11 Home Remedies For Cough In Adults

Coughing is body’s action to remove foreign substances and mucus out of lungs. It is a body reaction to an irritated airway. Cough can be productive or non productive. If cough produces phlegm or mucus (sputum) then it is productive cough. Non-productive cough does not produce sputum hence it is also called as dry cough. Cough is classified into two categories, acute and chronic. Acute cough is one that been present for less than three weeks. Chronic coughs are those present for more than three weeks. 

Causes of Cough

a) Acute Cough

Acute cough can be caused by infection such as viral upper respiratory infection, common cold, sinus, pneumonia, bronchitis, or tuberculosis. It can also be caused by flare –ups of chronic conditions such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, or allergies. Acute coughs are generally result of a respiratory tract infection.

b) Chronic Cough

Chronic Cough can be caused by air pollution including smoke, irritant gases, dampness, dust, pollens, or humidity. ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors used for high blood pressure and heart diseases can also cause cough as a side effect. GERD (gastro esophageal reflux diseases) causes unexplained cough, it occurs when acidic contents of the stomach come back up into the esophagus. Irritation of nerves, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the external auditory canal, interstitial lung diseases can also be cause for chronic cough.

Home Remedies For Cough In Adults


Ginger For Cough
Since long time, ginger has been used as home remedy to treat day-to-day health issues. It contains Vitamin A, C, E, B complex, sodium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and calcium. It helps to develop immunity to resist diseases.
Take equal proportions of ginger powder with mulaithi mixed in honey. Take this mixture to get relief from cough. Sucking on a piece of ginger along with black salt is also very effective.


Use of turmeric for cough is one of popular home remedy. It is used for treatment of various ailments. The antibacterial and anti-viral action of turmeric makes it a best remedy to treat cough and cold naturally. Mix 1-2 teaspoon turmeric powder in warm milk and drink it twice a day.
Turmeric For Cough
Don’t take this if you are pregnant it may cause bleeding because turmeric has a warm nature. Inhaling the turmeric vapors by boiling turmeric into water also helps in relieving cough and sinus congestion.


Gargling loosens thick mucus, and helpful to remove irritants like allergens, bacteria and fungi from the throat. A saline solution draws excess fluids from inflamed tissues in the throat. Add a tablespoon of salt to a large cup of hot water.
Gargle with mixture two to three times a day for a minute. Make sure do not swallow the mixture. If you are having an oral thrush then gargling with tea water is very helpful. Tea has antiseptic and antibiotic properties, which are helpful in removing fungal infection.
Gargle For Cough


Steam soothes the passage inside the nose, opening them up and allowing them to drain. It helps in loosen sinus congestion, phlegm in throat and lungs. Breathe the steam from a pan of boiling water, or vaporizer. Drape a towel over your head; inhale the steam for about four to five minutes.
Addition of the few drops of eucalyptus oil or other menthol oil to boiling water will help this process. Menthol works as a mild anesthetic and is used to relieve sore throats. It also makes the mouth and throat feel cooler.
Steam For Cough

Neti Pots

Neti pots have been used traditionally to eliminate cough, cold and other associated problems in the nasal passage and sinus. It helps in clear and flushes the passages, getting rid of mucus and other irritants. Fill the pot with saline solution; then position the spout on one of the nostril. The pot is then poured to flush out the nose, with the liquid exiting the other nostril or down the throat.
Neti Pots For Cough

Other Treatments For Cough In Adults


Cinnamon has extremely high antioxidant activity, and has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is also a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium. It has been used as an effective home remedy for cough. Add a cinnamon stick to boiling water. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and use this cinnamon water for tea.
Drink this tea two times per day. Adding cardamom, tulsi to that tea also gives relieve from cough. Mixing honey with cinnamon also helps in getting rid of cough as both having anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Honey helps in soothing the throat.
Cinnamon For Cough

Onion And Garlic

Onions and Garlic are well known for strengthening the immune system and having natural antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and expectorants properties. Take 1 onion and 1 peeled garlic clove. Chop onion into pieces. Place the onion, garlic clove and 2 cups of water into a pot and bring to a boil. Heat the mixture for about 15-20 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the mixture to cool completely. Transfer the mixture into container (glass container is better). Let it stand for 5-6 hours. Drink ½ cup three times per day. This mixture helps to relieve congestion and mucus that causes a cough. You may also add honey into this mixture.
Onion And Garlic For Cough

Clove (laung)

The health benefits of clove can be attributed to its antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, expectorant, germicidal, stimulant properties. It is used as a home remedy for cough. Roast the clove on tava and then chew it slowly- slowly.
It is helpful in getting relief from congestion. You can also take some common salt along with it. You can also prepare a decoction by boiling 5-6 cloves in water. Take this decoction with honey 2-3 times in a day.
Clove For Cough

Water Melon

It is a water-based fruit hence it prevents thirst and dehydration. It is filled with lot of vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, B1, B6, magnesium and potassium. Take watermelon cubes and sprinkle black salt on it. Eat it once a day to get rid of dry cough. Do not use it if phlegm comes up the throat or if you are coughing at night, it will make worse.
Water Melon For Cough


Almonds have an effect on lung and large intestine. It contains iron, phosphorus, vitamin E, Zinc, and copper, hence highly nutritious. Soak some almonds overnight. Remove the skin and grind into paste along with some butter and mishri powder. You can also add honey. It is very good remedy for dry cough.
Almonds For Cough

Betel leaf

Betel has a warm and spicy nature. It is known as a warm aromatic substance, and antiseptic. It is helpful in stop coughing, reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Heat a betel leaf on a girdle and wrap it around the neck. Leave it overnight. It is very good for aching throat. Take betel leaf, a piece of ginger, black pepper, black salt. Grind it over the stone. Add little water and warm it. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and take it once in a day.
Betel leaf For Cough

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