Shiny Nails

Home Remedies for Shiny Nails

13 Home Remedies for Getting Shiny Nails

No matter how wonderful dress you are wearing, if your nails are not done, then your whole appearance looks incomplete. Applying a coat of nail paint, every time you go out, of course makes your nails shiny, but in the long term, damages them. Getting shiny nails is not a tough row to hoe. The ingredients from your kitchen cabinet can work wonders for you. Let’s check some of the home remedies for clean, shiny and healthy nails.
1. Olive Oil
Olive oil is a natural and proven home remedy for providing shine to your nails. Massaging with warm olive oil on nails would do all the work.
2. Lemon
For whiter and clearer nails, lemon juice or already squeezed lemon is perfect.
3. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly also helps in gaining shiny nails. Just rub Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly on your nails after taking a bath or before going to bath, for nourishing them.
4. Butter
Butter sounds odd, but it is the best remedy. Use melted butter for getting natural shiny nails.
5. Baby Oil
Lukewarm baby oil will also work great for your nails.
6. Vitamin E
Vitamin E capsule is the only thing, which can make alive dull face, lifeless hair and brittle nails.
7. Fish Oil
Though, fish oil is good for health, but it also happens to be good for your nails. It is a wonderful way to treat nails at home, especially in winters.
8. Avocado & Rosewater
Avocado & rosewater are two great things that can be applied to get pink nails at home.
9. Warm Water
Who would have given a thought that warm water can actually work for your nails? Dab your nails in warm water, and see the wonder.
10. Cucumber
Either a thin slice of cucumber or juice of cucumber both works wonderfully for your nails.
11. Cuticle Oil
Applying cuticle oil can also help in getting shiny nails.
12. Scrub
Use scrubber on your nails, once a week, to remove dead cells.
13. Water
Drink water to get a shiny glossy look on your nails.

How to Take Proper Care of Your Nails?

  • Don’t bite your nails.
  • Don’t apply acetone based nail paints.
  • File your nails.

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