Summer is just around the corner! This is great news if you
can’t wait to take up your favorite outdoors sport again, but it might
be bad news if you have put on a little extra weight in the meantime.
Weight loss can be a true struggle, especially if you aren’t used to
regular exercise or maintaining a healthy diet. In most cases, you’re
going to need a lot of patience, determination and discipline in order
to shed pounds and regain self-confidence. Why not make the entire
process fun, memorable and worthwhile? Besides being diet-conscious, one
of the most fantastic ways to lose weight in an enjoyable way is to
start an active sport. Not only will you be getting rid of kilos without
stress, you will also have the chance to develop your social skills and
enjoy the presence of fellow team members and friends who join you.
Without further ado, here 15 fun and awesome sports for weight loss that
you could try out and enjoy!
1. Swimming
Our first fun and awesome sport is basically a no-brainer. Almost everybody knows the fact that swimming is super healthy
super enjoyable. This type of sport puts all of your muscles to work at
the same time and burns calories like there’s no tomorrow. In fact, a
half hour of swimming can help you burn a whopping 360 calories, just
like that! Grab your swimsuit, goggles and towel and hit your local
swimming pool!
2. Bicycling
Bicycling is another exceptional way to lose weight. If you’re
looking for a wonderful cardio workout, get your bicycle and ride out
into nature or in a park in your city. Half an hour of bicycling can aid
you in burning 300 to 400 calories, which depends on the speed.
Bicycling also helps you achieve great legs and allows you to breathe in
the fresh air that your body needs. Many health enthusiasts actually
state that cycling is one of the best ways possible to burn calories.
What are you waiting for? Pedal your way to your perfect summer body!
3. Baseball / Softball
Hit a home run in your weight loss plan! Baseball is a super fun way
to stay in shape and engage in teamwork. Almost every aspect of baseball
involves movement, from pitching and catching to backing up infield or
outfield. It is an amazing alternative for weight loss, whether you’re
an adult or a child. Try engaging in America’s pastime and smack away
those extra pounds! Alternatively, you can choose softball and pitch
4. Football
Ten hut! Get your adrenaline on and try out football for a super
energizing way to lose weight. American football is a great alternative
for men to blow off some steam and get into excellent shape in a
fantastic way. This sport offers you the determination necessary in
order to lose pounds and engage in contact. You might end up loving this
sport so much that you will want to continue it competitively, so give
it a shot!
5. Tennis
Grab your racquet and hit the tennis court with your best friend or
friends? If you want to have the body of Maria Sharapova this summer,
you’re going to need to put in some effort, but we guarantee that you
will enjoy it. A half-hour session of tennis can help you get moving and
getting rid of 250 to 300 calories. This is due to the fact that tennis
involves using both your upper and lower strength in order to play
well. Moreover, tennis players report that the average length ran during
a tennis match can reach two miles! If that’s not amazing, we don’t
know what is.
6. Dancing
Step up and express yourself through dance! Dancing is incredible for
combining art and sport and offering an all-around memorable
experience. There are countless types of dancing available, from street
dance, ballet, jazz, contemporary modern or swing, to challenging styles
like b-boying (commonly known as breakdancing). You can discover all
sorts of dance classes by visiting your local gym, or you can dance at
home with tutorials that will get your feet moving and calories burning.
7. Volleyball
Picture this: a gorgeous summer day on the beach; the sun is shining,
the waves are crashing in the background, and you and your closest
friends are enjoying a game of volleyball on the warm sand. Sounds
outstanding, doesn’t it? You can try out volleyball even before summer
to get in shape. You will also be sharpening your skills for the summer,
so you can get competitive while getting a great tan. Try it out for
8. Soccer
Soccer is yet another delightful sport you can play in order to lose
weight. And when we say weight, we mean a lot of weight. Specialists
state that 30 minutes of playing soccer can help you burn around 450
calories! This is due to the fact that soccer acts as a continuous
cardio workout by constant running across the field. Have you ever
noticed how soccer players are super fit and lean all the time? Mystery
solved. Get on the field and play!
9. Rock Climbing
Although it is generally not a sport that involves direct teamwork,
what can be more fun than rock climbing for shedding pounds? Rock
climbing is an awesome cardio alternative that will help you get the
upper body of a super hero. This type of sport involves putting in your
upper body strength and can get you burning up to 380 calories in just
one half hour! Be sure to be properly equipped when rock climbing
though, and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. Have fun
and conquer those mountains!
10. Basketball
Nothing but net! Basketball helps you burn so much calories that it’s
almost hard to believe. It is reported that one hour of playing
basketball can help you burn around 700 calories! This is because
basketball pushes you to reverse, jump and run really fast so you can
block, shoot points and win the game in the end. It really is a fun
activity and you might create some unforgettable friendships with your
team members, as you all need to work closely to achieve success. If
it’s sunny outside, grab your friends and play some street ball.
11. Hockey
Both field and ice hockey are absolutely amazing for losing weight
and having fun. As in the case of basketball, hockey requires speed and
concentration and will definitely get you moving fast. A hockey player
needs to use both his lower and upper body, in order to propel and,
respectively, pass and shoot. If you play one hour of hockey, you will
be enjoying 710 less pounds at the end. It is also a wonderful way to
develop team spirit, as you need to constantly communicate with your
team members. Get your gear on and hit the field or grab your skates and
hit the ice!
12. Boxing
There really is no better way to relieve stress than boxing or
kickboxing. It helps you get rid of all tension and builds up your
self-confidence at the same time. According to ESPN, boxing is the best
sport to lose belly fat, as it involves heavy training that ranges from
sparring to jumping rope before each and every match. Hitting the sack
for thirty minutes will burn 400 calories and leave you with a super
flat stomach if you practice regularly. Just be careful to have all the
right equipment so you won’t get hurt.
13. Rollerblading
This is honestly my favorite childhood sport and I love it even to
this day. Rollerblading gives you an irreplaceable feeling of freedom
and lets you enjoy high speed and an adrenaline rush. Like in the
situation of jogging, rollerblading requires using your own weight as
resistance, so you will be building up super strong bones at the same
time. You will develop balance, precision and speed, while getting rid
of calories and pounds like it’s nothing. If you don’t like blading
alone, you can get your friends together and race each other in the
park. I guarantee that you’ll be having loads of fun while doing it.
14. Running
Running is one of the most obvious ways to lose weight. You are
pushing your body to its limits and you can literally feel your muscles
working, fat burning and sweat pouring. If you’re running to lose
weight, try starting off by jogging and gradually building up speed. If
you run at about 6 ½ miles per hour for thirty minutes, you end up
burning 370 calories.
15. Skiing
If you’re lucky enough to be close to mountainous regions, you can
ski your way to your dream body. You can prevent gaining pounds in the
winter, as well, by regularly going on a skiing trip with your family or
friends. You can try out downhill skiing for weight loss, where you’ll
get rid of around 314 calories in one hour. If you have the possibility
and knowledge, go cross-country skiing: it will help you burn
approximately 500 calories every hour. What do you say? Let’s hit the