Top 10 Home Remedies To Stop Nose Bleeding
By Uche Francis at 05:16
The mere sight of blood dripping down one’s nose can be a little scary, but fortunately, nose bleeds or epistaxes (as they are medically known) are easily curable. Nose bleeds are very common
and children and adults suffer alike from them. Very often they occur
due to the susceptibility of the nose lining which is very delicate and
contains various tiny blood vessels. Whenever these tiny and delicate
blood capillaries get raptured or face any damage, nose bleed starts.
Nose bleeds may also occur due to severe cold or flu, allergies,
sinusitis, dry winter air or deficiency of vitamin K. the amount of
blood flow may vary with people but please do remember that it is
nothing to panic about. It is just a nosebleed which can easily cured with home remedies.

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