
Baldness Home Remedies

50 Home Remedies for Baldness

Baldness is one of the most common hair problems faced by men. It is actually a condition, in which a person has no or very less hair on the head. Its technical name is alopecia. The extreme form of alopecia or baldness is alopecia totalis, in which, man tends to lose overall head hair. In general terms, it is referred as hair loss. It is believed that human loses almost 250 strands while washing them.

Causes of Baldness

Baldness is mainly caused due to clogging of hair follicles. It is the most noticeable problem in men, which can be caused by several reasons or a combination of various factors mentioned below:
  • Hormonal changes
  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Lack of iron and proteins
  • Quick weight loss
  • Excessive consumption of vitamin A
  • Scalp infection
  • Trauma
  • Birth control oral contraceptives
  • Drugs intake
  • Stress and tension
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Deadly disease, like cancer
  • Tight hair styles
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Excessive use of drying and straightening machines on hair
  • Changes in diet
  • Short or long-term illness
  • Medical conditions, like anaemia
  • Anabolic steroids

Signs and Symptoms

Baldness is a condition in which, a person faces excessive hair loss. The hair loss is so much that several bald patches start emerging on head. The other symptoms of baldness are as follows:
  • Receding hairline
  • Hair thinning
  • Hair fall on the pillow or while shampooing or while combing
  • Circular bald patch on top of the head
  • Full body hair-loss
  • Rapid loosening of hair
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Stress
  • Incomplete hair loss on scalp
  • Nail problems, like white spots, dents, and roughness

Home Remedies for Baldness

How to stop hair loss or baldness? To reduce baldness, many people usually visit a doctor or try some surgeries. But, these surgeries and hair treatments are very expensive. Instead of investing a large amount of money in surgeries, try some simple home remedies, which are easy to apply. Just go through the following natural remedies to prevent baldness.
1. Castor Oil
Castor oil is one of the natural cures for baldness and works as a humectant. It has been used for several hair as well as skin problems. All you are required to do is to pour some castor oil in your palm and gently massage on your head. This will help in nourishing your hair and boost hair growth.
2. Red Gram and Pigeon Pea
Red gram becomes more effective when added with pigeon pea. For the treatment of baldness, you need to make a thin paste by grinding red gram and pigeon pea. Apply this paste on the affected area to see the after effects.
3. Aloe Vera Gel
Being an herbal plant, aloe vera is the most effective home remedy. It is used to treat several health problems. Aloe vera gel helps in the growth of hair, naturally. To cure baldness, place some aloe vera gel on the head and massage it gently. The enzymes present in aloe vera will open up the clogged hair follicles. It will also put a stop to hair loss.
4. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the natural remedies for treating baldness. Simply dab some coconut oil on your head and massage it gently. Coconut oil stimulates hair follicles. Leave coconut oil overnight on the head and wash it off in the morning.
You can also add a few drops of lemon juice in coconut oil. To prevent hair loss, massage with the mixed oil.
5. Black Pepper
Another remedy for the treatment of baldness is black pepper. This essential ingredient provides magical benefits. You need to prepare a fine smooth paste by crushing some black pepper and lime seeds. Apply this paste directly on your scalp spreading it evenly.
6. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are very effective in treating baldness. All you need to do is to grind some fenugreek seeds to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your scalp, especially bald patches. Leave it for one hour. During this one hour, scalp will absorb the paste of fenugreek seeds. Rinse it with water.
7. Lemon
Lemon is the most common remedy used for hair problems, like hair fall, dandruff, cradle cap, dry hair, etc. To fight against baldness, lemon juice can be used with various oils. You can add one teaspoon of lemon juice in two tablespoons of olive oil. Applying this oil on the head promotes growth of healthy hair.
Lemon juice can also be used with aloe vera gel. Just add lemon juice and aloe vera gel in a proportion of 1:3. Stir it well and apply it on your head. Let it rest for 15 minutes. After a stipulated time, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. For best results, try this method thrice a week.
8. Beetroot Leaves
Beetroot leaves are the wonderful remedy against baldness. Boil some beetroot leaves in water. When they become softer, grind them. Add henna during grinding procedure. Apply this paste on the head and leave it for some time. Wash it with lukewarm water.
You can also prepare a paste by crushing beetroot leaves and raw turmeric. Add some water to make a smooth paste. Apply it on the scalp.
9. Onion
The sulphur present in onion helps in stimulating the blood circulation. It helps in treating baldness. Simply extract juice from some onions by blending or grating them. Mix a little quantity of honey in it and apply it on the scalp. Onion juice helps in killing harmful bacteria and fungus from the scalp.
You can also rub raw onion on the affected areas, two times a day, for 12-15 minutes.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is a natural conditioner for hair. It is beneficial for curing baldness or hair fall. Being a protein-rich food, yogurt prevents hair fall. Simply apply yogurt on the head as a mask. You can also massage your scalp with yogurt for 15 minutes.
Simply consume a cup of yogurt regularly to promote hair growth.
11. Honey
Honey is a natural remedy for hair problems, like hair fall, dry hair, baldness, etc. You just have to mix one tablespoon of cinnamon powder, two tablespoons of honey, and two tablespoons of warm olive oil. Apply this mix on the affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with clean water.
You can also add a tablespoon of honey in a glass of brandy. Put a few drops of onion juice in it. Rub this mixture gently on the head. Cover your head with a shower cap. Leave it overnight. Next morning, rinse it with water.
Other than this, you can also add one tablespoon honey in ¼ cup of onion juice. Massage your scalp gently with this mixture.
Honey can also be used with egg yolk for stimulating hair growth. Mix some honey in egg yolk and rub it on your scalp. After 30 minutes, rinse with water.
To prevent hair loss, you can add a few drops of lemon juice in honey and apply it on the head. Honey can also be used with garlic for curing baldness. Make a paste by crushing garlic and adding it in honey.
12. Camphor
This aromatic herb is the best natural treatment for baldness. Add four tablespoons of curd in a bowl. Add four tablespoons of camphor in it. Mix it well and apply the mixture on the head.
You can also add one teaspoon of camphor in ½ litre coconut oil. Massage your scalp with this oil before going to sleep. It will help in preventing hair loss and dandruff.
13. Coriander Leaves
Coriander leaves are a natural remedy for curing baldness. You need to take some fresh coriander leaves. Crush them to form a fine paste. Now, apply this paste on head.
You can also apply the juice of coriander leaves on the scalp to prevent hair fall.
14. Liquorice and Milk
Liquorice and milk together become a natural remedy for treating baldness. All you have to do is to pour four tablespoons of milk in a bowl. Add two tablespoons of liquorice powder in it. Stir it well adding a pinch of saffron in it. Apply this natural blend on the affected area covering bald patches. Leave it overnight and see the results.
You can also use liquorice roots in place of liquorice powder.
15. Spinach Juice
Spinach is one of the best green leafy vegetables used for treating several health problems, including cancer. For the treatment of baldness, you need to extract fresh juice from spinach and drink it. Spinach is rich in vitamins, calcium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
16. Lettuce Juice
This remedy suggests drinking lettuce juice regularly to promote hair growth. It is also known for maintaining a healthy texture of hair.
A blend of lettuce and spinach juice is very effective for treating the problem of hair loss.
17. Gooseberry Juice
Gooseberry or amla is one of the most commonly used remedies for hair loss. Most of the people recommend amla to cure various hair problems. Mix lemon juice and gooseberry juice in equal proportion. Apply it on the scalp covering bald patches.
Cut a few gooseberries into pieces and dry them in the shade. Boil some coconut oil and put those pieces in it. Boil it until the hard part gets cooked well and turns dark. Gently massage your scalp with this oil.
Soak dried gooseberries in water for the whole night. Rinse off your strands with this water.
You can also use gooseberry powder to make a hair-strengthening pack. Boil a cup of water and add two teaspoons of gooseberry powder in it. Stir it well to make a smooth paste. Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of yogurt in this paste. Stir it well and apply it on hair roots and strands. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it off.
18. Mustard Oil
For treating the problem of baldness, you need to boil a cup of mustard oil. Add four tablespoons of henna leaves in it. Strain the oil and massage it on your scalp, especially on the bald patches.
You can also use mustard oil with remains of tobacco. Just crush leftovers of tobacco, which is smoked in a hookah. Add this crushed powder in boiling mustard oil. Let it cool down naturally. Gently massage it on the affected areas.
19. Red Henna
To treat hair loss, red henna is a very effective remedy. Spread some henna on scalp evenly covering bald patches. Let it rest for one hour. Rinse your hair with water. For best results, repeat this method after every 15 days.
20. Almond Oil
To prevent hair loss, almond oil is the best solution. Mix some almond oil with castor oil. Massage this mixed oil on your scalp.
Almond oil can be applied directly on the scalp. It is very light and helps in strengthening hair. It promotes hair growth.
21. Kanta Karika Juice
This remedy suggests adding a few drops of kanta karika juice in honey. Use the mixture for treating hair loss. For effective results, apply this mixture on the head on a regular basis.
22. Natural Concoction
To prepare a natural concoction, you need to add two teaspoons of amla in 2 eggs. Add shikakai and soap nut in it. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the scalp. After leaving for 30 minutes, rinse hair with a mild shampoo. To experience effective results, use this remedy thrice a week.
23. Egg Yolk
Mix egg yolk with some honey and apply it on the bald patches. Let it rest for 30 minutes. Rinse it off. This will strengthen your hair.
You can also apply plain egg yolk on the scalp. Beat an egg yolk until its texture gets smooth and creamy. Apply it on your head for ½ hour. Use cool water to wash your hair.
24. Hibiscus
The rejuvenating properties of hibiscus help in nourishing hair and preventing hair loss. Put a glass of water to boil. Add some natural hibiscus flowers to it. After cooling down, strain the solution and add a few drops of lime juice. Apply it on the bald patches. Practice this remedy after shampooing your hair.
25. Geranium Leaves
Geranium leaves are also effective against baldness. You are required to boil some geranium leaves in water for ten minutes. Apply the cooled solution on the scalp and bald patches. You can also wash your hair with this solution.
26. Curry Leaves
Curry leaves are also effectual against baldness. This remedy suggests boiling curry leaves in coconut oil until the mixture turns black. Filter it to remove curry leaves. Massage gently with this oil to promote hair growth.
27. Snake Gourd
Being a natural antibiotic, snake gourd is helpful in treating baldness. All you are required to do is to extract some juice of snake gourd. Apply it on scalp, covering the bald patches.
28. Amaranth Juice
To treat baldness, extract some juice from amaranth leaves. Apply this fresh juice on hair roots, especially on bald patches. This herbal juice will surely promote hair growth.
29. Olive Oil and Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are a natural remedy for hair loss. You just need to add one teaspoon of cumin seeds in half cup of olive oil. Mix it well and rub it gently on the scalp.
30. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonder solution for baldness. You just need to rinse your hair with ACV. It works as a natural conditioner and prevents hair fall.
You can also apply apple cider vinegar on the scalp and hair for overnight. Wash it in the morning. It opens up clogged hair follicles and strengthens the hair roots.
31. Arnica Oil
To combat against hair fall, arnica oil is an effective remedy. Arnica oil is taken out from arnica leaves, which possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Just massage your hair with some arnica oil. This oil works effectively on clogged hair follicles.
32. Alfalfa Juice
For the treatment of hair fall, alfalfa juice is a powerful remedy. When it is mixed with various other vegetable juices, it becomes more effective remedy to cure baldness. You are required to add alfalfa juice with coriander or lettuce or spinach juice. Mix it well and drink it regularly.
33. Banana
Banana is not only good for skin problems, but also for treating several hair problems, like hair fall, dandruff, split ends, dry hair, etc. To treat baldness, you need to prepare a shake of banana, honey, yogurt, and skimmed milk. Drink it after stirring it well.
You can also prepare a revitalising hair mask with the help of banana and avocado. Mash two bananas and add 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of buttermilk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, and mashed avocado in it. Blend all the ingredients well. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair strands. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with warm water.
34. Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon powder is beneficial against baldness. Prepare a fine paste by adding one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, one tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Apply it gently on the scalp. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.
35. Baking Soda
For treating baldness, take 2-3 cups of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda in it. Stir it well until baking soda gets completely dissolved. Use it like a shampoo. Pour it on the head and gently massage with it.
You can also prepare a clarifying mask with the help of lemon and baking soda. You need to mix two tablespoons of baking soda with 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Put this mixture in ¼ cup of an organic shampoo. Shake it well and use it as your regular shampoo. For effective results, use this method once in 4 weeks.
36. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a fibre-rich food, which is helpful in combating baldness. To prevent hair loss, consume oatmeal on a regular basis. It is rich in vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, which fight against the hair problems, including baldness. To make it more nutritive, add pieces of pumpkin, berries, and nuts in it.
Note: If one suffers with abnormal hair fall after consuming oatmeal, consult a physician.
37. Emu Oil
Emu oil is effective against hair loss. Being effective emulsifier, emu oil is a natural treatment for hair loss. Just dilute emu oil by adding little quantity of water. Massage it gently on the scalp.
You can also apply emu oil directly on the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo.
38. Rosemary Leaves
Boil a few dried leaves of rosemary in a glass of water for some time. After boiling, strain it to remove leaves. Use this water to rinse your hair. Rosemary works effectively against hair loss and promotes proper blood circulation.
You can also add a few drops of camphor oil, lavender oil and lemon juice in rosemary water or tea. Dip a cotton ball in this solution and dab it on the affected area.
For the growth of hair, you can also use rosemary oil. Add one ounce of grapeseed oil in two tablespoons of rosemary oil. Massage it gently on the scalp and let it rest for a few minutes.
You can also add four drops of cedar wood oil and six drops of rosemary oil in 4½ teaspoons of jojoba oil. Mix it well and apply it on the scalp.
39. Herbal Mix (Bhringraj, Dashmoola, and Jatamansi)
It is a fact that washing your hair with herbal powders can maintain the health of hair. To prepare an herbal mix, you need to mix jatamansi, dashmoola, and bhringraj in a proportion of 3:5:4. After mixing herbal powders, add some goat milk in it to make a paste. Apply it on the scalp. After some time, rinse off your hair with water.
40. Triphala Powder
To prevent hair loss or baldness, prepare a paste of triphala powder and aloe vera gel. Apply it on the scalp. Rinse with water. For effective results, practice this remedy once in three weeks.
41. Sagvan Seeds Oil
To treat hair loss, sagvan seeds oil is very effective. All you need to do is to massage your scalp with some oil of sagvan seeds. It will stimulate hair growth.
42. Shana Seeds Powder
Shana seeds powder, when mixed with natural coconut oil or any other essential oil, becomes a strong blend for hair loss. Mix all the ingredients well to make a fine paste. Apply it on the scalp and let it rest for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with water.
You can also use castor oil in place of coconut oil to make a smooth paste. All you need to do is to mix shana seeds powder in lukewarm castor oil. Apply it directly on the scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo. For effective results, practice this remedy twice a week.
43. Green Tea
Green tea is a natural antioxidant with numerous health benefits. You have to prepare green tea by placing two tea bags in a cup of boiling water. When it cools down, apply this herbal tea on the scalp, covering the affected area. Leave it for an hour and then, rinse with water. The antioxidants present in tea will boost hair growth and fight against baldness.
44. Coconut Milk
Coconut oil is beneficial in nourishing hair and reducing hair loss. This remedy suggests grinding coconut scraps in grinder. Extract coconut milk by squeezing the paste formed after grinding. Gently apply this coconut milk on the scalp. Let it rest for 20 minutes. For best results, apply or massage your hair with coconut milk, once in a week.
45. Neem
One of the most curable herbal plants is neem. It is most commonly used for treating several skin problems, as well as hair problems. For curing baldness, you are required to make a paste of neem leaf powder. Mix some neem leaf powder in some fresh aloe vera juice. Add some drops of herbal amla in it and stir it well. Apply this herbal paste on hair roots, covering the affected area. After 30 minutes, wash it with water. For experiencing best results, practice this method twice a week.
You can also use neem juice for treating baldness or hair loss. All you need to do is to boil some fresh neem leaves in water. Boil it until the solution reduces to its half. When the water cools down, wash your hair with it. Follow this method two times a week.
46. Homemade Brew
To reduce or eliminate hair fall, you can prepare a natural concoction at home. For this, you need to mix a teaspoon of pepper in 30-45 ml vodka or alcohol. Stir it well and add this solution in water. Now, rinse your hair with this water.
47. Tabasco Sauce
Can tabasco sauce be effective for baldness? Yes, it provides satisfying results! Just add some drops of tabasco sauce in the regular shampoo. Mix it well and use it to wash your hair.
48. Raw Mangoes
Soak some raw mango pieces in any natural oil. Keep it soaked for at least one year. Then, massage the bald area with the help of this infused oil. For best results, use it on a regular basis.
Instead of pieces, you can also use raw mango pulp.
49. Datura
For treating baldness, datura can prove beneficial. You have to take a soft datura fruit and crush it to make a paste by adding little quantity of water. Place it on the affected area.
50. Exercise
Apart from using various natural ingredients for treating hair loss or baldness, some exercise can also help in promoting hair growth. Just rub fingernails of your left and right hand with each other. This is one of the most cost-effective remedies for baldness.
Note: Do not rub thumbnails as it promotes the growth of moustache and beard. Avoid this exercise during pregnancy.

Homeopathic Remedies for Baldness

Apart from natural home remedies, there are several homeopathic remedies for baldness. These homeopathic remedies are side-effects free. Let’s have a look on these remedies.
1. Phosphoric Acid : When hair turns gray very early along with the problem of thinning, this remedy is preferred.
2. Fluoric Acid : This remedy is used when a person suffers with problems, like brittle hair, tangled hair, and hair fall in spots. He/she becomes extremely angry or irritating.
3. Graphites : When the scalp becomes itchy, hair falls on the sides and bald patches appear on the scalp, graphites is used.
4. Phosphorous : This remedy is suggested when hair falls while combing, scalp becomes dry and itchy.
5. Sepia : It is used when baldness occurs as a result of menopause, and hair pain when touched.
6. Mezereum : This remedy is used when hair falls excessively. Scalp becomes very itchy and dandruff starts developing.
7. Silica : This remedy is mainly for young people suffering with baldness. It is the best remedy in the case when hair falls in the forehead or frontal region and hair turns gray at a very early age.

Preventive Measures

Baldness, at a very young age, is a sign of unhealthy hair. Hair loss is one of the common problems seen in today’s generation. There are several causes, like frequent hair wash, lack of nutrition, stress, etc. behind hair loss, but this problem can be prevented by adopting the following measures:
  • Avoid constant use of heating or drying machines.
  • Dye your hair after every 6-8 weeks.
  • Avoid tight hair styles. Tie your hair with soft and loose bands.
  • Do not use a comb on wet hair.
  • Use protein-rich shampoos and conditioner.
  • Avoid stress and tension.
  • Consume foods rich in proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, iron, and zinc.
  • Do not use hair-styling gels.
  • Avoid exposure to dust and sun.
  • Get your hair oiled, once in a week.
  • Massage your scalp for stimulating hair growth.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol, beverages, etc.
  • Do not use harsh shampoos.
  • Comb your hair gently.
  • Avoid using too hot water to wash your strands.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid dieting.
  • Try supplements to avoid baldness.
  • Eat after every 3-4 hours.
  • Avoid chemical treatments on hair.
  • Avoid junk foods.
  • Practice hot oil treatments. Preferably use coconut oil to massage your scalp, which increases circulation.
  • Rub your scalp with juice of garlic, onion, or ginger on a regular basis.
  • Don’t over-scrub your scalp while shampooing.
  • Avoid frequent combing.
  • Use medicated shampoo.
  • Manage your hair with proper care.
  • Consume fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables.

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