Acupressure, the therapy of
making use of applying pressure on specific points on the body with the
aim of restoring the balance of the body is now being accepted widely as
a form of
treatment of many disorders especially chronic ones.mere
application of pressure of the points located on the body given below
Lower back pain, hip pain and sciatica pain can be effectively treated by mere application of pressure of the points located on the body given below. Applying pressure on these points clears the blockages developed in the meridians (energy flowing channels) of the body and maintains a balance, thus reducing pain and
other symptoms associated with the condition.
Celestial Gathering (Small Intestine 11)
You can locate this point easily.
It’s situated right in the middle of your shoulder blade.
You can either press the point for about 2-3 minutes or press and
release numerous times. Pressing this point relieves shoulder tension
and reduces
lower back pain.
Kidney Shu (Bladder 23)
Pressing this point has shown relief for lower back pain and is well known for reducing muscle tension. It is situated halfway between the ribcage and the hipbone,
in the middle of the waist on the back. Get someone to work with this point on you.
Life Gate (Governing Vessel 4)
At the same level
as the bladder 23 point, this point is located between the vertebrae at
the waistline. It is probably the most effective in treating lower back pain.
Kunlun Mountains (Bladder 60)
Excellent for relieving back pain and stiffness of the neck, this point can be found halfway between the
Achilles tendon and the outer anklebone.