Health Benefits of Pineapple


12 Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit, which is loved by people of every age group. It is not only delectable in eating, but also rich in an assortment of nutrients, like manganese, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, phosphorus, and potassium. All these nutrients are excellent for an individual’s health. Let’s see what health benefits pineapple offers us.
1. Prevents Blood Clot
Pineapple is considered to be one of the best natural anti-coagulants. Therefore, drinking pineapple juice or consuming pineapple can prove beneficial for those, who suffer from bleeding disorders.
2. Promotes Strong Bones and Tissues
Pineapples are affluent in manganese. Manganese is extremely helpful in making the tissues and bones strong. The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple also contribute in maintaining the bone health.
3. Strengthens Immune System
This fruit is not only yummy, but also keeps at bay a number of diseases, thereby, enhancing the immune system of your body. Being well-off in vitamins, pineapple is helpful in preventing indigestion, sinusitis, arthritis, etc.
4. Reduces Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is a common problem with pregnant women. It is advisable to consume pineapple or its juice as the first thing on a daily basis to reduce the feeling of morning sickness and nausea.
5. Promotes Oral Health
Pineapple is slightly acidic in nature, which thwarts the growth of plaque and bacteria in the mouth, and maintains the health of gums and teeth.
6. Prevents Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an eye-disease. The vitamins and mineral contents of pineapple are efficient in addressing this problem.
7. Improves Digestion
This juicy fruit is a rich source of fibres. It improves digestion by regulating the bowel movements. It is equally great in making a person feel satiable.
8. Supports in Losing Weight
Are you on a weight-loss regimen? Add pineapple or pineapple juice to your diet. Being nearly negligible in sodium, fat, cholesterol and calories, it can contribute well in your struggle with weight.
9. Clears Lungs
Pineapple averts the accrual of mucus in the throat, which otherwise blocks the lungs and causes problem in breathing.
10. Fights Free Radicals
Pineapple is loaded with vitamins, like C, B1, and B6, which are helpful in fighting with the free radicals in the body. It boosts immunity and energy production in the body. It also checks the formation of cancerous cells.
11. Treats Intestinal Worms
Pineapple is full of bromelain, a digestive enzyme, which helps in clearing tapeworms and other intestinal parasites.
12. Averts Hypertension
Pineapple is the best option when it comes to maintaining a normal blood pressure level. Lower quantities of sodium and higher quantities of potassium make it a good diet for people suffering from hypertension.