Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

12 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Scientifically known as Salvia hispanica, chia is the specie of the mint plant. It is widely used in nutritious drinks and can be added virtually to any cuisine. Chia seeds are laden with protein, omega-3 fats, antioxidants and dietary fibres. They taste nutty and are great for feeling full and hydration. Below are a few amazing health benefits of chia seeds, which you probably didn’t know.
1. Combat Diabetes
Chia seeds are marvellous natural treatment for type-2 diabetes as it develops a gel-like coating when exposed with liquid. This gel-like component prevents blood sugar spikes.
2. Makes Teeth and Bones Stronger
One serving of chia seeds has about 18% of the suggested daily intake for calcium, which maintains bone and oral health. It prevents tooth loss and osteoporosis.
3. Highly Fibrous
Adding a spoon full of chia seeds in your regular diet will help you get the daily recommended fibrous contents. It maintains the digestive health of a person.
4. Full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Chia seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain health, lowering of cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and bipolar disorder.
5. Rich in Manganese 
Chia seeds are also naturally packed with manganese, which makes the bones strong and helps the body in absorbing essential nutrients, like biotin and thiamine, as well.
6. Loads of Phosphorus
Phosphorus repairs the damaged tissues and maintains their growth. It is also useful in synthesising protein for the cell. Chia seeds are full of phosphorus.
7. Fights Belly Fat
The fibrous content and Omega-3 fatty acids present in chia seeds also reduce belly fat. It has stabilizing effects on blood sugar, which is also helpful in fighting belly fat.
8. Makes You Feel Full Faster
Chia seeds contain Tryptophan, an amino acid, which is helpful in regulating appetite. It also improves mood and combat the problem of sleeplessness.
9. Improves Heart Health
Chia seeds make the heart healthy by lowering LDL and triglyceride cholesterol. It also improves blood pressure.
10. Contains Protein
Chia seeds are a great source of protein, and therefore, are good for eyes, hair, skin and nails.
11. Antioxidant
Chia seeds are prosperous in antioxidants that facilitate in protecting the body from aging, cancer, and free radicals.
12. Energy Booster
Chia seeds are great energy boosters, which makes you free from the tiring feeling all day long. The amalgamation of vitamins, protein, and minerals helps in increasing the level of energy in a person all day long. It also balances the blood sugar level.

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