Hatha Yoga
Benefits of Hatha Yoga
- Eliminates toxins
- Purifies the body
- Helps to get rid of undesirable cravings, like smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.
- Gives healthy body
- Relieves stress
- Better sleep
- Enhances muscle tone
- Increases and improves energy levels
- Removes muscle pain/stiffness
- Improves blood circulation
- Decreases high blood pressure
- Improves heart rate
Step 1- Sit, keeping your back straight.
Step 2- Slide your left leg and put it over your right thigh.
Step 3- In the same manner, slide your right leg and put it over your left thigh.
Step 4- Join your hands like you are doing a prayer.
Step 5- Calm down your mind.
Step 6- Stay in this posture for as long as you can.
Step 1- Stand straight and breathe in.
Step 2- Put your hands upwards and exhale.
Step 3- Put your right leg back, and your knee shouldn’t be bent. Keep your breathing normal.
Step 4- Put your left leg forward and bend your knee.
Step 5- Bend your body little backwards.
Step 6- Keep your hands straight and upwards.
Step 7- Stay in this posture for 30 seconds or so.
Step 8- Put your hands down slowly and make your body posture straight. Repeat it by putting left leg backwards.
Step 1- Keep your body posture straight.
Step 2- Slowly lift your right leg upwards.
Step 3- Do not bend your right knee.
Step 4- With the help of your right hand; try to hold your right toe.
Step 5- Keep your left palm on your waist.
Step 6- Stay in this posture for a few minutes. Then, return to your original posture.
Step 7- Repeat the same on the other side.
Step 1- Lie down supine on the ground.
Step 2- Bend the knees of both legs.
Step 3- Raise the sole of your legs towards the ceiling.
Step 4- Put your palms on the ground, and your hands should be straight. Your elbows should be locked.
Step 5- Slowly lift your butt upwards.
Step 6- Gently bend your legs backward, above your head. Remember, your toes should touch the ground.
Step 7- Stay in this position for 3-5 minutes. After that, return to your original posture.