25 Home Remedies for Laryngitis
Some of the common symptoms of acute laryngitis are inflammation and pain in larynx which leaves you with an inability to speak normally, sore throat, and dry cough. Your voice becomes either too hoarse or too weak. Some people may also perceive fever and swollen lymph nodes. Some of the common causes are upper respiratory infection, cold, overuse of the vocal cords by yelling or singing/speaking aloud, chronic irritation of the vocal cords, smoking, exposure to smoky areas or polluted atmosphere, bacterial, fungal or viral infections, excessive coughing or as a consequence of other diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, measles and similar lung ailments. Sometimes the cause could be an allergic reaction to irritants like smoke or chemicals that affect the voice box or perhaps excessive consumption of alcohol.
Are you upset due to no voice or frog-like-voice? Cannot bear the pain and inflammation in larynx anymore? Then, this is the right place for you to follow the next right steps.
Home Remedies for Overcoming Laryngitis
1. Apple Cider VinegarThe acidic and antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar help one get rid of the infection and swelling quickly and efficiently, thereby treat the condition permanently.
- Mix ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey. Consume it multiple times a day. You can add ¼ cup of lukewarm water to it as well, as per your convenience.
- Alternatively, dilute apple cider vinegar in 50% water and use it to gargle 4-5 times a day. It prevents the growth of bacteria and virus in the throat.
Some people believe that warm saline water is good for gargles during laryngitis. To prepare, dissolve ½ teaspoon salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle at least 4-5 times a day. Salt has antibacterial properties. Hence, this will kill bacteria and viruses, as well as ease the soreness and swelling. While gargling, try to take the salt water as far back into your throat as possible, so that, it touches the larynx which is where the actual healing is required. Retain the water in your throat as long as you can and do not drink or eat anything for half an hour after gargling.
- Gargle with turmeric or Listerine in lukewarm water.
3. Turmeric
Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk. Consume it 2-3 times a day. It relieves soreness and inflammation of throat.
4. Mouthwash
Mouthwash is good for you, as it helps you get rid of the bacteria and virus present in your mouth and throat, thus, alleviate laryngitis.
5. Honey
You can consume spoonful of honey 4 times a day at regular intervals. It eases pain and inflammation in the throat. Since it has antibacterial properties, it eases the infection as well. It soothes and clears mucus blockages in the throat.
6. Cinnamon
Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 teaspoons of honey in boiling water for 10 minutes. Consume this thrice a day for the best results. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties which cures laryngitis quickly.
7. Clove
Blend four drops of clove oil and 1 teaspoon of honey properly. Consume this thrice a day. Clove provides the required warmth to the throat. It consists of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It alleviates infection and, simultaneously, soothes the throat.
8. Raisins
Boil ¼ cup of raisins in 1 cup of water. Consume this mixture 3-4 times a day.
9. Lemon Juice or Lemon Tea
Lemon juice and lemon tea are also beneficial for larynx. A combination of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and lukewarm water will help you get rid of the bacteria and viruses.
- Lemon juice can also be used to gargle. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in lukewarm water. Dissolve a pinch of salt in it.
- Mix ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of lemon juice. Consume it 3-4 times a day.
10. Green Tea
Green tea is another excellent remedy to alleviate the symptoms of laryngitis.
11. Chamomile, Sage and Peppermint Tea
Boil a handful of chamomile/sage/peppermint leaves in water for 15-20 minutes. Choose one herb at a time. You can make 3 kinds of teas by following the same method. You can also use chamomile and sage tea for gargling.
12. Soups
If you love having soups, then this is the best time to have them as much as you can. Refrain from excessive sodium containing soups.
13. Mixed Juice
Combine orange, cranberry and grapefruit juice, and consume it on a daily basis. A mix of carrot, radish and ginger juice is also equally effective.
14. Garlic
Suck the juice of garlic by placing a piece or two in your mouth. You can crush it with your teeth and gulp it down. Do this 3-4 times a day for quick recovery. Since it has anti-microbial properties, it kills bacteria and viruses which are the root causes of such infections.
- Mix crushed garlic cloves and honey to form a paste. Consume 1 teaspoon of this paste with a glass of water 3-4 times a day.
- Finely chop four cloves of garlic. Heat one teaspoon of ghee and cook the chopped garlic in it for a minute. Add a pinch of salt and consume this mixture twice a day.
- Some physicians do not suggest the use of ghee and oil in laryngitis. So, we suggest you to confirm from your doctor before trying the latter method of using garlic.
- Some people believe that garlic can be harmful in laryngitis, so we suggest you to confirm from your physician about consumption of garlic regarding your particular case.
Ginger also has anti-microbial properties and helps you get rid of viral and bacterial infections. It also soothes larynx and throat, consequently alleviates pain and inflammation.
- Boil 2 teaspoons of grated ginger in 2 cups of water. Boil down the water till it reduces to 50%. Filter the resultant solution and add two teaspoons of honey to it.
- Boil small pieces of ginger root in water for 20-30 minutes. Filter it. You can add lemon and honey to it. Let it cool and consume it multiple times in a day.
- Sucking small pieces of ginger would also help. Chew it a little before gulping, as the juice will relieve the soreness and inflammation in throat.
- You can add ginger in your tea as well.
Boil 2 teaspoons of anise seeds in 2 cups of water. Ingest this fluid multiple times a day, but not more than 2 teaspoons in an hour.
- You can also choose to apply this fluid on your neck and chest.
To avoid buying readymade cough syrup from the market, you can make one at home. Finely chop a couple of onions. Boil these small pieces of onions in 5 cups of water till it becomes consistently thick. In a glass of lukewarm water, add 2-4 tablespoons of this syrup, one tablespoon honey, and a few drops of lemon juice. Consume this twice a day.
Herbal Remedies to Cure Laryngitis
18. MarshmallowEating marshmallow helps relieve sore throat. You can also suck its juice to get relief from laryngitis. Alternatively, prepare herbal tea using marshmallow root.
19. Licorice Root
Chop licorice sticks into small pieces and then put them in the boiling water. You can use this water for gargling, after it becomes lukewarm.
- Prepare tea using this root and consume 2-3 times a day.
- Suck a licorice stick to lessen your craving to smoke. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, it cures laryngitis as well.
20. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is very commonly used for curing symptoms of cold and cough. It also helps relieve and soothe soreness and irritation in throat. It can be found in many cough syrups, lozenges, and vapour baths. Use fresh eucalyptus leaves for preparing tea.
Note – Do not consume eucalyptus oil orally, it can be poisonous for internal use.
21. Mullein, Licorice, Slippery Elm
These three herbs can be used to prepare tea. They help moisten your throat as well as relieve irritation.
22. Herbal Infusion
Get 1 teaspoon licorice root, 1 teaspoon mullein leaves, 1 teaspoon coltsfoot leaves, 1 tablespoon marshmallow leaves, and 1 cup water. Mix these herbs and then steep in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. If you find it too bitter to consume, sweeten it as per your requirement, by adding sugar or honey.
23. Couch Grass
Couch grass is famous for the treatment of kidney stones and urination. It is used to cure bronchitis as well. It is not so popular for the treatment of laryngitis because it does not relieve vocal strain caused by screaming or yelling. But it can be used to make phlegm softer so that one could expectorate easily.
- Couch grass can be used in the form of a tea.
- Boil some grass in water. After the solution becomes lukewarm, use it to gargle.
Boil some water in a pot for 15-20 minutes. Place the pot on a protected flat surface. Cover your head with a towel. Lean forward over the pot and breathe in and out the steam for 15-30 minutes. Breathe through your mouth as well nose because it will clear the blockages of throat and nose. Maintain proper distance between your face and the pot. Repeat it every day until you get relief. Steaming soothes your throat as well as respiratory tract.
- To enhance the effect of steaming, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, fresh mint leaves, or freshly ground cloves.
- Hot water bath also gives you the required warmth.
Mix 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe vera gel with 2 teaspoons of honey. Consume this once a day. You can also gargle with aloe vera juice 2-3 times a day by diluting it in saline water.
- Speak as little as possible to provide maximum rest to your throat. Do not whisper at all. Extra deep slumber will help you recover soon.
- Drink 8-12 glasses of water to make sure that your larynx remains hydrated.
- Consume a variety of liquids as much as possible like fresh fruit/vegetable juices and herbal teas.
- Quit alcohol and caffeinated drinks because they dehydrate your throat.
- Breathe humidified/ moist air. If you do not have a humidifier or vaporizer, you can hang wet towels all around your room which will, eventually, make the dry air humid.
- Use throat sprays or you can suck lozenges.
- Ensure that you breathe through the nose because breathing through your mouth will expose your larynx to cold air.
- Quit smoking, if you do. Specifically, tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke and cocaine are very harmful for vocal cords and larynx. Save yourself from passive smoking as well.
- Laryngitis spreads through viral infection. You can easily catch it by touching the contaminated surfaces. Wash your hands using lukewarm water and soap frequently. Develop a habit of cleaning common surfaces in your house where there is a probability of piling up of germs, such as the telephone and door handles, using vinegar and a hygienic cloth.
- Do not consume any fluid when it is too hot/cold.
- Do not attempt to clear your throat forcefully, as it will enhance the irritation. And try not to cough very frequently.
- Do not access dry, smoky or dusty areas.
- Don’t consume oily, spicy, and acidic foods like peppers, fried fish, onion, garlic, tomatoes.
- Avoid having heavy meals. Do not have your dinner just before bedtime. Maintain a gap of 3-4 hours between your dinner and sleeping time. Do not eat anything else after dinner.
- Do not eat chocolates and ice-cream.