However, it is also known to cause certain side effects. Before using this supplement for preventing or treating this condition, you must seek medical approval from your physician. Given below is a list of common side effects that are associated with the use of fish oil.
The Disadvantages Of Fish Oil
Increased Bleeding
consumed in high amounts, the omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil is known
to promote bleeding as well as increase bleeding time. In addition to
that, it prevents the clotting of blood. Bloody urine and nosebleeds are common symptoms that are associated with an overdose of this supplementIf you are prone to bruising or have a bleeding disease, it is highly recommended that you abstain from using this supplement. It is also important to note that if you take blood-thinning medications, it is highly recommended that you abstain from using this supplement.
Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure is a common side effect associated with the usage of fish oil supplements. While this side effect may actually prove beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure, it may be detrimental for individuals suffering from low blood pressure.Those who suffer from low blood pressure or those who are taking blood pressure medications should avoid the use of this supplement. Several symptoms occur along with the side effect of low blood pressure and they include depression, thirst, deterred vision, nausea, dizziness and fainting.
High Blood Sugar
Fish oil supplements are also known to cause elevated blood sugar levels, which may prove detrimental for individuals suffering from diabetes. If a person suffering from diabetes has high levels of blood sugar, it may increase the risk of suffering from nerve damage, skin conditions and deterred vision. In certain cases, if the levels of blood sugar reach extreme levels, it may result in coma or even death. It is also important to note that this supplement may also interact with medications for lowering blood sugar levels.Allergic Reaction
- Individuals suffering from an allergic reaction to fish should avoid taking fish oil supplements as it may trigger allergic symptoms. Common indications of an allergy to fish include facial swelling, hampered breathing and hives