Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub

Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub

DIY: Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub

Being a powerful wake-up drink, coffee is an essential food for our daily regimen. It is equally good for both- health and beauty. Coffee contains caffeine that has anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the skin wounds. Besides, it is also a powerful antioxidant that prevents signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, etc. Coffee has an abrasive texture that sloughs off dead skin cells and gives your skin a radiant glow. Coffee scrub is equally effective. The blend of coffee and sugar in this scrub helps to create a softer, smoother, and younger looking skin.


  • ½ cup coffee
  • ½ cup sugar (brown or granulated)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp organic coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp salt

About the Ingredients

1. Coffee : Benefits of coffee have been discussed above.
2. Sugar : Excellently exfoliates skin while removing dead skin cells and improving the overall tone and texture of the skin.
3. Olive Oil : Olive oil has therapeutic and moisturizing properties for it deeply nourishes the skin while creating a glow.
4. Coconut Oil : It has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-septic qualities, and besides that, it soothes the skin irritations and cures them.
5. Salt : Salt is another exfoliating agent that cleanses and removes dead skin cells with the help of it micro-granulating crystals.

Method of Preparation

Step#1 : Mix together coffee, sugar and salt. Mix them thoroughly until they get completely combined.
Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub
Step#2 : Now, add olive oil and coconut oil and mix together all the ingredients. Transfer the contents into a clean jar and make sure that you have taken an air tight jar.
Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub
Apply it on your face and body once or twice a week, as per your needs.
Homemade Coffee Sugar Body Scrub
DIY homemade coffee sugar scrub is ready!!!!!!

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