Health Benefits of Eggs

Health Benefits of Eggs

7 Health Benefits of Eggs

The popular morning snacks, eggs, are loaded with an array of nutritional benefits that makes it a first choice of everybody to have in breakfast. From scrambled to poached to boiled or simply to an omelette, eggs are consumed and found irresistible all over the globe. The article below explains about some of the amazing health benefits that we can enjoy by consuming eggs.
1. Essential for Brain Health
Eggs are a rich source of choline, which acts as neurotransmitters to improve the cognitive health and this way, eggs are helpful in maintaining the brain health. Moreover, even the egg yolk is rich in folate, which maintains the nerve cells, thereby inducing brain to function properly. The vitamin B12, found in eggs, shields the brain by producing myelin sheath, which protect it from neural tube defects.
2. Makes the Bones Strong
Eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D, which is essential for the assimilation of calcium in the body. Furthermore, the presence of calcium and phosphorous put off osteoporosis and are beneficial in augmenting the bone solidity.
3. Maintains Body Weight
Protein-rich eggs must be taken by those, who want to gain muscle weight. It has been found that consumption of eggs helps in avoiding overeating, thus maintaining a healthy body weight.
4. Improves Nails and Hair Health
Eggs have been found to include sulphur-rich amino acids, which not only improve the quality of nails, but also make your hair beautiful and strong. Other minerals, like selenium, iron, and zinc are equal contributors in maintaining hair and nail health.
5. Good for Eyesight
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids, which essentially works towards keeping the eye vision healthy. These compounds safeguards eyes from cataract, macular degeneration, and ultra violet rays.
6. Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer
According to several studies, consumption of six eggs a week reduces the danger of breast cancer to a great extent. Almost by 44%!!!
7. Easy to Digest
Eggs are easy to digest, when eaten poached and boiled, and hence, improve the immunity of the body.

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