4 Essential Vitamins For Fighting Fatigue

It is a known fact that vitamins are necessary for overall good health and well being. There are two categories of vitamins- Water soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and are washed off through excretion, urination and sweat. Fat soluble vitamins are the ones that are stored in the fat tissues of our body. 
Vitamins are also a key to absorbing other nutrition that the body takes in form of food and supplements. In this feature we will be discussing various vitamins that help in fighting the fatigue and related symptoms. In fact deficiency of most of the vitamins can cause fatigue, weakness and dizziness.

Best Vitamins For Fighting Fatigue

Vitamin A

Vitamin A For Fighting Fatigue
It is a fat soluble vitamin and is stored in our body. It is an essential vitamin in maintaining healthy vision, skin, hair and regulating the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen throughout the body. Lack or obstruction of oxygen flow leads to anemia followed by severe fatigue.
Fatigue can lead to inability in carrying out daily activities. Instead of taking supplements of vitamin A, food rich in vitamin presents a better option as there is almost no chance of it accumulating in the body through food. Carrots, dark leafy vegetable, broccoli, spinach, paprika and lettuce are rich sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B12

The category of vitamin B contains 11 vitamins in all and is called Vitamin B complex. Out of all these, Vitamin B12 has been proven to be very effective against fatigue. This vitamin is also known as Cobalamin. It is a water soluble vitamin and therefore needs to be taken regularly to maintain healthy levels in the body.
Vitamin B12 For Fighting Fatigue
To increase the level of this vitamin you can include fish, meats, poultry, eggs, dairy and fortified cereals in your diet. This vitamin when taken with Folic acid and Vitamin B6 can relieve symptoms of fatigue and general weakness. This vitamin is responsible for regulating the metabolism and absorption of food that is then converted into energy. Elevated energy levels help in keeping fatigue at bay.

Vitamin C

This vitamin regulates iron absorption and adrenal gland function. The hormones produced by adrenal gland discourage mood swings. It also optimizes the white blood cells production and antibodies. The absorption of iron encourages hemoglobin production which as mentioned earlier is necessary for transportation of iron through the blood.
Therefore, vitamin C acts in two ways in fighting the fatigue- first by supporting the adrenal glands for producing de-stressing hormones and second by maintaining oxygen levels in the body. Citrus fruits including oranges, lemons, guavas, fresh herbs, broccoli and sprouts are good source of vitamin C. This vitamin is water soluble and so the food items rich in it should be a regular and permanent part of your diet.
Vitamin C For Fighting Fatigue

Vitamin D

This vitamin is fat soluble. Studies have shown strong linkage between this vitamin and elevated mood levels. It is also being used clinically for fighting depression. In fact it has been widely observed that people residing in places that remain devoid of sunshine  during winters are prone to fatigue and weakness.
This happens because of lack of sun exposure which is responsible for producing vitamin D. Vitamin D in turn is required for absorbing calcium in the body. Apart from sunshine, you can derive vitamin D from fortified cereals, cod liver oil, dairy products and eggs.
Vitamin D For Fighting Fatigue

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