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20 Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common thyroid problems. Underactive thyroid gland produces inadequate amount of thyroid hormones which results in hypothyroidism. This is a very common medical condition especially found in older women, and it may also take place more often during pregnancy.
The other cause of hypothyroidism are Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid gland inflammation, as a consequence of thyroid treatment, radiation therapy to the neck area, iodine deficiency, pituitary/hypothalamic disease, thyroid surgery (removal of all or large portion of your thyroid may reduce hormone production), and medications (for instance, lithium which is often used for psychiatric disorders).
The symptoms of hypothyroidism are not easily distinguishable from other conditions, thus, an appropriate diagnosis is very important. Some symptoms that indicate the under activity of thyroid glands are allergies (e.g. itching eyes, rashes, hives); heart palpitations; stomach bloating/digestion problems or constipation; sore breasts; nausea; low sex drive; itchy skin; skin problems (e.g. age spots & wrinkles); muscle soreness & aching joints (e.g. backaches & aching legs); motion sickness; dry and tangly hair or hair loss; poor concentration; exhaustion & fatigue; depression; weight gain or difficulty losing weight; brittle and split nails; swelling & puffiness in the eyes, face, arms and legs; menstrual problems (e.g. heavy and/or infrequent flow).
If you are also affected by hypothyroidism, try out some home remedies given below:
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has medium-chain fatty acids that boost up the functioning of thyroid. It also stimulates metabolism, thus, enhancing the energy levels. You may add coconut oil while cooking. Make sure to use extra-virgin organic coconut cooking oil. In addition, you can also add 2 tablespoons of it to milk and drink the prepared mixture every morning with your daily breakfast. Alternatively, you can even add it to your smoothies.
2. Kelp
Kelp is brown seaweed which is enriched with iodine and varied number of other minerals. It is primarily useful for the treatment of hypothyroidism that is caused due to iodine deficiency. You can make use of kelp supplements. In case of iodine deficiency, you can take iodine supplements to help thyroid gland function normally.
Note: If you are suffering from autoimmune thyroid problems, then you must not use this remedy.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another useful remedy to deal with this thyroid disorder. It is believed that it restores acid alkaline balance, aids detoxification; helps regulate hormones and facilitates weight loss, and improves energy metabolism. Add 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass filled with warm water and mix a small amount of honey. Drink this mixture on a daily basis.
4. Fish Oils
This is considered as one of the useful remedies for maintaining healthy thyroid function and increasing thyroid hormone production. You can take fish oil supplements.
Note: If you are taking blood thinners, then do consult your doctor before taking the supplements.
5. Vitamins
Deficiency of vitamin D has always been linked with numerous autoimmune diseases, which also include thyroid disease. The simple way to provide vitamin D to your body is to sunbathe early morning daily, for at least 15 minutes.
You must also intake vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin B12.
6. Heavy Metal Detox 
Prepare a mixture of turmeric, milk thistle, cilantro and chlorella, and use it to get rid of those harmful metals from your organs and cells.
7. Amino Acid Supplements
Take L-tyrosine in an empty stomach in the morning and evening (twice a day). It is an amino acid that is important for the production of thyroid hormones in our body.
8. Nutritious Diet
  • An array of nutrients is required by the thyroid gland, in order to function optimally. Include omega-3 fatty acids; cold water fish, for instance, cod, salmon, and walnuts; fish oil; chlorella, algae and seaweed in your daily diet.
  • Intake selenium enriched foods such as salmon, Brazil nuts, beef, sunflower seeds, onions and mushrooms.
  • Intake healthy fats that will aid balance hormones, such as coconut milk, grass-fed beef, avocado, chia, and hemp seeds.
9. Color Therapy
This is avisual meditation technique which helps soothe and heal certain parts of the body. All you need to do is simply close your eyes and visualize a blue light entering into your thyroid while you inhale in and out.

Herbal Remedies to Cure Hypothyroidism

10. Lemon Balm
This herb is beneficial for those who are suffering from hypothyroidism. It basically helps normalize the underactive thyroid gland, thereby boosting up the production of thyroid hormones.
11. Siberian Ginseng
It is a wonderful herb for those suffering from both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.  It regulates the hormone levels in the body and helps normal functioning of the thymus and adrenal glands. Take 100-200 mg of Siberian ginseng extract two times a day (before breakfast and before lunch).
12. Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Ashwagandha has antioxidant properties which produce the right amount of thyroid hormones required for proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
13. Nettle
This herb is enriched in iodine. The tea prepared by nettle can be consumed 2-3 times each day. You can also use nettle oil for massaging the neck area.
14. Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds are rich in fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered great for thyroid health. Consuming flaxseeds increase the production of thyroid hormones in the body. Thus, individuals become less susceptible to hypothyroidism.
15. Black Walnut
Yet another amazing herb enriched in iodine is black walnut which optimizes the health and better functioning of the thyroid gland in the body.
16. Bladder Wrack
Bladder wrack is an essential remedy for a number of health conditions, including hypothyroidism, as it is enriched in iodine. It contains necessary substances that aid in reducing the size of thyroid goiters and in restoring the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Take 200 mg of bladder wrack supplements to get back your thyroid gland in track.
17. Licorice
The production of cortisol (a hormone that fights stress) decreases in the body of those who suffer from hypothyroidism. Licorice tea can help improve the condition. Steep licorice roots in boiling water for a few minutes. Strain and then drink it.
18. Guggul
Guggul is obtained from the gum resin of an Indian tree, called Commiphora Mukul. The active compounds, known as guggulsterones, are useful in treating hypothyroidism by stimulating the normal functioning of thyroid. Additionally, it also has anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties. It can be taken in the form of supplement also.
Note- If you are taking beta-blockers, birth control pills and other medications, consult your doctor before using guggul.
19. Evening Primrose Oil
This oil aids removing the problems associated with hypothyroidism as well as triggers the healthy functioning of thyroid gland. If you have hypothyroidism, take 1 tablespoon of evening primrose oil on a daily basis. For enhanced benefits, you may take a tablespoon each of both primrose oil and flaxseed oil daily.
20. Vitex Agnus Castus and Black Cohosh
Herbs like Vitex Agnus Castus and Black Cohosh maintain estrogen levels in the body and perk up thyroid function. But before taking any of these, check the estrogen levels in your body, to ensure that the real cause for hypothyroidism is estrogen. Alternatively, you can also consume natural estrogen supplements, in order to alleviate the symptoms.


  • Practice regular exercises to improve blood flow. You may also include yoga as well as Pranayam in your daily routine. Besides, practice relaxation exercise to lower down your stress.
  • Eat a well-balanced and healthy diet.
  • Keep a regular check on your hormone levels.
  • Carry out a thyroid self-massage daily. Softly rub up and down the sides of the trachea or windpipe, to massage the thyroid gland.
  • Follow gluten-free or grain-free diet. Consume only those dairy products that come from goat milk, A2 cows, or sheep milk.
  • Increase the intake of certain foods like seafood (such as kelp, dulce, arame, and nori), zinc rich food (beef, chicken, nuts, spinach, and tuna), low fat cheese, soy sauce, cow’s milk, eggs, low fat yogurt, low fat ice-cream, seaweed, saltwater fish, and shellfish.
  • Whenever you get an X-ray at the dentist, ask for the thyroid collar.


  • Avoid food that actually slow down the thyroid function.  These include refined foods, saturated fats, sugar, white flour, almonds, cabbage, cauliflower (any vegetable that falls into the broccoli family should not be eaten for more than twice a week), millet, pears, turnips, Brussels sprouts, corn, mustard, pine nuts, peaches, kale, soy, canola oil, peanuts, spinach, mustard greens, and beans.
  • Refrain from excessively processed food and limit the intake of alcohol, sugar, dairy products, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners.
  • Do not use plastic bottles, as it contains Bisphenol A (BPA), which can affect your thyroid and disturb your endocrine system.  Always use a glass to drink water (stainless steel or BPA-free plastic bottles).
  • Abstain from all sources of fluoride such as soft drinks and spring water. Both coffee and tea contain fluoride; you can use iodine to compensate, if these drinks are inevitable. Use a shower filter and fluoride-free toothpaste.
  • Do not use non-stick cookware to cook your food.

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