-3 times in a day or whenever you feel the gas increasing.
This ingredient is not only good for expediting the gas movement but also relieving the pain caused by stomach gas. You can use Asafoetida in the oil for tempering so that it mixes well in the food preparation. Or, mix some asafoetida powder with some cumin seeds powder, salt and a little sugar. Consume this mixture after every meal for relief and avoiding gas build up.Dietary Changes
If you are suffering from gas or are prone to it then say no to beans, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Include yogurt in your diet as it can help in calming an upset stomach. Avoid spicy and oily food as they make digestion difficult and irritate the stomach and its lining. Do not re-use the oil used for frying. Go low on sugar as it makes the digestive system work harder for digestion. Throw the stale food and prepare fresh meals every time. Observe the food intolerance and avoid them.Lifestyle Modifications
Avoid alcohol and smoking as they interfere with digestion process. Do not take bath for at least one hour after eating. Taking bath can slow down the digestion.Sleeping right after meals is also not recommended as it tends to trap the gas in the stomach and intestines. A light small walk of 10 minutes can make all the difference. Avoid heavy meals especially foe dinner as it is followed by long hours of inactivity. Exercising and indulging in other physical activities like sports can stimulate digestion.