DIY: 11 Homemade Carpet Cleaners
Recipe 1
Ingredients- Cornstarch/baking soda
- Clear dish washing liquid – 1 tablespoon
- White vinegar – 1 teaspoon
First of all sprinkle some baking soda or cornstarch on the carpet stain. Wait for 10 minutes and, then, vacuum. Now, take 2 cups of warm water. Add dish washing liquid and white vinegar to it. Use a white cloth to dab this solution on the stain. Now, clean it with cold water and blow it dry.
Recipe 2
Ingredients- White vinegar
- Essential oil (lemongrass and eucalyptus) – a few drops
- Warm water
Mix equal parts of white vinegar and warm water with a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Now, use the solution in your home steam cleaner. Vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial agent that removes the stains and essential oil gives good fragrance to your carpet.
Recipe 3
Ingredients- Paper towels
- Baking soda – 1 cup
- 3% hydrogen peroxide – ½ cup
- Eco-friendly dish liquid – 1 teaspoon
- Bowl
First of all, cover the stain with paper towel and put something heavy on the top of the paper so that it can absorb the excess liquid. Dust a cup of baking soda over the stain. Now, combine 3% hydrogen peroxide and dish liquid. Gradually, pour the solution over the stain and baking soda. Take a brush and softly scrub the mixture onto the carpet fibers. Wait for 10-15 minutes. Later, vacuum the area properly. Repeat the above process for tough stains.
Recipe 4
Ingredients- White vinegar
- Baking soda
- Water
Make a paste by mixing white vinegar, baking soda and water. Then, take an old toothbrush and apply the paste on the stain. Wait until the paste dries completely. Then, vacuum up the carpet.
- Test this recipe on small portion before using on the whole carpet.
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Recipe 5
Ingredients- White vinegar – 2 tablespoons
- Air freshener – 5 sprays
- Dishwasher powder – 1 tablespoon
- Hot water
Fill your carpet cleaner with hot water. Now add 1 tablespoon of dishwasher powder. After 30 seconds, mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 5 sprays of air freshener to the hot water. Mix the ingredients properly.
- Add dishwasher powder after the hot water is poured; otherwise, if you put it before hot water, it will start bubbling and overflow.
- You can also add two tablespoons of lemon juice in this homemade carpet cleaning solution.
Recipe 6
Ingredients- Dishwashing liquid (non-moisturizing) – 3 teaspoons
- Ammonia – ¼ cup
- Vinegar – ¼ cup
- Water
Mix all the above ingredients and use it when needed.
Recipe 7
Ingredients- Brown sugar – 7 tablespoons
- Lemon and orange peels/scraps – 1½ cups
- Water – 1 litre
- A large container or a bottle
Put brown sugar into a container or bottle. Later, put lemon and orange peels/scraps. Afterwards, add water. Tightly cover the bottle with a cap. Shake it well to mix everything. Then, slightly loosen the cap, in order to release the gas. Make sure your bottle doesn’t blow off due to the build-up. Store it for 3 months and use whenever required.
Recipe 8
Ingredients- Club soda
- Spray bottle
- White cloth
Club soda is an excellent option for water-soluble stains. Fill a spray bottle with club soda. Spray it on the stain. Alternatively, you can also soak a white cloth in club soda and rub it on the stain. Repeat, if necessary.
Recipe 9
Ingredients- Alcohol
- White cloth
Take alcohol in a small bowl and soak white cloth in it. Now put this cloth on the carpet blot. Wait for a few minutes. Don’t rub or scrub it. After a while, use a liquid-friendly vacuum to remove all the moisture from the carpet.
Recipe 10
Ingredients- Bleach – ¼ cup to 1 cup
- Water – ¼ cup
- Spray bottle
Combine bleach in water and pour the solution in a spray bottle. Spray it on the blot, wait for a few minutes and rinse with hot water.
Recipe 11
Ingredients- Salt – ¼ cup
- Borax – ¼ cup
- White vinegar- ¼ cup
Firstly, vacuum the carpet to remove all the dust and other particles. Now, mix white vinegar, salt and borax to form a paste. Apply this paste on the stains and allow it to dry. After a couple of hours, when it completely dries, vacuum it.