16 Home Remedies to Quit Smoking
Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which results in various harmful effects on the body, such as blood pressure, lung cancer, cardiac problems and many other ailments. Therefore, it is in our hands whether to or not to save our precious health from the harmful chemicals that are released from smoking. So, here are some simple home remedies, which can help you to quit the habit of smoking.
Quit smoking as soon as possible!
The main reasons why people start smoking are:- Peer Pressure
- To be social
- As a status symbol
- To handle stress or awkward situations
- Media influences
Smoking results in various health disorders, such as:- Effect on the respiratory system, including lungs and trachea
- Increased blood pressure and heart beat
- Weakened immune system
- Lower sperm count and other reproductive disorders, especially in men
- Reduced fertility in women
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Cervix cancer
- Earlier menopause
- Smoking also affect non-smokers (passive smoking)
Home Remedies to Quit Smoking
1. OatsOats is an age-old remedy used to quit smoking. It is one of the best home remedies to stop smoking. Take a tablespoon of ground oats and mix it in 2 cups of boiled water. Leave it for a night, and then, boil it the next morning for about 10 minutes. Drink it after every meal. Avoid taking it at night. Oats helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the body while lowering the craving for smoking. It also helps in easing up the withdrawal symptoms.
2. Water
Drinking plenty of water is the ultimate remedy to treat the habit of smoking. Water will help in detoxifying the body. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, drink a glass of water. This will not only decrease the craving but will also reduce the withdrawal symptoms.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is also one of the best natural remedies to stop smoking. Include the spice in your diet or mix a few pinches in a glass of water. Cayenne pepper helps in desensitizing the respiratory system to all the addictive things, such as tobacco and nicotine. It also helps to lessen the craving for smoking.
4. Ginger
One of the most common withdrawal symptoms of smoking is nausea, which can be easily eased up by taking ginger juice.
5. Lobelia
Lobelia is also beneficial in lessening the craving for smoking. It helps to overcome the withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, irritation, too much hunger, as well as poor concentration.
6. Multivitamins
Smoking causes deficiency of a number of vital nutrients in our body. This can be replenished by supplements of Vitamin A, C and E. These also help in coping up with the withdrawal symptoms of smoking. Vitamin A is beneficial in repairing the damaged mucus while Vitamin E repairs the damaged cells due to smoking. You can have orange juice to replenish the deficiency of Vitamin C in the body.
7. Radish
This is another reliable home remedy to quit smoking. Grate a radish and take out its juice. Mix some honey in it, and drink it at least 2 times a day.
8. Licorice Stick
One of the most opted natural remedies to refrain oneself from smoking is chewing a licorice stick whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is a good substitute of a cigarette.
9. Grape Seed Extract
Consume grape seed extract to repair the damage of lungs, caused due to smoking.
10. Grape Juice
The acidic content of grape juice will help to flush out the nicotine from the body, so drink grape juice daily while you are ready to quit smoking.
11. St. John’s Wort
This herb is useful in reducing the urge to smoke. It has been studied that 450 mg of St. John’s Wort capsule, if taken twice a day, will help to alleviate the habit of smoking.
12. Hyssop
Hyssop can be taken to lessen the smoke withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and hysteria. It is also useful in clearing out the lung congestion.
13. Ginseng
Add a teaspoon of ginseng powder in your breakfast to help reduce the craving for smoking. Ginseng is an effective remedy to prevent the release of dopamine, one of the main components found in nicotine.
14. Valerian
Valerian is one of the best herbs to ease out smoking withdrawal symptoms, like stress, anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.
15. Honey
Honey is an excellent remedy in handling the cessation process of smoking. Honey contains beneficial vitamins, enzymes and proteins, which help in giving up the habit of smoking with ease.
16. Try Herbal Cigarettes
You can also try herbal cigarettes that have 0% nicotine in them. These are made with herbs, like mint, cinnamon, licorice, lemongrass, cornsilk, or clover. But, they should not be used for a longer period of time as it also contains some carcinogens.