Saying that spiders are scary would be a complete
understatement. For those who are on the verge of arachnophobia, spiders
can become an extreme stress factor and may even trigger a panic
attack. Still, you do not have to be terrified of spiders to feel uneasy
and uncomfortable around them. No matter how much pest control
companies will want to convince you, chemical spider repellents are not
the only solution you have at hand. If the words spider repellent
natural are the only ones swarming in your mind right now, you have come
to the right place. There are actually a few different types of natural
spider repellent for home that you can fix up yourself in less time
than you would imagine. If you are looking for natural ways to repel
spiders, you have come to the right place. Our Home Remedy Shop team has
prepared facts, recipes and everything else you need to know about
natural spider repellent. Discover them below and consider making your
own natural spider repellant to keep those creepy critters away!

Common House Spiders
Before we begin to talk about how to get rid of spiders with natural
repellent, it would be good to understand the common species of spiders
that can be found in your home. Quite a few of them are rather harmless,
while others are venomous (but they won’t lead to death) and,
unfortunately, a few have fatal bites.
Daddy Longlegs
Possibly the most well-known house spider is the Daddy Longlegs. It
really won’t cause you any harm, maybe just a slight scare upon seeing
it. Daddy Longlegs are easily recognizable due to their obviously long
legs. They are commonly found in moist places, such as basements, and do
not produce any venom, so you don’t need to worry.
Jumping Spider
While this little critter might seem terrifying at first, it really
will not cause you any harm. The jumping spider can be found all across
the United States, mostly near furniture and in areas with lots of wood.
Fun fact: It is actually the greatest family of spiders, with
approximately 5,000 species.
American House Spider
While the American House Spider is venomous, it will not have fatal
effects on the bitten individual. They love hiding in dark places,
particularly in corners, and play dead when they feel an emerging
threat. It is also a species that can be found everywhere in America;
make sure you stay away from them for any undesired bites.
Black Widow
We are all familiar with the Black Widow and, hopefully, about its
fatal effects. The venom of a Black Widow can be the direct cause of
death, with female Black Widows being even more dangerous (around three
times worse). Female Black Widow spiders are easily distinguished due to
their sleek black bodies and small red spots, usually in the shape of
an hourglass.
Say No to Chemical Repellents
We really cannot stress enough how important it is to use natural
repellent for spiders. A chemical repellant can not only be extremely
dangerous for the environment, but also for the members of your family
and your pets. Commercial chemical repellents are highly toxic and pose
as a threat to nature and humans alike. Author Nannette Richford
describes for SF Gate that “When used outdoors, chemical spider
repellents may harm plants, birds and other animals that visit or
inhabit your yard”. By using an all natural spider repellent, you are
not only protecting the environment, but you are also keeping your
family from harm.
Essential Oil Natural Spider Repellents
If you want to repel spiders naturally, you can make an awesome
spider spray with the help of essential oils. We have prepared some
super easy recipes that can be whipped up in minutes:
Citrus Natural Spider Repelant
Citrus is possibly the best ingredient for an effective spider
natural repellent. Spiders literally cannot stand the scent and impact
of citrus, so you should make a natural repellant with the help of
citrus essential oil. As an alternative, you can use peels from raw
lemons, limes or oranges to help keep them away. We guarantee that you
will see results soon with this homemade solution.
Peppermint Spray for Repelling Spiders
The second best deal to citrus natural spider repellents is the
variety that contains peppermint essential oil. All you have to do is
take one liter of water and add five drops of dish wash liquid and five
drops of peppermint oil. Take the combined liquids and place them in a
spray bottle, making sure to shake well. Directly apply the spray to the
problem areas of your house, especially around all corners and at the
edges of baseboards.
Tea Tree Repellent for Spiders
Surprisingly enough, one of our favorite teas actually serves as a
reliable natural spider repellent. Tea tree essential oil can be mixed
with a bit of ecological dish wash liquid and poured into a spray bottle
to scare spiders away. Shake the ingredients together well and spray
around all corners and any other significant areas indoors.
Other Essential Oils for Getting Rid Of Spiders
These are not the only essential oils you can use for repelling
spiders in natural ways. The following oils are just as useful as the
ones mentioned above:
- Citronella
- Lavender
- Garlic
- Cedarwood
- Canola
DIY Natural Spider Repellents with Common Ingredients
While essential oil spider sprays are our favorite varieties, there
are also a few solutions that you can implement in their absence by
mixing with water and placing in a spray bottle:
Tobacco Repellent for Outdoors
Few people know that tobacco can be a reliable natural spider
repellant. This is partly due to its strong smell and also because of
the substances included in tobacco. You can take either smoking or
chewing tobacco and boil it in water on the stove for around ten
minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and then pour it into a spray
bottle. Spray all of the necessary areas in your house where you are
undergoing problems with spiders.
Cinnamon Repellent
This is probably our tastiest natural solution for fighting off
spiders. While humans love the smell of cinnamon and every food or
beverage with this spice, spiders really cannot stand the scent of it.
If you do not possess cinnamon essential oil, you can take some ground
cinnamon and sprinkle it in the areas where spiders like to roam in your
Natural Spider Repellent Vinegar
If you are looking for a natural spider repellent indoors made out of
ordinary household items, white vinegar is the main ingredient you
need. If you do not have white vinegar around, apple cider vinegar
should work just fine. Like in the situation of essential oils, take a
spray bottle with around one liter of water and add the vinegar. Shake
and spray until your problems go away!
Alternative Natural Solutions
If sprays really are not your thing, there are some additional alternative natural solutions for battling spiders in your home.
Clean up
Let’s face it, maintaining a fresh and clean home might help you
avoid more problems than just staying away from spiders. These little
creatures love damp, cluttered and dust filled areas where they can
easily carry out their lives. If you keep your house clean, you will
probably be avoiding spiders and other pests altogether.
Trees and plants
If you want to prevent spiders from appearing in your house in the
first place, you can take some extra precautions that also involve
adding more greens to your yard and garden. Lavender and mint plants are
great for keeping spiders away, for the same reasons why their
essential oils are efficient. Additionally, chestnuts have proven to be
great solutions for making spiders steer clear of your yard.
The phytochemicals in cedar are just what you need for repelling
spiders naturally. If you do not have a lot of time at hand, you can
take pieces of cedar bark and place them in key places in your home.
Alternatively, you can boil some cedar bark and afterwards create a
paste substance to apply in all parts of your house where spiders tend
to roam. Cedar will help you stay away from other insects as well, not
only spiders.
The powder that comes from diatomite is highly efficient for
repelling spiders. Diatomite powder is not toxic and can be used to
sprinkle on window sills, cracks, corners, doorways and anywhere else
you might need it. While it is not harmful for humans, diatomite
contains chemicals that have proven to be fatal for spiders.
Did you ever think that your fluffy kitten could be a solution for
fighting off spiders? A delightful piece of news, if you did not know,
is that cats are excellent critter hunters and they can capture spiders
for you. While it is not recommended that you make your kitty catch
spiders all day, you can still count on your furry comrades to help you
out every once in a while.