16 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Flies
House flies get accumulated in areas where there is no cleanliness or hygiene, like exposed garbage or fecal matter. Left out uncovered food also attracts flies. Areas with a lot of vegetation and thick shrubbery are ideal for the growth of flies.Home Remedies for Flies
1. CamphorIt is one of the greatest deterrents for flies. Light it up and spread the fumes from it all over your room to get rid of flies, instantly.
2. UV Traps
Ultra violet trap is quite effective as they attract flies towards them. As the fly sits on the trap, it gets killed by its action mechanism. Hence, UV traps and lighting are efficacious method to kill flies at home easily.
3. Basil
Basil not only has medicinal properties, but it is equally effective against flies as it acts as a strong restrain to flies. So, plant basil in your garden to keep flies at bay.
You can also plant mint, lavender or marigold to get rid of flies outside.
4. Fly Swat
Fly swat is a cheap method to keep flies at bay in your house. Fly swats come with an electronic machine these days that traps flies and kill them automatically. It’s a hassle-free method of killing flies.
5. Essential Oils
Essential oils have proven their essentiality when it comes to treating house flies. Essential oils, such as lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemon grass, not only possess gentle aroma, but they also work effectively in keeping away the house flies. Spraying such oils in your living area, bedroom, or even kitchen will keep them safe and free from flies.
6. Screening
By screening, you can prevent the entry of flies inside your house. Screening provides adequate lighting (natural light) to your house, and besides that, it keeps the flies away as there is no opening for flies to enter the house premises.
7. Green Apple Soap
Studies have shown that green apple liquid soap attracts flies. So, you can fill a jar with two spoons green apple liquid soap and a few inches with water. Flies will get fascinated towards the fruity aroma of green apple and will eventually get drowned in the jar. This way you can catch the house flies.
8. Switch ‘ON’ the Fan
It is one of the hassles-free and easiest ways to get rid of flies as you really don’t have to do anything in keeping flies away from your doorstep. Just switch on the ceiling fan or table fan in your room and it will fly away all the flies.
9. Apple and Clove
Stud few cloves into an apple and put it somewhere in your kitchen area or in an area that is more prone to flies. You can also use clove oil for cleaning purpose. Flies cannot bear the smell of cloves, and they will get vanished, the next moment.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of flies with vinegar. Put some apple cider vinegar in a bowl. To create some surface tension and do not let flies get escaped, add some liquid detergent. This will make flies get attracted towards the solution because of its aroma. They will come but will never get escaped by it and will get drowned finally.
11. Cucumbers
Placing cucumber slices on the top of garbage is an effective way that prevents flies from laying eggs inside the container as they repel cucumber and its fragrance. Moreover, you can also place a few cucumber slices in the perimeter of your house, which will restrain flies from entering the house and will keep flies away.
12. Fly Paper
You can make your own fly paper easily at home to get rid of stubborn flies. Make syrup out of sugar and corn starch and brush it nicely on a brown paper (thicker one). Make a whole in the corner and hang it up anywhere outside your room or house. It will prevent the entry of flies inside your house.
13. Cayenne Pepper
Take some cayenne pepper and put it in a spray bottle. Add some water to it and shake the bottle so that both get mixed well. Now, spray the mix all around your house. This will kill the flies.
14. White Wine
Mix white wine with dish washing liquid. Now, place this mixture in a bowl. The flies will get attracted towards the mixture and get poisoned.
15. Cinnamon
Use cinnamon as an air-freshener as flies hate the aroma of cinnamon.
16. Plastic Water Bags
Hang clear plastic water bags on the entryways to prevent the entry of flies inside your house.
Preventive Measures
To control the flies, you should practice the following preventive measures.- Keep your house premises always clean and hygienic.
- To clean your house, use good quality disinfectant that works day till night.
- Garbage and bin are the favorite places for flies. Hence, dispose the garbage on a regular basis and ensure that you throw garbage at a location, quite away from your place.
- Put a lid on the dustbins.
- Flies are also fascinated towards fruits, especially mangoes and apples. So, if you place any cut fruits on the table or in the kitchenette, make sure that they are covered properly.
- You can also use insect repellent sprays that are available over-the-counters to keep the flies at bay.
- If you have pets at your place, you should make sure that their feces are cleaned immediately, and there is nothing left on the ground.
- Do not overwater your plants as overwatering is also one of the major causes of welcoming flies in your Bella casa.
- Use window screens. Along with keeping the flies away, it will also let you enjoy the fresh air.