Drugs And Medications To Treat Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the ovaries. The ovaries are situated near the uterus. The main function of ovaries is the production of female sex hormones. The ovaries also help in storing and releasing eggs in females.
Ovary Cancer
Ovarian cancer can be successfully treated if it is detected in early stages. In most cases, ovarian cancer is detected in later stages when it has spread to other body parts. Ovarian cancer is treated with surgery and radiation. It is also treated with chemotherapy. Drugs and medicines play an important role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. The main drugs and medications to treat ovarian cancer are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Ovarian Cancer


Carboplatin is a drug used for the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer. The medicine is injected in the veins. The injection is given in a clinic or hospital. The medicine spreads in the body through blood. Chemotherapy treatment with this medicine is done in every three weeks. Total six treatments of chemotherapy with this medicine are done.

A single chemotherapy treatment with the medicine as outpatient is done in 3-4 hours. The medicine can cause some side effects like pale skin, rapid heart rate, fever, chills, unusual bleeding, light-headedness, flu, mouth sores, numbness, tingling, jaundice, low magnesium, hair loss, body aches, easy bruising and stomach pain.


Evacet is used to treat ovarian cancer. The medicine is given for ovarian cancer that shows no improvement and has worsened with other medicines. The medicine is given intravenously over one hour. The medicine is injected in the patient’s veins by doctor or nurse in a hospital. The medicine is given one time in every four weeks. The medicine can cause heart problems during treatment. The medicine can cause some side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, nosebleed, stomach pain and tiredness.


Paclitaxel is used to treat recurrent ovarian cancer that occurs repeatedly. The medicine is given to patients who have a second attack of ovarian cancer after six months of the first chemotherapy treatment of ovarian cancer.
The medicine is given intravenously. The medicine is given in every three weeks. The medicine has some side effects like fever, chills, unusual bleeding, flu, slow heart rate, seizures, dry cough, mouth sores, flushing, chest pain, numbness, tingling and jaundice.


Cisplatin is used to treat ovarian cancer. The medicine is given intravenously. The patient is given IV fluids before cisplatin is given. The medicine can cause harm it touches the skin. If the medicine touches the skin, the patient should wash the skin immediately.

The patient should avoid touching body fluids as the medicine enters body fluids and can cause harm. The medicine can cause some side effects like nausea, vomiting, vision problems, drowsiness, fever, chills, hearing problems, hair loss, numbness, tingling, shortness of breath, flu, weight gain, diarrhea, body aches, mood changes, mouth sores and chest pain.


Neosar is used to treat ovarian cancer. The medicine is given intravenously. The medicine is available in a powder form. The powder has to be mixed with fluid and then injected in the veins. The medicine can also be injected in the muscles, abdominal cavity and chest cavity. The patient should drink liquids when taking this medicine. The medicine can cause some side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pale skin, hair loss, unusual bleeding, abdominal pain, rashes, hives, difficulty breathing and chest pain.
Ovarian cancer can be successfully treated if it is detected in early stages. In most cases, ovarian cancer is detected in later stages when it has spread to other body parts. Ovarian cancer is treated with surgery and radiation. It is also treated with chemotherapy. Drugs and medicines play an important role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. The main drugs and medications to treat ovarian cancer are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Ovarian Cancer


Carboplatin is a drug used for the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer. The medicine is injected in the veins. The injection is given in a clinic or hospital. The medicine spreads in the body through blood. Chemotherapy treatment with this medicine is done in every three weeks. Total six treatments of chemotherapy with this medicine are done.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/drugs-and-medications-to-treat-ovarian-cancer/#sthash.TLxDb22k.dpuf
Ovarian cancer can be successfully treated if it is detected in early stages. In most cases, ovarian cancer is detected in later stages when it has spread to other body parts. Ovarian cancer is treated with surgery and radiation. It is also treated with chemotherapy. Drugs and medicines play an important role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. The main drugs and medications to treat ovarian cancer are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Ovarian Cancer


Carboplatin is a drug used for the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer. The medicine is injected in the veins. The injection is given in a clinic or hospital. The medicine spreads in the body through blood. Chemotherapy treatment with this medicine is done in every three weeks. Total six treatments of chemotherapy with this medicine are done.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/drugs-and-medications-to-treat-ovarian-cancer/#sthash.TLxDb22k.dpuf
Ovarian cancer can be successfully treated if it is detected in early stages. In most cases, ovarian cancer is detected in later stages when it has spread to other body parts. Ovarian cancer is treated with surgery and radiation. It is also treated with chemotherapy. Drugs and medicines play an important role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. The main drugs and medications to treat ovarian cancer are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Ovarian Cancer


Carboplatin is a drug used for the chemotherapy of ovarian cancer. The medicine is injected in the veins. The injection is given in a clinic or hospital. The medicine spreads in the body through blood. Chemotherapy treatment with this medicine is done in every three weeks. Total six treatments of chemotherapy with this medicine are done.
- See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/drugs-and-medications-to-treat-ovarian-cancer/#sthash.TLxDb22k.dpuf

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