The line between pain and pleasure can be vanishingly thin. When it comes to enjoying exercise,
a few small adjustments or additions could turn something that seemed
like work into your new favorite hobby—or at least one you don't dread
more than a bikini wax. In fact, it may be as easy as popping in some
ear buds.
Multiple studies have shown people who listen to music while working out tend to run harder, swim faster, or complete more repetitions than their poor, tuneless counterparts.And no, you don't have to crank quick-tempo party beats. Even sad or emotional ballads can inspire you to spend a few extra minutes on the track or elliptical. The only requirement is that the music invigorates and inspires you, says Costas Karageorghis, PhD, of Brunel University London, author of the most recent study on music and exercise. (Matching the music's beat to your workout cadence also helps, more research shows.)
Apart from giving your workout a soundtrack, here are 5 more ways to make exercise a bit more fun:
Keep Score
Adding elements of sport or competition to your workout is often enough to "flip a switch" in your head that leads to more enjoyment, shows a study from Aarhus University in Denmark. To do that, the study's authors advise "keeping score." Whether you're trying to hit 5,000 steps a day or run a tenth of a mile farther than you did last week, scoring your exercise achievements can help you stay focused and motivated, the research shows.
Shake It Up
You wouldn't eat the same spinach salad for lunch every single day, so why do you only use the treadmill? Sticking with the same old route or routine would bore anyone. But constantly switching up your workout regimen—yoga today, spinning or swimming tomorrow—is a great way to stay motivated and actually enjoy what you're doing, say those same Aarhus University researchers.
Channel Your Inner Hippie
People who exercise outdoors in parks, on nature trails, or in other "green" spaces report more enjoyment while working out and say they're more likely to exercise again soon, shows a study from the University of Exeter. A little dash of nature may change the way you feel about exercise.
Guilt A Friend Into Coming With You
Studies show you're more likely to stick with exercise (and enjoy your time working out) if you pound the pavement or pump iron with pals. Just call a friend whose fitness level matches your own. Working out with someone in much better or worse shape than you doesn't provide much benefit, suggests research from the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.
Studies show you're more likely to stick with exercise (and enjoy your time working out) if you pound the pavement or pump iron with pals. Just call a friend whose fitness level matches your own. Working out with someone in much better or worse shape than you doesn't provide much benefit, suggests research from the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.
Walk, Don't Run
Only about 5% of women successfully adopt running as a regular exercise habit, according to research in Preventive Medicine. The same research found women were roughly 7 times more likely to take up moderate exercise activities like walking. Even better news: walking briskly can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for diabetes as effectively as running, shows research in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. If you've tried to take up running without success, it may be time to slow things down with walking, the research indicates.
Only about 5% of women successfully adopt running as a regular exercise habit, according to research in Preventive Medicine. The same research found women were roughly 7 times more likely to take up moderate exercise activities like walking. Even better news: walking briskly can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for diabetes as effectively as running, shows research in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. If you've tried to take up running without success, it may be time to slow things down with walking, the research indicates.