Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga is very beneficial for both the mother and the baby. It helps and prepares to-be mother’s body for labour pain. You can start prenatal yoga as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. Let’s see, what the benefits of prenatal yoga are?

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

  • Decreases the level of stress
  • Makes you & your baby healthy
  • Helps in back pain, which is natural during pregnancy
  • Helps in aching muscles
  • Makes your body stronger
  • Boosts confidence
  • Makes your body flexible
  • Helps you to sleep better
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Helps in relieving back pain
  • Helps you feel better in headaches and nausea

Prenatal Yoga Poses

1. Vakrasna (Twisted pose)
This posture will gently massage your abdominal organs along with your hands, neck, spine, and legs.
Step 1- Sit slowly and in a relaxed situation.
Step 2- Inhale and keep your legs straight.
Step 3- Slowly slide your right leg and put it beside your left leg by crossing it over.
Step 4- Raise your right knee and hold it with your left hand.
Step 5- Breathe out and slowly twist. Move your upper body and your right hand in the same direction.
Step 6- Breathe in and slowly come in the sitting and relaxing position.
Prenatal Yoga
2. Utkatasana (Chair pose)
It helps to strengthen your thigh muscles and pelvic.
Step 1- Stand erect.
Step 2-Breathe in.
Step 3- Bend your knees.
Step 4- Bend and bring your upper body forward.
Step 5- Exhale and raise your hands forming 45° angle. Elbows should be straight.
Step 6- Look straight and stay in this position for 2 to 3 minutes.
Step 7- Come in the comfortable position by standing normally.
Prenatal Yoga
3. Konasana (Angle pose)
This posture will help to burn the extra fat from the waist and provide flexibility.
Step 1- Sit in a relaxed position.
Step 2- Breathe in and slowly slide your legs.
Step 3- Exhale and try to join your feet together.
Step 4- Inhale and hold your joined feet with your palms.
Step 5- Exhale and come in a comfortable posture.
Prenatal Yoga
4. Paryankasana (Ham’s pose with one leg)
This posture helps in strengthening the thigh muscles, pelvic, and abdomen.
Step 1- Sit down comfortably while bending your knees backwards.
Step 2- Put your hands backward too.
Step 3- Keep the palms on the ground, without bending your elbows.
Step 4- Inhale and exhale normally.
Step 5- Bend your body  little backwards. Your butt and your sole shouldn’t be in contact with each other. Stay in this position for as long as you can.
Step 6- Come in a relaxed and comfortable sitting position.
Prenatal Yoga
5. Hasta Panangustasana (Extended hand to big tow pose)
This posture also helps in providing strength to your thigh muscles and pelvic.
Step 1- Lie down supine.
Step 2- Keep your body straight.
Step 3- Stretch your arms in such a way that your body forms a “T” shape.
Step 4- Stretch your right leg outwards on the right side.
Step 5- Try to hold your right toe with your right hand. Keep breathing normally.
Step 6- Stay in this position for 3-4 minutes.
Step 7- Come back in a straight position. Try this on the other leg.
Prenatal Yoga
6. Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
This pose will decrease your back pain and help to improve your body posture.
Step 1- Sit down cross-legged and breathe normally.
Step 2- Now, inhale and keep your backbone straight.
Step 3- Raise your hands upwards.
Step 4- Allow your palms to come in contact with each other. Both your elbows should be straight.
Step 5- Stay in this position for a couple of minutes.
Step 6- Come in the normal sitting position. Repeat this yoga pose thrice.
Prenatal Yoga
7. Bhadrasana (Butterfly Pose)
This yoga pose will help to provide strength to your legs.
Step 1- Sit while keeping your spinal cord straight.
Step 2- Stretch your legs as shown in the picture.
Step 3- Join your feet together.
Step 4- Put your hands on your toes. Keep in this position for 4 to 5 minutes.
Step 5- Straight your legs and sit comfortably.
Prenatal Yoga
8. Virasana (Hero Pose)
It is a very easy to do pose for reducing pain and swelling from legs.
Step 1- Kneel down. If you are unable to sit without support, then use pillows.
Step 2 Inhale and keep your back bone straight.
Step 3 Put your hands upwards.
Step 4 Join your fingers together.
Step 5- Exhale, and then, inhale. Stay in this position for 2 to 3 minutes.
Step 6- Keep your hands down gently and sit in a comfortable and relaxed position.
Prenatal Yoga
9. Pelvic Tilt or Cat-Cow Pose
This yoga pose assists in decreasing your back pain. It also helps your baby to move in a good position.
Step 1- Breathe in and kneel down.
Step 2- If you feel uncomfortable place a folded blanket or pillow for support. Keep your spinal cord straight.
Step 3- Exhale, come in a crawling position and place your palms on the floor.
Step 4- Keep your face downwards. Stay in this position for 2 to 3 minutes.
Step 5- Come in a comfortable position and relax.
Prenatal Yoga
10. Yastikasana (Stick pose)
This pose helps to relieve body tension and corrects the posture of your body.
Step 1- Inhale and lie down supine.
Step 2- Keep your legs straight.
Step 3- Exhale and keep your feet pointing upwards.
Step 4- Breathe in and slide your hands upwards. Your elbows and knuckles should touch the floor.
Step 5- Exhale and come in the normal position. Repeat this pose twice or thrice afterwards.
Prenatal Yoga
11. Balasana (Child Pose)
If your tummy is upset, then child pose is very good for you. It also relieves you from stress and gives you a relaxing sleep.
Step 1- Inhale and kneel down. Both your legs should be apart.
Step 2- Put your palms on the ground.
Step 3- Bend your body forward. Breathe normally.
Step 4- From palms to elbows, your hands should be on the ground. You can also use pillows and blankets for support.
Step 5- Come in a comfortable and relaxing position after 5 minutes. Make sure not to stretch your neck.
Prenatal Yoga

12. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)
This posture helps to strengthen the abdomen and lower back. This pose allows you to stretch your shoulders deeply. Balance yourself first by using pillows or blankets for support.
Step 1- Stand erect.
Step 2- Breathe in and slide your right leg forward. Now, bend the knee of your right leg.
Step 3- Bend your left leg backwards and sit by taking a support of your left leg’s knee. If you want, you can place a folded blanket or pillow under your left knee and between your legs.
Step 4- Exhale and raise both your hands upwards and keep your hands open. Your fingers should not touch each other.
Step 5- Stay in this position for 15 seconds.
Step 6- Come in the original posture and repeat it with the other leg.
Prenatal Yoga
13. Utkatakonasana (Goddess Pose)
This posture will provide you stamina and strength.
Step 1- Stand straight.
Step 2- Inhale and widen your legs. Both your legs should be apart but in the same line.
Step 3- Breathe out and bend your knees.
Step 4- Raise both of your hands upwards. Both your forearms should be in one line. Palms should face the sky. Form a 90° angle with the right hand, bending your elbow. Repeat this with the left hand.
Step 5- Hold this position for 2 to 3 minutes.
Step 6- Come in your original posture.
Prenatal Yoga
14. Virabhadrasana I(Warrior Pose I)
This pose helps to maintain your balance. It also helps to stretch your abdomen, back, shoulders and thighs.
Step 1- Inhale and stand, keeping your spinal cord straight.
Step 2- Exhale and slide your right leg forward.
Step 3- Inhale and slide your left leg backwards.
Step 4- Bend your right knee. Your right leg should form a perfect 90° angle.
Step 5- Inhale and put your palms on your waist or raise your hands upwards, whichever you like.
Step 6- Stay in this position for 60 seconds.
Step 7- Come to your original posture and repeat this using your other leg.
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
15. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II)
This posture helps in stretching your thighs and provides strength to your abdomen muscles. It will reduce your back pain by stretching your back and shoulders.
Step 1- Inhale and stand erect.
Step 2- Bend your right knee forward.
Step 3- Slide your left leg backwards. Your left knee shouldn’t be bent.
Step 4- Breathe normally and raise your hands upwards.
Step 5- Both your palms and shoulder should be in one line.
Step 6- Hold this pose for 15 to 20 seconds.
Step 7- Return to the original position and repeat this posture with your left leg.
Prenatal Yoga
16. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Shavasana is a very relaxing pose.
Step 1- Lie supine comfortably. Keep your breathing normal.
Step 2- Put your elbows on the floor. Allow your palms to face upwards. If you are 20 weeks pregnant then lie on the side. Use the pillow to support your body.
Step 3- Allow your body to relax.
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga

Things You Need to Know

  • Take the help of props, if you experience difficulty in doing any pose.
  • Pay special attention to your breath.
  • Don’t stay in a particular posture for so long if you feel uncomfortable.

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