Health Benefits of Watermelon


12 Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a much-loved summer fruit that belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae. The succulent red flesh of the watermelon may magnetize you towards it and can kindle your taste buds. But, do you know how helpful is this fruit for you? Well, watermelon encloses many natural nutrients, which can help in upholding the well-being of your body. Check out below.
1. Prevents Infection
The high quantity of beta-carotene in watermelon helps you to get rid of problems, like viral infections and vision defects.
2. Low Calorie Food
Being a low calorie and scrumptious fruit, watermelon is beneficial for those people, who want to lose their weight. It satisfies you and controls your hunger for a long time.
3. Helps in Maintaining the Kidney Health
By reducing the germ build-up in the bladder, watermelon assists in cleansing the bladder and kidney. Moreover, watermelon also prevents the formation of renal stones.
4. Good for Heart
Watermelon has been found effective in relaxing the blood vessels of the heart, thereby, preventing heart attacks and heart strokes. It helps in doing so with the help of arginine, an amino acid, which is profusely found in watermelon.
5. Reduces the Blood Pressure
The presence of arginine makes watermelon supportive in reducing the blood pressure. The combination of magnesium and potassium are also capable of dropping the blood pressure.
6. Avoids Dehydration
Watermelon is a rich source of water that can reduce the troubles of dehydration; therefore, it is great, especially in summers.
7. Improves Male Fertility
According to research, watermelon has been found helpful in increasing the sperm count and improving the sperm structure. It is also a natural aphrodisiac.
8. Prevents Pre-mature Ageing
Watermelon is a wealthy source of vitamin A, C, and lycopene.  All these nutrients are helpful in safeguarding the body from the attack of free radicals that are responsible for the origination of wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes on the skin. The richness of antioxidants prevents the risk of pre-mature ageing. The combination of the given compounds is uniformly cooperative in preventing all kinds of cancers, as well.
9. Improves Eye Health
Watermelon is useful in preserving the health of the eyes against many age-related ailments, like macular degeneration and cataract. The beta-carotene in the watermelon converts into vitamin A, which other than curing the above mentioned diseases also treats night blindness and prevents pigmentation in the retina.
10.  Immunity Supporter
Vitamin C contents of watermelon make this fruit more beneficial by adding to its advantages. It boosts immunity, avoids cell damage, and forms new connective tissues.
11. Cures Asthma
The antioxidant elements of watermelon also reduce the asthmatic attacks by decreasing the effect of noxious substances inside the body.
12. Decreases Bad Breath
According to several experts, watermelon can effectively decrease the problems of bad breath.