18 Home Remedies for Teething
Red and puffy gums, swollen and painful cheek, rashes near the mouth area at times, excessive drooling, sore and bleeding gums, uneasiness and restlessness, lack of sleep and appetite due to discomfort, heavy gum biting and rubbing, low-grade fever and cough, and diarrhea are some of the symptoms which indicate that it’s teething time for your little one.
Home Remedies for Teething
It requires great amount of care and precautions to provide comfort and soothing effects to the toddlers at the time of teething. There are many home remedies which can be used to soothe the uneasiness of your tot.1. Almond Extract
First of all, take some almond extract and mix it with a few drops of water. Rub this solution on the gums of the child with finger or cotton. Repeat this process regularly. This mixture is very beneficial in decreasing the pain and will provide relief.
You can also provide soothing pressure on the gums of your infant with your clean fingers. S/he may resist initially, but later your child will find it comforting.
2. Ginger
Ginger is an excellent ingredient known for its health benefits. Take a small piece of peeled ginger root and rub it on the gums for minimum 2-3 minutes continuously. You can perform this home remedy regularly to ease all the teething problems.
3. Beef Jerky
A slice of beef jerky can be used to decrease the irritation and pain in your baby’s teeth and gums. Give a piece and let him/her chew for almost 10-15 minutes. You should keep an eye on your child to check if s/he isn’t chewing too hard or fast.
Let your child chew on hard breadsticks, over-hardened bread or non-sweetened rusks.
4. Bagel
A bagel will help children in getting rid of the soreness. Get a bagel from the refrigerator and ask him/her to nibble it. This will make your kid feel better and will also alleviate throbbing pain in teeth.
5. Ice
Firstly, fill ice in your baby’s bottle till the brim and then cool it by moving upside down. This will freeze the nipple of the bottle, and you can now let your baby chew the nipple. The coolness at the tip will provide relaxation and calmness.
- Get a clean and washed towel and some cubes of ice. Put these cubes in the towel and give it to your child. The sucking of this towel will reduce the swelling and will also be very helpful in easing pain. This can be repeated twice or thrice a week whenever required.
This is one of the most easiest and effective remedy for the painful teeth. Take a firm and unsweetened biscuit and let the child chew it. This whole process provides them great relief because their focus shifts from pain to gnawing of biscuit.
7. Vanilla
You have to take some vanilla extract and rub it on the gums of your kid for some minutes. Your kid will feel good as it lessens soreness. You can repeat this remedy whenever needed for best results.
8. Cloves
Clove has many medicinal benefits as it is used to cure various acute health problems. You can put them in a blender to create a paste along with water. Rub it gently on the gums of your child to decrease the uneasiness. It is important that you check it first with yourself before using it on the child due to its spicy taste.
9. Cool Spoon
American Dental Association has prescribed this tip to help the babies suffering from teething. Firstly, take steel spoon and put it in the freezer. Once it gets cooled you can take it out. Place it inside the mouth of your child. The surface of cold metal will ease all the problems of gums.
10. Fruits and Cold Chewies
Many fruits with soft surface also relieve teething problems in kids. Get fruits like apple or melon and cool them in the refrigerator for some time. Give it to your child to gnaw it slowly. This will be very useful at the time of teething. You can also use cool and peeled carrot slices, cucumber and peach slices.
- You can use a chilled banana from the refrigerator and put itin the gums after peeling it. It will provide cooling sensation to the gums due to itssoft and cold surface. The results will be seen very soon if used twice a day.
- There are many such cold food items which can be fed to provide comfort to the kids at the time of teething. You can ingest applesauce, yogurt and other fruit juices to reduce the pain and irritation.
11. Barley Water
Barley water is a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient which is very helpful for puffy and sore gums. Boil water and barley together for 30-45 minutes. Then strain, cool and give this to your baby in small quantities when s/he experience excessive pain.
12. Olive Oil
Take a few drops of olive oil and then rub it on the gums for at least 2-3 minutes, this will relieve gums and teething. Besides, it reduces heavy pain and drooling.
13. Breast Milk
Breast feeding offers sheer comfort to the infants. However, some babies avoid sucking at the time of teething as it aggravates the pain.
14. Silicone-based Teething Rings
Instead of giving liquid-filled products to infants, prefer silicone-based teething rings which can easily be sterilized. Put it in the refrigerator before handing over to the child.
Herbal Remedies for Teething
15. Chamomile TeaPrepare diluted chamomile tea and freeze it. Tie it in a washcloth or place in teething feeder, and give it to your tot for gnawing.
16. Essential Oils
Massage the gums of the tot with essential oils such as clove essential oil or lavender essential oil to ease the pain.
Homeopathic Remedies for Teething
17. CamiliaFerrum phosphoricum, chamomilla and belladonna are used to prepare this product. This comes in the form of liquid doses which are to be poured in the mouth of children.
18. Teething Tablets
Hyland is a teething tablet that calms the irritability and soothes the inflammation. It is also available in the form of gels. You can also buyOrajel teething gel for your little one. These gels are made up of natural herbs like chamomilla, clove oil and belladonna.
Note- Consult a doctor before giving any medication to the little one.
Do’s and Don’ts
- Apply gentle pressure while massaging the gums. Don’t rub excessively and too harshly. These will indeed worsen the pain and soreness of the gums.
- Keep their hands busy and also indulge them in different games so that they forget the pain and focus on enjoyment.
- Check the ice cubes that they aren’t too cold or unbearable to gnaw, before you give it to the infant.
- The infant’s teeth should be brushed twice a day. Use a soft baby toothbrush and fluoride-free toothpaste. You can also use some gauze or fresh cloth to clean the gums.
- Foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin-D should be provided to the babies because this will provide energy and will make their teeth stronger.
- Take care of cleanliness especially when your kids perceive heavy drooling and mouth full of saliva at the time of teething. Keep a clean towel close to them and teach them how to wipe it or an elderly person can do it for them.
- You can use different refrigerated pacifiers or teethers available in the market to provide relief and comfort to the baby.