13 DIY Homemade Hair Growth Treatments
1. Castor Oil
Castor oil is probably the most well-known home remedy for gaining long and healthy hair. It’s a life saver for your hair, as it not only speeds up the growth process, but also battles off scalp infections, moisturizes, and boosts volume. These super hero properties are thanks to the fact that castor oil is packed up with vitamin E and omega-9. You can fix up the perfect treatment with castor oil in the comfort of your own home by mixing it with an equivalent amount of a base oil, in order to obtain a more effective consistency. Take the mixture and rub it directly onto your scalp. Let it sit for around thirty to forty-five minutes and then rinse and shampoo. For an extra boost of efficiency, add 4 drops of rosemary oil to 1 ounce of castor oil and repeat the process described above. This home remedy is so great that you can use it for longer eyelashes, as well, by applying it with a cotton swab.2. Green Tea
Green tea is an excellent home remedy for a wide variety of conditions, thanks to its high levels of antioxidants. Green tea does wonders not only for accelerating hair growth, but also for avoiding hair loss if you’re experiencing the phenomenon. It’s very easy to use; just cover your scalp with lukewarm green tea and let it sit for approximately one hour. Afterwards, you rinse your hair with water (make sure it’s not hot) and repeat the process on a regular basis until you start seeing results.3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Ah, apple cider vinegar, we meet again. You already know that apple cider vinegar can cure fingernail fungus, facial warts and various burns, but you probably didn’t know that it can help you achieve the long locks you have always been dreaming of. Apple cider vinegar controls the balance of PH of the hair and ultimately helps your hair grow fast in a natural way. Moreover, it acts as a wonderful cleanser for the scalp. First of all, you have to combine about 75 milliliters of apple cider vinegar with 1 liter of water. To nail this homemade treatment, wash your hair and finally rinse it with the mixed solution.4. Sage Oil
This homemade treatment is amazing, especially if you’re facing hair loss. Sage oil is also a widely appreciated treatment for digestive disorders, acne and wrinkles, among many other conditions. It works best in combination with apple cider vinegar, or with rosemary oil or various other essential oils. The process for applying it is the same as in the situations mentioned above; just make sure to repeat it regularly for better results. You will soon benefit from fantastic restoration and brand new healthy hair.5. Lavender oil
Dubbed as “The Beauty Oil” for women, lavender oil is a well-known remedy for obtaining beautiful and long hair and enjoys delightful reviews all across the World Wide Web. It is appreciated for healing alopecia, the condition in which you lose hair in patches or you find you hair becoming ever thinner. Furthermore, it is a key ingredient for most spa treatments, and is known for lowering stress and helping you sleep better at night. The best way to use lavender oil is by mixing it with jojoba and rosemary oil and applying the essential oil mix to your scalp. Enclose the surface with a shower cap and let it sit for around one hour. Relax, rinse, and repeat regularly for outstanding results and a gorgeous head of long hair.6. Coconut oil
We’re in love with the coco… coconut oil, that is! Both coconut oil and coconut milk are awesome for hair growth problems and have received a positive review from us. Coconuts are loaded with vitamins (B, C & E), protein, selenium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and many more nutrients. It is certainly appreciated as being one of the most effective treatments for hair growth, and can be both consumed as part of your diet and applied directly on the hair. As opposed to the other treatments, it’s best to leave coconut oil or coconut milk on your head overnight, for better results. The following day you can wash your hair with cold water and repeat as often as possible.7. Garlic
This treatment may sound super yummy for homemade dishes, but is it really that efficient for homemade hair growth remedies? You should know that it’s an amazing promoter for scalp circulation and also helps renew hair and prevent its loss. Take a couple of cloves of garlic and boil them in coconut or olive oil. The substance is then applied directly to the roots of your hair and must be washed off afterwards. Specialists recommend this treatment two times a week for efficiency.8. Lemon Juice
We have every reason to adore lemon juice. It is super rich in vitamins B1-B3, B5-B6, B12 and C and loads of other great nutrients. Lemon juice also comes packed with antioxidants and not only helps your hair grow faster, but also helps you get rid of dandruff and enjoy super shiny hair. If you have black hair and you don’t want it to become lighter, use lemon juice only occasionally. Lemon juice can work best if mixed with olive or coconut oil and is left on your scalp for 30-45 minutes. After rinsing, you should wash with a mild shampoo and repeat two times a week.9. Rosemary Oil
Like we said before, rosemary oil and other essential oils are exceptional treatments for hair growth. It works amazingly for getting rid of dandruff, growing long hair and maintaining strong roots. Rosemary is loaded with sulfur, silica and antioxidant properties which will prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth. It is also known for darkening hair, so if you want a natural solution as opposed to hair dye, you can repeat the following process as often as you can. Take 2 drops of rosemary oil and 2 tablespoons of almond, olive or jojoba oil. Mix them up and rub it thoroughly on your scalp. Wait for at least thirty minutes and wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat a few times a week for exceptional results.10. Fish Oil
You should really consider fish oil as an option if you’re facing a lack in hair growth. It contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and will help you obtain lush, smooth hair. It has actually proven that if you don’t consume enough of these fatty acids, your hair will be likely to grow slowly. Specialists recommend that fish oil supplements are consumed every single day for one month, at least. If you have a problem with the odor, you can replace fish oil with flaxseed oil or add flax seeds to various dishes.11. Eggs
Eggs are an awesome source of keratin protein for your hair. You can prepare an egg-based treatment for hair growth at home in two main ways:- Olive Oil – Mix 2 tbsps. of olive oil with 2 egg yolks, afterwards applying the result to where you want on your scalp. Leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes, rinse it off and then wash your hair normally with shampoo.
- Yogurt & Mayo – You can also take 1 egg, ¼ cup of plain yogurt and ¼ cup of mayonnaise and mix them all in a blender. You will obtain a mask that you should apply on your hair and cover with a shower cap for around 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat often.
12. Beetroot Juice
Get your beetroot on! Beetroots are super rich in vitamins, carotenoids, iron and protein and promote healthy hair growth. You can prepare beetroot juice by yourself at home by using blender and a strainer, or a juicer if you own one. It is recommended that you drink beetroot juice often in order to obtain super long hair. You can also mix beetroot juice with carrot, cucumber or lettuce juice for a super veggie-packed juice.13. Onion Juice
Our 13th and final recommendation for homemade hair growth treatments is certainly a lucky one. Particularly onion juice made from red onions is exceptional for your hair, as it contains high levels of Sulphur. All you have to do is chop some red onions into little pieces and squeeze the juice out of them. Apply to your scalp and let it sit for around fifteen minutes. Finish the process by washing off the onion juice with a mild shampoo. If you don’t want to walk out of the house smelling like onions, it’s best to apply this treatment at night, before you go to bed. If it still doesn’t work for you, you can try home African Henna for pleasant results.So next time you’re tempted to use topical medication, Monistat 7, Ayurvedic medicine or Profectiv Mega Growth Oil, think again and try out these super DIY homemade hair growth treatments!