Health Benefits of Tomato

Health Benefits of Tomato

10 Health Benefits of Tomato

The tangy red tomatoes are full of several nutrients, for which, they are considered excellent for health. Whether eaten raw on sandwiches or in salads, or consumed as soup,   tomatoes are advantageous for the wellness of the body. But, do you know for what specific ailments tomatoes are good?? Read the article below to discover what health benefits tomato encloses in it.
1. Eliminates Free Radicals
Tomatoes are wealthy in antioxidants, which eradicate the free-radicals that are responsible for damaging and harming the cells of the body. These antioxidants also assist in preventing premature ageing and several chronic disorders.
2.  Keeps Heart Healthy
Being high in amounts of potassium, tomatoes perk up the health of the heart and also avert the cholesterol oxidation.
3. Helps in Digestion
Tomatoes, either raw or in juice form, aid in the proper digestion process. The organic acids in tomato stimulate gastric and salivary secretions in the body, and thus, upholding the digestion of foods.
4.  Anti-cancerous
Tomatoes have lycopene into its skin and flesh. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is believed to cure cancers, like colon, prostate, and lung. Lycopene contents of tomato make it a powerful anti-cancerous fruit.
5. Detoxifies Body
Eating tomatoes on a daily basis is helpful in flushing out the harmful toxins of the body and as a result, improves an individual’s overall physical condition and well-being.
6. Cures Anaemia
Tomatoes are rich in both iron and vitamin C that helps in the formation of new red blood cells and synthesizing haemoglobin.
7. Makes Teeth and Bones Healthy
A tomato is a nice package of calcium, vitamin C, and phosphorous, and for this reason, it is superb in making the teeth and bones strong.
8. Reduces Stress
The potassium, found in tomatoes, dispose of the symptoms of stress, anxiety and fatigue, and cures muscle spasms and weakness.
9. Increases the Sperm Count
It is recommended to all the males to consume tomato every day for enhancing the sperm count and curing impotency.
10. Manages Weight
As tomatoes are high in fibre, they are also great in managing weight by regulating the health of the digestive tract.

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