Home Remedies for Headache Headache


• Headache refers to any pain or discomfort in and around the head and neck

• Chronic headache could be indicative of an underlying ailment
• The other causes of headache include:
   o Stress
   o Lack of sleep
   o Physical exhaustion

Natural home remedy using green tea and lemon:

1. Take 1 cup warm water
2. Add a green tea bag
3. Squeeze ½ a lemon
4. Mix well
5. Drink for instant relief

Natural home remedy using lemon rind:

1. Separate the rind (outer covering) of 2-3 lemons
2. Chop and crush the lemon rind to make a paste
3. Apply on the forehead for quick relief

Natural home remedy using cinnamon powder:

1. Take 2 tbsp of cinnamon powder
2. Add water to make paste
3. Mix well
4. Apply on the temple and forehead for relief

Natural home remedy using watermelon and sugar:

1. Take 1 glass of watermelon juice
2. Mix 1 tsp sugar in it
3. This relieves headaches caused by heat


• For chronic headaches:
• Drink water mixed with honey every morning
• Drink this on an empty stomach

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.  Refer to the terms of use.

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