Menstrual Cramps


37 Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Are you afraid of your menstrual cycle due to those dreadful and aching cramps? Most of the women go through painful periods, uninformed of the useful natural home remedies that can make their menses more contented and comfortable. Menstrual cramps are also known as dysmenorrheal. It is a medical condition in which shooting or throbbing ache occurs in the abdominal and pelvic areas before or during the menstruation cycle. The pain may differ considerably from woman to woman, with some cramps being comparatively easygoing than others which are tremendously severe. Here is a list of all the useful home remedies for cramps that will reduce your pain.
Usually, the main cause of menstrual cramps is biological. The loosening and consequent shedding process of the internal lining of the uterus results in the production of prostaglandin, a chemical which leads to muscular contractions. Imbalance of hormones is another cause that can results in PMS, heavier periods, and pain. The pain can also occur due to nutritional deficiencies such as lack of iron, zinc, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids in our daily diet. The deficiency of omega-3 fatty acid releases Prostaglandin F2, a hormone that causes blood clotting, irritation, and pain. Other causes include distressed liver, insertion of intra uterine device (IUD), endometriosis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and uterine polyps and fibroids.
Generally, most of the women undergo intense pain especially on the first day of their periods, while others may perceive the pain as long as the period continues. In addition to this, it may be accompanied by nausea, loose motions, sweating, and vomiting.
1. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is highly rich in bioflavanoids and alleviates heavy bleeding when you consume it along with vitamin. You may try having pancakes of buckwheat. Other bioflavanoids foods are mangoes, citrus fruits like oranges and limes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli etc which you can include in your diet for healing your uterus.
2. Iron-rich Food
Intake iron-rich diet to minimizing the pain during menstruation. Dried apricots, legumes, liver, egg yolks, dark leafy veggies (like spinach and collards), dried fruits (raisins, prunes), turkey or chicken giblets, beans, lentils, chick peas and soybeans, fortified cereals and breads, and shellfish are some foods that are well-off in iron.
3. Hot Compress
Take a hot water bottle and put it on the abdomen or lower back in order to lessen the intensity of pain. Alternatively, you may immerse a towel in hot water, and then squeeze out the excess water. Place it on your abdomen. You may also have a hot shower bath, but make sure that water flows on/ around your abdomen and back.
4. Drink Water
Drink plenty of water daily. It is recommended to drink hot water to soothe the cramped muscles. You may also ingest water-based foods such as watermelon, lettuce, cucumbers, celery and berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
5. Cinnamon
Add cinnamon in your routine tea, or sprinkle it on your toast or sweet rolls. In case, you have a heavy period, drink cinnamon tea prior to the day or all through your periods to minimize the throbbing ache.
6. Fennel
This useful spice enhances blood circulation in the ovaries. Firstly, crush one teaspoon of fennel seeds into powdered form. Add this powder to one cup of boiled water, steep for 5 minutes, and drink lukewarm.
7. Ginger
Intake ginger if you want to regularize your periods. Utilize it in cake, cookies, candies, or as an additional spice in vegetable curries. Generally, tea with added ginger is one of the most effective treatments. Or else, add ½ teaspoon of crushed ginger in one cup of boiling water, and drink it thrice a day.
8. Mint
Wintergreen and peppermint are commonly used to heal menstruation cramps. Add any of them into your tea and drink a cup or two daily. Besides, you may try mint candies.
9. Mustard
Add 1-2 tablespoons of mustard powder in a broad vessel filled with warm water and immerse your feet in it for 30-45 minutes.
10. Light Exercise
A little bit of exercise eases your menstrual days, if, practiced on a daily basis. Workouts stimulate the production of endorphins which is a natural mood lifter and painkiller. Exercises, like walking, increase blood circulation to the abdomen.
Note- During menses, instead of practicing yoga and involving in strenuous activities, it’s better to perform restorative poses.
11. Aloe Vera Juice
Drink aloe vera juice along with honey to reduce the pain and ease the flow.
12. Ginger, Honey and Lemon Juice Tea
Prepare black tea and add half (½) teaspoon of crushed ginger, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey to it. Drink this tea at regular intervals all through the day.
13. Flaxseeds
Consume two tablespoon of flaxseeds during the cycle. This helps reduce prostaglandin levels in the body, thereby minimize the pain. You can also add 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseeds to a cup of yogurt and eat it. Another method is to intersperse ground flaxseeds on the salad.
14. Acupuncture
Press definite acupuncture points which relax the muscular contractions and calm the nervous system.
15. Fruits
Consumption of fruits particularly banana and papaya prove to be very helpful in treating menstrual cramps.
  • Papaya is rich in carotene and vitamins C and A. Moreover, it also contains some amount of calcium and iron. This marvel fruit contains ‘papain,’ an enzyme that aids regulating and easing the blood flow during periods.
  • Cook banana leaves in 1 tablespoon oil and mix them with curd. It is good for those women who are perceive excess back and stomach pain during menstruation. Banana honey milk shake is equally effective in relieving the pain associated with menses.
16. Parsley Juice
Parsley is one of the best remedies for throbbing menstruations. Cut cucumber, carrot, beet root, and parsley in small pieces. Put them in a blender to extract the juice. Drink 75 ml of this juice each day to make the blood flow normal and easy.
17. Sesame Seeds
If you are an anemic you could experience lots of problems during periods. To cure this, mix a teaspoon or two of sesame seeds in water and boil it. Let it cool down for a while and then strain it. Drink this solution two times a day. Alternatively, you can also consume sesame seeds with water, a couple of times throughout the menstruation days.
18. Coriander Seeds
Add 15-20 coriander seeds in one glass of boiling water and continue to boil it down till the quantity of water is reduced to half. Allow the mixture to stand for some time and subsequently drink it. This mixture may taste sour, and if you do not like that taste, add some sugar or honey to it. This will not only relieve rigorous pain, but also aids easy excess blood flow.
19. Carom seeds
If you perceive cramps and ache in the legs, this remedy is for you. Ingest carom seeds with a glass of boiled water. Alternatively, you can roast a few carom seeds and have them with milk when you experience intolerable pain. In addition to this, oil of carom seeds also works as an outstanding muscle relaxer. You can choose to apply it on stressed muscles during your menstrual cycle.
20. Aromatherapy Blend for Menstrual Cramps
Mix one ounce of carrier oil such as sweet almond (or any other oil of your choice), 15 drops of peppermint oil, 10 drops of cypress oil, and 5 drops of lavender oil in a clean, dark-colored glass container. Apply this mixture gently on the abdominal area.
21. Milk
Calcium deficiency is another cause of menstrual cramps. Thus, drink a glass full of milk every day.
22. Black Tea
Prepare a cup of black tea and sip it. It provides you the ability to cope with all the problems associated to menses and also treats the symptoms.
23. Carrots
Generally carrots are known for improving our eye sight, but they also prove to be excellent in regulating menstruation. Drink a glass full of carrot juice during your period days. You will certainly feel much better.

Herbal Remedies to Cure Menstrual Cramps

Herbal remedies such as Scutellaria spp., Viburnum prunifolium, and Cimicifuga raemosa suppress muscle spasms, which in turn lessens the intensity of menstrual cramps. Some other herbs which are commonly used to resolve the same problem are:
24. Raspberry Leaf or Green Tea
Tea prepared from raspberry leaf works as an effectual home remedy that calms the mind and body. You can also drink green tea for better results.
25. Margosa (Neem Leaves)
Crush about 8-10 neem leaves and add water to form a paste. Intake this paste along with a cup full of buttermilk.
26. Lemon Grass
Lemon is very beneficial for any kind of disease, but during menstrual time even a small amount of lemon grass would do.
27. Lavender Oil
Apply lavender oil around your stomach to mitigate pain in just 10 to 15 minutes.
28. Basil/Thyme
Basil contains a natural painkiller commonly called caffeic acid. Stir 2 tablespoons of basil leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep it for 4-5 minutes. Allow it to cool at room temperature. Drink ½ to 1 cup per hour to get rid of cramps.
29. Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)
The oil obtained from the rhizome of this herb ensures smooth menstrual flow and relieves pain.
30. Cramp Bark and Black Haw
These are the most efficient herbs of all, these two provide relaxation to muscles and reduce cramps and uterine spasm. Consume it at least 4-5 days prior to onset of periods.
31. Black Cohosh
This plant is very useful in reducing spasm in skeletal muscles, hence, alleviates troublesome menses.
32. Dong Quai
This herb is generally used for females with absent menstruation, but it also has other wide-ranging valuable effects. It helps reduce cramps in women with a heavy feeling uterus due to poor circulation, stagnation, and negligible blood flow during menses periods.
Note- Women with heavy bleeding should not use this herb.
33. Motherwort
It is very effective in reducing cramps, uterine muscle spasm, stress, heart palpitations and nervousness related to pelvic pain.
34. Wild Yam
It works in an astonishing way by reducing muscle spasm of the uterus, smooth muscle tissue, aiding in painful menstruation, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and chronic pelvic pain. It also makes uterus work more smoothly throughout every menstruation cycle.
35. Chamomile
It is an extensively used herb to cure gynecologic complaints including menstrual cramps. Get two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers and add it to a glass of boiling water. Allow it to steep for a minimum of five minutes. If you are making use of chamomile tea bags, then follow the directions mentioned on the packet. If you feel that the mixture is bitter in taste, you may add honey or sugar, as per your requirement. Have this chamomile tea for a couple of days prior to your expected period date, two cups a day would be sufficient.
36. Jamaican Dogwood
If you are considering this herb for pain, you must consult a qualified midwife, herbalist, or naturopathic doctor. Jamaican Dogwood is one of the best natural options for acute dysmenorrhea, and can prove out to be a good alternative for women who have given up on hope, or when all other remedies have failed to bring about any improvement.
37. White Willow Bark
This is one of the most efficient herbs that cure menstrual cramps efficiently. The bark of this tree is tattered and boiled to prepare oil, tea, or squashed into pills. For effective results, consume it on a regular basis for a week or more before your periods begin. White willow bark contains salicin which resists pain very effectively


  • Stress, nervousness and panicking can make cramps worst. Therefore, listen to music or read your favorite author’s book to divert your mind from pain, thereby, improve your mood.
  • Inadequate sleep makes your cycles irregular and irritable. So, get adequate and sound sleep of 7-8 hours.
  • If you are a non-vegetarian, eat fish as it is affluent in omega-3 fatty acids which in turn decrease the contractions during periods.
  • If you are an anemic, increase the amount of iron-rich foods in your diet.
  • Use better quality sanitary napkins, menstrual cups,and tampons to stay clean and healthy.
  • Change your sanitary pads once in every six hours.
  • Wash yourself regularly using warm water and bathe twice or thrice daily during menstruation.


  • Avoid intake of refined flour, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, carbonated beverages, meat and poultry, dairy products, chocolates and junk food.
  • Do not smoke on period days.
  • Cut down on salt and sugar.
  • Refrain from a painstaking work out, but you may stroll if you like.
  • Abstain from certain vegetables such as eggplant, potato, and yellow pumpkin, but eat papaya, drumsticks, snake guard, white pumpkin, bitter guard and cucumber.
  • Do not resort to pain killers when you have an empty stomach.

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