Functions Of Sinuses
All of these sinuses open into the nasal cavity and are charged with the responsibility of secreting the mucous through the cells that line the walls. Some of these cells play a part in the immune system of the body. The mucous secreted by the cells along the walls surrounding the sinuses is responsible for ensuring that the nasal cavity does not get dried during the process of inhalation and exhalation, even as the moisture of the mucous helps in trapping suspended particles and impurities and preventing them from reaching out into the lungs.Causes Of Sinusitis
Sinusitis is a condition marked by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, caused by bacterial, viral or fungal, infections. With inflammation, the mucous produced in the cells lining the sinuses are blocked from draining naturally, leading to heaviness of the head and possibly leading to further infections. If the inflammation and the associated conditions last for fewer than 8 weeks, the condition is said to be acute. If they last longer, the conditions are termed chronic; and if the conditions keep recurring frequently, perhaps thrice or more in a year and every year, they are termed recurrent sinusitis.Sinusitis causes also include allergic reactions to pollutants and contaminants, changes in the air pressure due to altitude or depth, infections that may be associated with or caused by dental issues, physical injury caused to the head and affecting the sinuses, or other obstructions such as polyps and growths that may block the sinus passages, causing inflammation and leading to infection. Pregnancy, swimming, smoking and acid reflux are some of the other possible causes of sinusitis.
Symptoms Of Sinusitis
The common symptoms of sinusitis include:- Pain experienced in and around the nasal cavity, as in the forehead, temples or behind the eyes
- Blocked nose, nasal discharge or a sensation of fluid oozing down the backside of the throat when lying down
- Sore throat, cough, fever or a sense of feeling unwell
- Tooth ache, bad breath or loss of sense of smell
Home Remedies For Sinusitis
Garlic And Honey
There may not be many equivalents to the healing prowess possessed by garlic, with a whole list of properties such as its being antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and also an effective antibiotic, which makes it one of the potent home remedies for sinusitis. The health benefits of garlic are derived from one of its components called allicin, which is also responsible for garlic’s pungent smell and strong aroma. Garlic works in many ways as a home remedy for sinusitis – for one, the healing powers of garlic work on all parts of the body, promoting circulation and enhancing the performance of most body systems.
You could chew a couple of garlic cloves raw, if you like, to get the essence of garlic into your systems and letting it work for you. Alternatively, you could also make a paste of garlic in honey, which would be a combination of the benefits of garlic as well as the antibacterial properties and healing powers of honey. It would be a good idea to include garlic in your diet on a regular basis, which would also serve the purpose of adding flavour to your tasty cuisine.
Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey For Sinusitis
Apple cider vinegar has featured in a whole lot of texts concerning home remedies for sinusitis and for a lot of other ailments as well. This traditional solution to the problem of many a medical condition is found to be effective in treatment of sinusitis, on account of the considerable acetic acid content present in apple cider vinegar. The acidic environment created by apple cider vinegar, hence, proves to be effective in hindering the growth of bacteria and microbes, thus helping in home remedies against infections. It is this principle that has traditionally been put to good use with the administration of apple cider vinegar to wounds and to promote healing, reducing the impact of bacteria and infections on the conditions otherwise.Thyme For Sinusitis
An herb that is known for its properties of expectorant is Thyme. Thyme is widely known for its strong flavour and its high iron content, used in cuisine. However, thyme is also used as one of the home remedies for sinusitis, given its effectiveness as an antibacterial agent.Oil Of Oregano For Sinusitis
Another aromatic herb whose essential oil is considered to be one of the effective home remedies for sinusitis is oil of oregano. The herb is known for its Vitamin K content, high fibre content and its antibacterial properties.The best way to consume oregano as a home remedy for sinusitis is to include the herb as part of your diet – oregano is known to blend well with the likes of tomatoes and eggplant and is also used to enhance flavour in meat, apart from coming in handy as salad dressing. Alternatively, around four drops of oil of oregano could be added on to around 200 ml of warm water and used in nasal irrigation. You may need to check the concentration of oregano oil since some people may find it too harsh and may want to dilute the mixture to suit their tolerance levels.
Tea Tree Oil
One of the essential oils that is well known for its medicinal properties is tea tree oil. The effectiveness of tea tree oil as one of the home remedies for sinusitis is derived from the natural medicinal benefits offered by one of the components found in tea tree oil, called terpenoids, which are powerful antiseptic agents.Raw Vegetable Juice
You may not be able to find many other natural sources of vitamins, minerals and all the vital nutrients that make for a complete package as you could find in fresh vegetables. And the best way to get the most of what vegetables have to offer is to consume liberal quantities of vegetable juices as one of the tested home remedies for sinus infections. One of the combinations that you could make to prepare vegetable hot soup would be to use beetroot, carrot and cucumber to provide good relief from symptoms of sinusitis. Beetroot, with its rich Vitamin C and iron content, helps in promoting blood circulation and in boosting the immune system.Cumin Seeds
Black cumin seeds are seemingly humble but potent seeds that have been traditionally used for their medicinal properties and are useful home remedies for sinusitis. Black cumin seeds have long been used in cuisine as a flavouring agent and to add crunchiness to food, as in the case of their addition to green salads. Their culinary applications apart, cumin seeds are rich in Vitamin A, B complex vitamins ranging from vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12, Vitamins C, E and K, and are also vast storehouses of a range of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc.Cumin seeds are also known for their anti-oxidant properties, since they are known to promote the production of glutathione, the anti-oxidant molecule that is present within cells. The increased production of glutathione within the cells pronounces the use of cumin seeds as an anti-oxidant agent, protecting cells and tissues from the harmful and debilitating effects of free radicals in the body. Apart from their use as garnishing agents in salads, black cumin seeds could also be used in the form of tea, where a teaspoon of the seeds could be added on to hot water and left to steep for around 10 minutes.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are the humble, yet powerful seeds that have high levels of anti-oxidant properties, chiefly derived from two of the anti-oxidant vitamins present in the seeds – Vitamin A and Vitamin C. While the anti-oxidant properties help in the protection of tissues from the effects of free radicals, vitamin C proves to be an active agent that promotes an efficient immune system, the body’s own defence mechanism against infectious bacteria, serving as one of the home remedies for sinus infection.Onion Juice
The seemingly empty onions, predominantly used in cooking, turns out to be one of the useful home remedies for sinusitis. While you are suffering from sinus infection, anything pungent would seem beneficial and relieving from the oppressive conditions, and onions are particularly useful in treatment of sinus infections.Ginger
Sinusitis would not be the same anymore, if you could uncover the potential of ginger and discover its medicinal properties. One of the most effective home remedies for sinus infections, ginger derives its healing powers from the compounds called gingerols, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-oxidant properties of ginger go well with its anti-inflammatory properties, which ginger would gladly attribute to its essential oils.You could include the goodness of ginger in your system as perfect home remedy for sinus infection by slicing up the root and adding the slices to boiling cup of tea. You could also add ginger slices to a cup of hot water and sip it for effective relief from sinusitis, or you could go for commercially available ginger powder that you could add to your cup of hot tea. You may also want to add a squeeze of the charming and effective lemon to ginger tea so as to maximise the antibacterial power from the natural sources of ginger and lemon.
a.Precaution with Ginger: You would have to exercise restraint in the case of all herbal products and ginger would fall into the same category, where adding just the right amount of ginger regularly on a daily basis would suffice in terms of home remedies for sinus infections. Adding too much of the good thing could lead to gastric problems as in the case of acidity, given the strong and pungent nature of ginger.
Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon is the spice that is known for its strong flavour, commonly used in the kitchen to add to the taste of quality food. This strong and aromatic spice also turns out to be one of the popular home remedies for sinusitis through a simple recipe.Black Pepper
Black pepper is not just about spice – it is known for its medicinal properties and its rich nutritional value, in terms of Vitamin A, vitamin K and traces of Vitamin C, along with calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium, as well as iron sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and fluoride. In terms of their being of use as home remedies for sinusitis, it is both the antibacterial properties as well as the diaphoretic effects that come into play – black pepper is known to induce sweating, which could take care of the feverish symptoms associated with the tiny black corns even as it provides instant relief from the heaviness of the head.Bromelain
People associate bromelain with pineapple and with good reason. Pineapple is thought to be a supplementary component in home remedies for sinusitis on account of its bromelain content. Bromelain is a mixture of protein digesting enzymes known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce pain to a significant extent.Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is one of the well known home remedies for sinusitis. This aromatic oil is high on medicinal value and does make a difference with its healing and anti-inflammatory properties.Echinacea For Sinusitis
a.Cautions with Echinacea: You would be well advised to get medical advice before Echinacea may be administered to children as home remedies for sinus infections.