Celebrate Valentine’s Day With These 2-Minute Snack Tricks

2-Minute Snack Tricks

Want to make your kids feel loved? We've got six simple heart-shaped breakfast and snack ideas that your kids (and friends on Pinterest!) will fall in love with — and they take just seconds to create.


Pancakes and Hearts

Here's an easy way to upgrade your pancake breakfast — no cooking or fancy knife skills required! Reheat frozen or pre-cooked silver dollar pancakes and pair them with heart-shaped strawberries and blueberries for a quick (and sweet) breakfast treat.

Fruit and Yogurt Dip

Let a heart-shaped cookie cutter and decorative paper cup make snack time extra sweet! Simply peel a colorful array of fruit (cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, and oranges work great), punch out heart-shaped slices, and arrange on a platter with Greek yogurt for dipping.

Fruit Heart

Arrange your kids' favorite fruit slices into a heart formation, and serve for a healthy after-school snack or post-dinner dessert. It's an easy and fun way to get your kids excited about produce.

Orange and Berries

It has been said that "we first eat with our eyes." Well, your kids won't be able to keep their little hands off these adorable fruit cups! After you pop out a few heart-shaped orange segments for a festive snack, save the rinds and fill the centers with berries for another cute, quick treat that's packed with antioxidants.

Heartwarming Cocoa

Off to the skating rink or practice? Pour a chocolatey sip that will warm their hearts. Cups and straws in festive red and white are all you need to transform instant cocoa into a special treat.

Egg in a Nest

Give your usual eggs and toast some extra love! Use a cookie cutter to punch a heart in a slice of whole-grain bread. Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a frying pan, add the slice of bread and flip to coat, crack the egg into the heart, and cover until egg is set. Serve — and watch them smile.

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