DIY: Natural Blackhead Remover
How blackheads are caused?
There are numerous hair follicles openings present in the skin. Blackheads occur when these openings get clogged. A single hair follicle contains single hair and sebaceous gland (oil producing gland that secrete sebum that keeps your skin soft). Dead skin cells along with the oil get accumulated in the follicle and block it. This results in the formation of a bump which is known as comedone. If the skin on the bump remains closed, it is termed as whitehead and if the skin is opened and comes in contact with air, it becomes black and the bump is called a blackhead.Factors responsible for developing a blackhead:
- Production of too much sebum
- Acne buildup on the skin
- Improper shedding of dead skin cells
- Certain drugs such as androgens, corticosteroids, lithium, etc.
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp baking soda
How to prepare?
Mix all the ingredients together and apply over the problematic areas massaging gently in circular motion for a minute. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat your skin dry.You can also prevent blackheads by adopting the following methods:
- Cleanse your face twice a day – in the morning and before going to bed.
- Use oil-free products because oily products can contribute to build-up of acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.
- Exfoliate your face at least once or twice a week for effective and desired results.