Oh we wish so much we could see the look on this guy’s face when he comes to, stumbles into the bathroom to drain the 38 beers he had the night before, and he glances in the mirror to find that he looks like a bridge overpass. Some pretty talented friends he has and we like that someone Sharpied his fingernails as well. Nice touch
Well, we’re certain when this guy comes to he’s going to say, “What’s that weird taste in my mouth?” Were there no toilets available to puke in? I guess toilets are really no better than urinals, after all, people’s a**es have touched toilets. We hope his Adam’s apple survived this position.
Beats a chalk outline any day. We wonder how long this guy held this position? That’s the thing about passing out cold – you don’t generally move for hours on end. We also wonder how many people consumed all of those beers? And don’t we spy some yet-to-be-opened cases?
He took Lays to a whole new level. How long was he out and was it a 24 hour store or did they have to try and wake his a** and get him to leave? That would kind of be like waking a hungry and angry bear. We wouldn’t want to have to be the unlucky one to do it. If he sleeps long enough maybe he’ll drop a few pounds.
Not sure which is worse, coming to and fining out you have been covered head to toe with Sharpie ink, or coming to and finding you have been wrapped in a tight cocoon of duct tape. Either way, getting it off of you is going to really suck. We can’t tell what this guy is holding on to, is that a tambourine? A ukulele? And how long did it take his “friends” to tape him up like this?
This photo is somewhat disturbing because this poor guy looks not unlike a burn victim. Another case of drunk friends with Sharpies in hand. We see that those are cigarettes shoved up his nose and in his mouth (nice touch there) but is that like a doll’s leg sticking out of his mouth as well? Also, nice abstract work with the chips. Too bad that drunk fat guy isn’t here, he had a hankerin’ for chips.
Another lovely piece if artwork and quite the balancing act. More cigarettes (seems to be a theme) but this time arranged delicately around the collarbone. Is that another chip in his eye or a wedge of lemon? God, we hope a chip.We can’t quite make out what is balancing on his nose, though. Any ideas?
This is the shot that makes her whole family so very, very proud. In fact, we’re pretty sure this image is going up on the fridge if it doesn’t make it into the Christmas newsletter first. Couldn’t her friend, who seems to be laughing and hiding her own embarrassment, try and close her legs for her?
Is this the Easter Bunny taking a siesta or a really drunk got who was punk’d by his friends. Major points to the creativity expressed here. I mean anyone can take a Sharpie or a magic marker and scribble all over a friend, but it takes someone special to use mustard for eyebrows.
The look on the bronze woman’s face seems to say, “Another guy who fell asleep on me back there.” Maybe he didn’t pass out he’s just remember what move comes next? And what’s with the monk, what’s he praying for? That he may be allowed to do a keg stand just once?
We’ve all been here right, when you’re really, really, really drunk and all you want to do is find a nice comfy place to lay down just for a little bit. And nothing screams cozy nap more than a payphone. Unless this image was taken in the 1990s, where did the girl even find a payphone? And is that her own cell phone on the shelf behind her feet?
Absolutely genius. Who came up with this idea? Not only is the idea to shave this guy’s head to make it look like a face brilliant, but so is the execution of said idea. A true artist’s work we are looking at here, and, there’s no mustard or marker to wash off, just wait a few months and the hair has grown back in. Voila!
This guy really decided he wanted to get comfortable before he passed out cold. Adorable that he kept just the one sock on, or maybe he blacked out before he could get it off. We wonder at what time will he awaken and how many more people will be staring at him? And will he accidentally relieve himself in the conductor’s closet?
We cannot even begin to image just how this woman fell off the toilet and landed in this particular position. Or did she never get on the thing to begin with? She may have suddenly forgotten it was a toilet and tried to mount it like a bicycle and then the 6 Sex on the Beaches kicked in.