Cold Sores Causes
Cold sores are viral infections caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two kinds of the virus – Herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2, and both the types are found to cause cold sores. The virus is naturally contagious and the infection could be picked up from others with the infection through the saliva or by sharing of vessels and accessories being used by the infected person. HSV is known to be entering the skin through open wounds found in the mouth as well as through other open wounds or where the skin is cut and exposed. However, having the virus in the body doesn’t mean that the virus always manifests itself as cold sores – an infected person may not have cold sores despite having the virus in the body.Since the virus may remain in the body without the symptoms or after the symptoms of cold sores have come and gone, a return of the condition could be triggered by some external factors such as prolonged exposure to sunlight, undertaking of cosmetic surgeries of the facial skin, dental treatment for a range of issues, injuries or wounds to the face or the mouth, or allergies to certain types of food. Sometimes, health conditions could also serve as triggers of cold sores – conditions such as the common cold could cause cold sores, even as increased stress levels could lead to an outbreak of HSV in the form of cold sores.
Even conditions of pregnancy as well as other instances of hormonal changes in women have been found to trigger cold sores. And it has been observed that people with weakened immune system and those who are prone to being easily affected by infections are the ones who are more susceptible to cold sores. People with weakened immune systems could end up suffering increased frequencies of cold sore attacks, and also experience more severe blisters than those who may have their immune system functioning optimally.
Cold Sores Symptoms
Blisters are the primary symptoms of cold sores. Cold sores are often painful and make normal activities such as eating, drinking and sleeping quite an effort. However, there could also be other symptoms of cold sores part from blisters, as in the case of fevers and sore throats. Cold sores could also be indicated by the swelling of lymph nodes in the neck region. In the case of blisters in the mouth, they appear in different parts of the mouth, as they tend to keep changing. As has been noted, the herpes simplex virus does not get easily eradicated even after the cold sore symptoms have vanished. In some cases, you may hardly have the symptoms, but may still have been infected by the virus. While the symptoms tend to keep recurring with time, the point of solace is that you would have less of the symptoms with advancing age. Some of the early stages of cold sores symptoms also include itching or burning sensation in the region where the cold sores are about to occur, much before the blisters have actually formed.Home Remedies For Cold Sores
Lysine For Cold Sores
One of the amino acids that are essential for the building of proteins is Lysine. As it is evident from research, antibodies are responsible for fighting infection and proteins are essential in the production of antibodies. Further, proteins are the building blocks that go on to facilitate the formation of body tissue and in cell regeneration. And more importantly, Lysine, by itself, has been found to be efficient in deterring the growth of the herpes simplex virus.
Some of the common food sources of lysine include red meat, eggs and fish, apart from wheat germ as well as dairy products such as milk and cheese. However, apart from the issue of availability of lysine, the effectiveness of lysine as home remedies for cold sores essentially depends on the amount of lysine that is actually absorbed in the body. It may be noted that not all lysine tends to be absorbed by the body, given that foods that have a high quantity of arginine tend to deter the absorption of lysine in the intestinal walls.
Hence, if you are looking to increase lysine absorption in the system, you would do well to minimise your consumption of foods that are known to be rich sources of arginine, particularly nuts such as peanuts and almonds, seeds and chocolate. There are also lysine supplements available commercially, which should help in minimising the effects of the virus that reflect in cold sores. Further, lysine is also available in the form of ointments that could be applied to the affected areas.
Lemon Balm For Cold Sores
Lemon balm is a herb that is also referred to as honey plant, and known by its scientific name, Melissa officinalis. Lemon balm is one of the effective home remedies for cold sores. Lemon balm is known for its component, terpene, which is a chemical that features nerve-calming properties. Lemon balm generally used in the treatment of many nervous conditions as in the case of anxiety and restlessness, as well as in dealing with problems of insomnia.A plant belonging to the mint family, the calming herb has also found use in the treatment of conditions associated with the digestive system, such as bloating, indigestion and gas. But what matters more in the case of home remedies of cold sores is the component called eugenol, which is a known antibacterial and antiviral agent. While eugenol has been found effective in its actions against viruses and in its ability to calm down nerves through its antibacterial properties, the effectiveness of lemon balm is accentuated by the presence of tannins in the herb, which help in dealing with the Herpes Simplex virus.
Lemon balm is known to reduce the severity of cold sores and also known to reduce their frequency. Lemon balm’s calming effect could also work against the pain and inflammation associated with cold sores. The ideal lemon balm dosage would be to add one teaspoon of the dried leaves to one glass of warm water, which could then be boiled and consumed thrice a day. Alternatively, lemon balm could also be applied directly to the affected areas in a treatment that begins to show results in 3 or 4 days of consistent application twice or thrice a day.
Reishi For Cold Sores
Reishi mushrooms have been known to offer an astounding range of health benefits to people with a wide range of ailments. Reishi mushrooms have been known to pep up the immune system, apart from having the ability to calm the nerves. But their benefits do not end there – reishi is widely used to keep heart diseases at bay and have also been used in recovering from cancer. From leaky guts to bronchitis and a variety of infections, the list of ailments that seem to be under the purview of the medicinal properties of reishi mushrooms seem to be virtually never-ending.In terms of home remedies for cold sores, reishi mushrooms turn out to be trusted lieutenants on account of their ability to serve as tremendous boosts to the immune system – they have been found to increase the number of T-cells, which turn out to be just the right resources needed to fight viral infections as well as cancerous cells. Reishi mushrooms are known to have a direct impact on the way the Herpes Simplex virus takes hold of the body system and leads to blisters, thwarting the way they lunge forward and holding them back in their tracks. Reishi could be consumed as supplements, which could be purchased as pills or in powder form.
a. Caution with Reishi for cold sores: While the effectiveness of Reishi is being increasingly well documented and followed closely, it has also been noted that reishi could cause the blood to go thin, which could lead to delay in blood clotting. This is something that needs to be taken into consideration, especially if you are already taking up blood thinning drugs such as aspirin.
Astragalus For Cold Sores
The perennial plant that has had its origins in China and Mongolia has been used in the treatment of a wide range of disorders. Astragalus, whose scientific name is Astragalus membranaceus, has long been used in combination with other herbs and has proven its worth in the strengthening of the human system against many a disease and infectious condition. One of the primary properties of Astragalus is that it serves as an adaptogen, equipping the body with the ability to deal with stress and variations in the environmental factors.Astragalus is also an acknowledged antioxidant, capable of protecting the body cells and tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals. This aspect of astragalus is combined with some of the other beneficial characteristics such as its anti-inflammatory properties as well as its ability to fight against a range of bacteria, which have turned out to be the right combination to prove its worth as one of the home remedies for cold sores.
It may be noted that the herb has been used not just in the treatment of cold sores but also in the case of a whole range of superficial wounds. Further, the herb also lends a helping hand in the prevention of infections as well as in the treatment of serious medical conditions such as heart diseases. Astragalus is also in the process of being experimented with in the treatment of AIDS. However, it is the antibacterial and antiviral properties that the herb displays, which proves handy as home remedies for cold sores.
a. Caution with Astragalus for cold sores: While astragalus is considered safe to use with little known side effects, there may be some caution required when it comes to the herb’s interactions with some of the other drugs that patients may be already taking. It would be advisable to consult a the physician if you have already been prescribed drugs and are on a course of treatment for any other medical condition. It should also be mentioned that astragalus is a mild diuretic, which you may not want to combine with any other known drug with diuretic effects that you may be taking.
Resveratrol For Cold Sores
Resveratrol has been in the news for quite some time now, having attained sort of celebrity status among health enthusiasts. Red wine has been famously associated with resveratrol, chiefly on account of the antioxidant properties of the element. Resveratrol is believed to have a positive impact on heart conditions, given that good cholesterol is found to have a boost while bad cholesterol levels are brought under control. The polyphenols present in red wine are known to strengthen the lining of blood vessels. But the goodness of resveratrol doesn’t end there – it is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties and is known to have antiviral properties.Application of resveratrol cream as topical solution to the problem of cold sores has been found to be effective in clinical trials, as the sustenance and growth of herpes simplex virus is known to be arrested by resveratrol, turning out to be just the right home remedies for cold sores. You could have your dose of resveratrol from sources such as red wine, grapes and pomegranate. Red wine is known to be the most prominent source of resveratrol, though you may not want to consume red wine in abundance and land yourself the risk of liver damage.
As a replacement, you could naturally opt for grapes. And with regard to pomegranate, the best way to have the most of your resveratrol dosage is to munch through the seeds rather than drink pomegranate juice, given that it is the seeds that are high in resveratrol. Further, you could opt for a range of berries, such as blueberries and raspberries, which have displayed significant resveratrol content. You may also want to include peanut butter as well as cocoa in your diet to get the most of resveratrol for cold sores.
Prunella Vulgaris (Self-Heal) For Cold Sores
There are many applications for Prunella vulgaris, the herb that is known for its medicinal properties, which have popularized it. The herb is also known as heal-all or self-heal, a common name that should signify the health benefits of the plant by itself. The healing powers are evident from the way a poultice made of the plant is capable of healing external wounds. The plant extract could also be used as mouthwash in healing of mouth ulcers. Prunella vulgaris is known for its antibacterial properties as well as its power in inhibiting the replication of viruses. Some of the chief components of the herb include rosmarinic acid and triterpenoid.Apart from the antimicrobial properties and the anti-viral benefits displayed by the herb, there are also antioxidant properties exhibited by the plant, which goes on to contribute to the protection of cells and body tissues from the ill-effects of free radicals. With a wholesome composition that displays antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and healing powers, it is no surprise that Prunella vulgaris is used as one of the major home remedies for cold sores. Prunella vulgaris has been found to be effective against the herpes simplex virus that is at the root of cold sores, and the herbal medicine is found good to go against both oral herpes and genital herpes.
The herb has been found to be even more effective than some of the other contemporary remedies for cold sores, in that the plant extract has been able to control the sustenance and growth of virus that may have grown resistant to other means of control and treatment. Prunella vulgaris is an edible plant, where the leaves and the stem could be used in salads and the entire plant could be boiled and consumed.
Echinacea For Cold Sores
Echinacea purpurea have been useful herbs, accounting for herbal treatment and home remedies for many conditions. Its use as home remedies for cold sores only complements the herb’s effectiveness in the control and treatment of problems such as urinary tract infections, sinusitis, the common cold, adenoids and even for abscess. As good as its healing properties are its abilities to prevent an infection from brewing in the initial stages.The medicinal properties of Echinacea arise from the herb’s richness in volatile oils, especially in the roots. The balance of healing abilities is maintained by the stems above the surface having good quantities of polysaccharides. It may be noted that polysaccharides are known for their powers to boost the efficiency of the immune system, a logical progression from a stage where someone is prone to infections as in the case of the herpes simplex virus to the person being protected against the infection from occurring with the help of an empowered immune system.
You could opt for Echinacea as treatment for cold sores in its various forms – they are available as capsules as well as herbal powder made from the dried roots or in the form of ointments. A tincture of Echinacea could also be made domestically by boiling 2 grams of the herb’s roots that are dried – consumption of the tea twice or thrice a day is found to help boost the immune system.
While having a healthy immune system in itself helps in countering the effects of the herpes simplex virus, it is also found that Echinacea’s medicinal properties are actually potent enough to eliminate cold sores altogether, especially in combination with some other herbal formulations. While research is going on in this front to eradicate the herpes simplex virus from the system, there is no doubting the fact that Echinacea could be used as one of the useful home remedies for cold sores. , helping in stimulation of the immune system.
a. Caution with Echinacea for cold sores: Echinacea could safely be consumed as one of the effective home remedies for cold sores. However, the herbal product has been associated with certain side effects in susceptible people, as in the case of headache, feeling of nausea, vomiting sensation, diarrhoea and restlessness and insomnia. The herbal formulation has also been found to interact with certain medications used for heart diseases and in medicines that are taken for psychosomatic disorders, as with antidepressants and drugs taken to quell anxiety. You may also want to exercise caution if you have been taking immunosuppressant drugs before you resort to Echinacea as home remedies for cold sores.
Indigo For Cold Sores
The indigo plant comes into the picture in terms of home remedies for cold sores, one that is extensively used in the Chinese system of medicine in the treatment of many health conditions. The remedy is popular as one that is used in the powdered form, which could be boiled after being mixed with water. Applying the mixture directly on the cold sores helps in alleviation of the symptoms.The roots of Indigo plant have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing inflammation and pain; these, along with antipyretic properties, have been useful in the treatment of many medical conditions as in the case of mumps and other inflammatory conditions featured by the redness of skin. The herb has also displayed antiviral properties, along with the important characteristics of providing a boost to the immune system. Indigo roots contain polysaccharides, which have been found to increase the number of white blood cells and have been known to counter the effects of immunosuppressant agents such as hydrocortisone in clinical trials. With all of these properties, indigo turns out to be one of the effective home remedies for cold sores.
Peppermint Oil For Cold Sores
One of the other frequently used home remedies for cold sores is peppermint oil. Peppermint oil has been known to have its medicinal properties originating from its chief components of menthol and menthone, which have also made peppermint oil one of the commercially used ingredients – both peppermint as well as peppermint oil are known widely more for their commercial applications used in the production of cosmetics such as soaps and shampoos. Of course, there are also other edible applications of peppermint from its unique flavor, with products such as gums as well as toothpaste and tobacco featuring them as unique selling points.However, peppermint’s medicinal properties have been achieving increasing prominence of late, given the rich mineral content of peppermint oil – minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium and potassium, along with calcium, copper and a range of vitamins including vitamins A and C as well as folate provides peppermint with the much needed nutritional importance in the health field. Peppermint oil is also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Peppermint oil has loads of applications in the health field, right from the treatment of indigestion through its application in dealing with respiratory problems, as well as in the treatment of chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
However, when it comes to using peppermint oil for cold sores, its anti-inflammatory properties play a significant role in setting the conditions straight and helping in pain reduction, apart from its ability to boost the performance of the immune system – it may be noted that the herpes simplex virus strikes whenever there are gaps in the immune system’s protection levels of the body, since the virus tends to stay on in the system even when not active and causing infectious conditions such as cold sores. While peppermint oil could be applied directly on to cold sores, it may sometimes prove to be painful to do so when the infection is at a peak. You may want to reduce the pain by using some painkillers. Once you find it bearable, applying peppermint oil on to the wounds would mean that the antiviral properties of the oil start taking effect immediately, given the tendency of peppermint oil to get absorbed into the skin in quick time.
Propolis For Cold Sores
Propolis is a substance that is extracted from poplar trees, or more commonly, from beehives. Proplis has long been known to have medicinal properties and has been used in the treatment of ulcerous sores, abscesses, wounds and even tumours, right from the ancient times. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties of propolis have found much use in terms of treating infectious conditions such as tuberculosis, swine flu and the common cold.Propolis has been widely known to improve conditions associated with the digestive system, even as the resin-like material has found use in curing ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. The anti-inflammatory properties as well as the antioxidant nature of propolis serve well in containing damage to tissues, both from external causes as well as from internal reasons, as in the case of the destructive nature of free radicals. It is a combination of all of these characteristics, along with the ability of propolis to enhance the functioning of the immune system, which accounts for its coming of use as home remedies for cold sores. The use of propolis for cold sores could be found suitable in the treatment of genital sores as well as in the treatment of oral infections from the herpes simplex virus – it has often proved useful as being an important component in mouth rinses, coming handy in facilitating the healing process in the case of infections, wounds and scars that result from dental care. It is to be noted that propolis may have to be administered frequently, perhaps four or five times a day, for effective relief from cold sores.
a. Caution with Propolis For Cold Sores: Since propolis could be a product of bees and is often extracted from beehives, it is important that people who are allergic to bees or those who may have had a history of asthma or other respiratory tract disorders resort to medical opinion before opting for propolis as home remedies for cold sores. If there are instances of aggravation of the underlying conditions upon application of propolis to cold sores, it is advisable to stop treatment and cleanse the area with mild soap.
Tea Tree Oil For Cold Sores
It is not often that we find a product that is as comprehensive and complete, with such a wide variety of applications, as the tea tree oil. An herbal extract, tea tree oil has its origins from the leaves of the plant Melaleuca alternifolia, which had Australia as the place of its origin. Tea tree oil has chiefly been associated with skincare, with the oil having the potential to treat many an infectious condition on the skin. The healing powers of tea tree oil are derived from the antibacterial and antifungal properties that are naturally displayed by the extracts.It is the prowess displayed by tea tree oil in acting against skin infections that has led to the oil being so widely used in many products in the cosmetic industry, ranging from soaps, shampoos, body cleansing lotions and face wash liquids. With a wide range of applications in the treatment of skin rashes, acnes, abscesses, dandruff and other allergic and infectious conditions of the skin, it is no surprise that tea tree oil has turned out to be one of the most widely used home remedies for cold sores. Apart from its being used in treating athlete’s foot, nail fungus and other conditions of ring worm infections as well as insect bites, the usefulness of tea tree oil for cold sores could be put to good use by applying a few drops of the oil directly on to the affected areas of cold sores using a pure cotton swab. The process could be repeated three to four times a day for effective results.