Best Tips & Tricks for Diet and Weight Loss


18 Best Tips & Tricks for Diet and Weight Loss

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping… just by looking out the window you can see that we’re getting one step further away from winter and one step closer to summer each and every day. This is great news as we will be leaving behind our jackets and sweaters and getting out our tanks and shorts. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeded in taking care of their body during the cold season, thinking that we can cover up our extra pounds with thick clothes. Now that we can’t trick ourselves anymore, we have to start planning out diet and taking immediate action if we want to rock a beach bod this summer. The internet is packed with diet ideas, some that work, some that don’t. Instead of piling up diet plans, we have decided to present the ultimate guide to helping you lose weight in a healthy way. This way, you can try out various types of diets while taking into consideration these pieces of advice. You should note that our suggestions are in no particular order, so you can easily carry out all of them or the ones of your choice. So here are the 18 best tips & tricks for diet and weight loss; we hope you try them out and enjoy fantastic results!

1. Breakfast is Mandatory!

While seeking to shed off some pounds, never underestimate the power of a healthy breakfast. Although our continuous lack off time pushes us to skip breakfast in order to arrive on time at work or school, this meal is literally the most important one of the day. A well-thought out breakfast will provide the necessary energy for you to carry out your day successfully and stay on track with your diet.

2. Add Fiber

Fibers are a must if you want to have the right mindset for losing weight. Foods which are rich in fiber give you the impression that you’re full, so you will easily avoid overeating. You can find fiber in quite a few types of food, ranging from oats, pasta and brown rice, to peas or beans. Of course, fruits and veggies are also loaded with fiber as they come from plants, so you can enjoy them for your dose of fiber as well.

3. Snack on Fruits

Speaking of fruits, you should really consider replacing your bags of potato chips or bar of chocolate with them. Snacking on a fruit of your choice between meals will not only help you overcome the feeling of hunger, but will also serve the tasty treat you have been craving.  Just grab an apple, banana or an orange when you leave the house so you won’t be tempted to hit the corner shop and buy something probably unhealthy during your break at work.

4. The Secret

Remember the book that practically exploded world-wide a few years back, “The Secret”? Well it’s no secret any longer that the golden rule thoroughly described in the book serves as an excellent tip & trick for respecting your diet and achieving the weight of your dreams. Yep, we’re talking about positivity. That means that you cut out any negative words from your vocabulary (such as “overweight”, “fat”, “chubby” or “can’t”), and replace them with positive words that will keep you going (like “fit”, “healthy”, “slim”, “can”). The psychological effects of this method are astonishing, so keep this secret in mind.

5. Less TV

Don’t become a couch potato! Shut off that TV and take a walk outdoors, can’t you see how beautiful it is outside? Studies show that the more hours you spend in front of your television, the more you are prone to snacking on junk food. In fact, the National Weight Control Registry reports that 62% off people who had lost 66 pounds had limited their TV time to less than ten hours every week. So set aside the remote and get your sneakers on!

6. Protein, Protein, Protein!

We really can’t stress enough the impact of protein on your diet. Aside from the fact that protein is awesome for burning fat, it is the number one element for feeling full. Together with fiber, protein helps you satisfy your craves and hunger in no time. In fact, nutritionists encourage dieters to consume them together. Pack your fridge with health-friendly proteins such as cheese, beans, seafood or yogurt and you’re good to go.

7. Plan Meals & Snacks

A well-planned diet is the key to successful weight loss. Many people tend to skip meals in order to lose weight, but you should know that this is certainly not a solution. Try a weekly plan for your meals, including snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is not recommended to starve yourself or keep yourself hungry, because you will be more and more tempted to steer away from your initial plan. Be organized!

8. Cut Down on Salt

One of the best pieces of advice from nutritionists for a healthy diet is to not consume salt in excess. Studies show that the modern American eats two times more salt in one day than they regularly should. Salt excess leads to bloating and gaining weight, as well as an increase in appetite. We strongly recommend that you reduce the amounts of sodium you consume daily to enjoy the results of your work.

9. Out with the Junk Food, in with the Healthy Food!

Are your fridge and pantry packed with chips, chocolate and soda? Well get them out! Specialists say that individuals attempting to lose weight are a lot more likely to snack on junk food if it is available in their home. Instead, replace all the fattening food with super healthy snacks, like veggies, fruit, natural popcorn and homemade juice.

10. Always Exercise

Planning a proper diet is mandatory for losing weight, but exercise is just as critical for visible results. Even if you don’t have the time to work out for hours a day, try to do some simple exercises daily and make sure you walk as much as you can. The little extra effort of exercising goes a long way when you want to get in shape and live out a healthy life.

11. Short Workout Breaks

Speaking of working out, you should know that taking long breaks between exercises is definitely a no-no for successful weight loss. If you’re pumped up and burning calories like there’s no tomorrow, make sure that the most you rest between exercises is 30 seconds. It will not only help keep you going and completing the workout, but it will also aid you in burning those unwanted calories.

12. Water!

Yes, “Water!” with an exclamation point. That is exactly how essential water consumption is when dieting. In order to lose weight, you need to be well-hydrated at all times. Nutritionists recommend between 6 and 8 glasses of water every day (that’s around 1.2 liters), adding a few more if you are working out or if the temperature increases in the area you live in. Even more so, water has proven to satisfy hunger, so drink a glass when your tummy asks for nutrition.

13. Smaller Portions

You would be amazed to see what effect smaller portions have on your weight. This means not only eating smaller amounts of food, but also placing them in smaller plates to trick your mind. If you’re going out to eat at a restaurant, order your meal in child-size so you won’t be tempted to eat more than you should.

14. No Alcohol

Sorry to break it to you, ladies, but wining and dining is a big no-no if you’re planning to lose weight. Studies show that one single glass of wine packs up as many calories as a piece of chocolate. Yikes! Even if you can’t avoid drinks with the girls in the weekend, at least try to drink a lot less than you did before.

15. Soup before your Meal

A hot bowl of veggie soup before your main course is a perfect tip for maintaining a healthy diet. You will not only consume more calories, but you will also be hydrating your body and losing the feeling of being hungry. Make sure that your soup is low in calories, though, because it won’t have the same effect otherwise.

16. Love your Veggies!

You can never go wrong with eating vegetables instead of other fattening foods. Try to incorporate as many veggies as you can into your diet, even using them as snacks between meals. Research conducted by the American Dietetic Association shows that up to 200 calories can be saved if you switch from pasta to vegetables in your meal. Go green, girls!

17. Don’t Eat at Night

This tip & trick is just as important as it is obvious. Even though you might come home late from work, make sure that you enjoy your meal at least three hours before you go to bed at night. This also means that you should snack on junk food while watching your before-bed movie. Sorry ladies, it’s a sacrifice that must be made if you want the body of your dreams.

18. Sleep Well

Last but not least, sleeping well is mandatory if you want to stay in shape and have a healthy lifestyle. If you sleep 6-8 hours every night, you will be well-rested and your tummy will feel satisfied. Try as much as you can to have a normal sleeping pattern, without losing nights and becoming deprived of the rest you need.

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