Homemade Mosquito Trap

Image Source : http://wonderfulengineering.com/get-rid-of-mosquitos-at-your-home-with-this-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap/

DIY: Homemade Mosquito Trap

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying and irritating flying pests that can certainly drive you indoors when you want to enjoy a walk in your yard during the warmer months. These critters actually put a damper on the summer fun. Every year, these mosquitoes infect millions of people, as they are the main cause of spreading various diseases. It is really a difficult task to get rid of these pesky creatures yet there are certain measures which can help. You can buy a mosquito zapper from your nearby market, but making a trap at home sounds interesting.  So, here is the way to prepare your mosquito trap at home.

Items Needed

Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
  1. 1 Soda bottle
  2. 1 measuring cup
  3. 1 knife
  4. 1 bag of brown sugar
  5. 1 jar of yeast

How to prepare?

Step 1- Cut the plastic bottle in half.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
The bottle should look like this.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
Step 2- After cutting a bottle, put it aside. Then take the measuring cup and combine one-fourth cup of brown sugar with hot water.
Step 3- Now transfer the mixture of sugar into the bottom half of the plastic bottle.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
Step 4- Afterwards, boil 3/4 cup (around 400 ml) of water and pour it into the bottle. Allow it to cool.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
Step 5- Then add a pinch of yeast to the solution without mixing it. This will create carbon dioxide that attracts the mosquitoes.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
Step 6- Don’t stir the solution. Just wait for a while.
Image Source : http://diyready.com/make-simple-homemade-mosquito-trap-cut-bottles/
Step 7- Now place the funnel part of the bottle upside down into its other half, as if it faces the mixture.
Image Source : http://www.ehow.com/how_5495211_make-homemade-mosquito-killer.html
Wrap a tape around the bottle to fix the joint permanently. Put it somewhere away from your normal gathering area. The mosquitoes will get attracted to the liquid. Once they are inside the bottle, there will not be any possibility of escape.
Your mosquito trap will look somewhat like this:
Image Source : http://pinvestigated.com/?p=443
Change the solution after two weeks, in order to control mosquitoes completely.

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