Health Benefits of Herbal Tea


13 Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

Why waste away your days drinking caffeine filled coffee when you can enjoy all of the amazing health benefits that herbal tea offers? Herbal teas are obtained through the infusion of herbs and parts of the plant in hot water, as opposed to true teas, which are made from the leaf of a tea plant (green, black, yellow etc.). Inspired from Chinese culture, the art and medicine of herbal teas has become more and more popular among Americans, especially after they discovered their healing properties. Aside from water, herbal teas serve as one of the healthiest beverages to properly hydrate your body. Herbal tea can be drunk both hot and iced and will be a pleasure to enjoy during any season. In addition to being simply delicious, herbal tea has countless properties for maintaining your health, fighting off diseases and curing illnesses. Discover just a few of the many health benefits of herbal tea in the list below and consider drinking more every day.
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1. Enjoy Aromatherapy

Herbal teas are really the best (and only) beverages you can drink while enjoying aromatherapy at the same time. Thanks to their aromas, the body, mind and soul can find peace and comfort in a natural and cleansing way. Just by drinking a hot cup of herbal tea, you are literally inhaling health benefits that will calm your nerves and sooth your mood.

2. Lower Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

If you are fighting alarming levels of cholesterol or blood pressure, you should know that herbal tea can aid you in lowering both. Hibiscus flower tea, hawthorn tea and nettle tea are just a few of the herbal teas that allow normal blood pressure levels and healthy cholesterol. Moreover, even though it is not an herbal tea, green tea also helps individuals fighting high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. If you are at risk of developing a heart condition or you want to maintain a cardiovascular disease under control, you should incorporate more herbal teas in your daily schedule.

3. Cure Colds

Another one of the delightful health benefits of herbal tea is the power to cure colds, soothe sore throats, relieve coughs, combat bronchitis and reduce fevers. One of the best herbal teas for preventing these kinds of problems from happening in the first place is Echinacea. It is known as an excellent natural agent for boosting your immune system and staying away from colds. If you already have a cold and you want to get rid of it, consider drinking nettle tea, ginger tea, chamomile tea, thyme tea, elderflower tea or lemon balm tea for calming effects.

4. Sooth the Nerves

Speaking of lemon balm tea, you should know that this variety is great for soothing the nerves and overcoming anxiety. Also, chamomile tea is a great alternative if you want to calm down in a chemical-free and natural way. If lemon balm tea or chamomile tea are not your thing, you can consider chai tea as another natural alternative. If you are feeling very stressed out and you can’t seem to find inner peace, consider this healthy solution. One or two cups of hot herbal tea should do the trick if you find yourself in a hectic situation and you want to unwind.

5. Get Your Intake of Vitamin C

In an article for Best Health Magazine, herbalist Marianne Beacon states that “In a lot of ways, we might get more benefit from a good organic tea than from a vitamin pill.” This will not seem surprising to you after you find out that many types of herbal tea are packed with Vitamin C and are perfect for getting your vitamin intake of the day. Yellow dock, rose hip, nettle and hibiscus flower are just a few of the herbal teas that are rich in Vitamin C and that will aid your immune system in fighting disease. Without the necessary intake of Vitamin C, your body will not possess the nutrients it needs for battling diseases and protecting you from infections.

6. Overcome Insomnia

We all know how unnerving it can be to undergo insomnia. Not being able to sleep can greatly affect your health and cause excruciating headaches throughout the day.  Instead of packing up on sleeping pills, learn that one of the health benefits of herbal tea is overcoming insomnia. Chamomile tea is one of the most recommended varieties for a good night’s sleep, as well as lemon balm tea. Some of the best brands for treating insomnia naturally through herbal tea are Celestial Seasonings (Sleepytime & K Cup), Herbalife (Herbal Tea Concentrate), Triple Leaf Tea and Lipton (Bedtime Story Herbal Tea). We recommend that you search for organic herbal tea and prepare a homemade infusion in order to enjoy all of its health properties.

7. Detox

Every now and then, we all need a natural cleanse to detoxify our bodies. Before hitting any expensive clinic, consider an herbal tea detox that you can undergo free of any other charges that such a place would impose. Fennel tea acts as a fantastic diuretic and can help detox the body. What does a diuretic do to your body? It promotes the production of urine and the elimination of toxins through this path. Make a batch of herbal tea if you want a sensational detox treatment and consume frequently. For some extra TLC, you can treat yourself to a detox bath with essential oils and Epsom salts while sipping on your favorite detox tea.

8. Boost Energy

At one point during the day, you feel lifeless and at a true lack of energy. Instead of drinking a cup of coffee or an energizer, consider a delicious cup of tea with energy boosting properties. Nettle tea and ginger tea ae some of the best herbal teas for pumping up those energy levels, while green tea remains the number one true tea to fix this problem. Not only will several types of tea help give you that energy boost you need to continue your day, but they will also be impressive brain boosters to keep your memory up to date.

9. Relieve Bloating

Bloating can become a nightmare come true, especially for a lady who is going through “that time of the month”. Nevertheless, you don’t have to be on your period to experience bloating, constipation and terrible tummy aches. You do not need to go to the pharmacy and purchase pills; you can fix up your own natural laxative at home. Peppermint is an exceptional herbal tea that will aid digestion, help you relieve bloating and have your stomach feeling normal again. In addition to this, individuals experiencing nausea, vomiting or abdominal gas should consider taking peppermint tea for a soothing effect.

10. Battle Depression

By far, depression is one of the most common and dangerous mental conditions in the 21st century. Financial problems, working overtime and family feuds are just a few of the reasons while millions of American fall prey to depression each and every year. Thousands of dollars are spent on depression pills, most of which contain potentially dangerous chemicals. While it is not recommended that you completely get off medication and switch to tea treatment without consulting your doctor, you should consider getting a greater intake of St John’s Wort or Lavender tea.

11. Support Your Liver

Like many other physical health problems, liver malfunctions can become a very stressful condition to treat and live with. Luckily enough for us, there are a few types of tea out there that can be prepared with a simple recipe and enjoyed for supporting your liver. Thanks to the high levels of iron, vitamin A and calcium, dandelion tea can calm down your live. Likewise, milk thistle and rosemary tea are excellent alternatives. Naturopath Colin Huska explains that “they help the liver to regenerate and function at a higher capacity.

12. Maintain Pregnancy Health

When you are pregnant, you do everything in your power to stay safe and stay healthy throughout the entire pregnancy period. Pregnant women spend days and days online searching through each review for all herbal tea recipes to see if they are alright for them and so they can master the art. American Pregnancy explains that “Many alternative medicine health care providers feel that consuming certain herbal teas during pregnancy is a great way to support optimal pregnancy health.” Raspberry is a lovely herbal tea that is exceptional for pregnant women, as well as lemon balm, peppermint and nettle teas.

13. Slimming Down

If weight loss is your goal, then choose to slim down with the help of herbal teas. There are countless natural teas for losing weight that greatly assist you in the process. A few excellent teas for losing weight are green tea, mint tea or white tea, just to mention a few. While planning to lose weight, do not forget to always stay well hydrated and make sure to get exercise as often as you can. Just drinking weight loss teas alone will not help you lose pounds and keep them off for good.

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