30 Easy To-Do Yoga Poses for Kids
1. Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior Pose)
Benefits: This posture helps to open the ribs and makes the body more flexible. It also gives a boost to self-confidence.Step 1- Stand erect and breathe in.
Step 2- Slide your right leg outwards, but both your legs should be in the same line.
Step 3- You can slightly bend your right knee while the left knee should be straight and locked.
Step 4- Keep your right hand upwards.
Step 5- Bend your right hand towards your left side. Keep in mind that your palm should be towards the ceiling.
Step 6- Keep your left hand downwards and straight.
Step 7- Place your left palm on your left knee.
Step 8- Bend your body a little towards your right side.
Step 9- Look upwards and keep your breathing normal.
Step 10- Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Step 11- Return to the original position by putting your right hand down, straightening your left leg and standing erect. Repeat the same with the other side.
2. Navasana (Partner Boat Pose/Double Boat Pose)
This is really a fun yoga for your kids. Your kids will surely love this one.Benefits: It improves the digestion system, strengthens your back bone and helps you to learn teamwork. It is a great stress-buster pose.
Step 1- Sit down facing your partner.
Steps 2- Both of you raise your legs slightly upwards. Join your toes with the partner’s toes.
Step 3- Now, raise your hands and hold each other’s hands.
Step 4- Use some pressure and push your partner’s soles.
Step 5- Breathe normally and return to the original state by first putting your feet down slowly and then, releasing your hands.
Step 6- Finally, sit in a relaxed position.
3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)
Benefits: It makes the spinal cord strong. This posture not only opens your chest but stretches it too. It decreases the stress level and helps in asthma.Step 1- Lie on the floor with your face down.
Step 2- Place your palms on the ground.
Step 3- Raise your hands up by your shoulders, keeping your elbows locked.
Step 4- Now, use a little strength and push your body from head to waist, upwards.
Step 5- Breathe normally.
Step 6- Keep your legs straightened, and knees should be straight and locked.
Step 7- Stay in this posture for 25-30 seconds.
4. Ardha Bhekasana (Frog Pose)
Benefits: This yoga posture maintains your health by improving the functioning of your heart. It also helps to tone your legs.Step 1– Bend your knees and sit down.
Step 2- Place your palms on the ground, but make sure your knees don’t touch the floor.
Step 3- Breathe normally and shift your body weight on your hands by leaning forward.
Step 4- Slowly and gently raise your soles upwards and put a little pressure on your toes.
Step 5- Slowly, put your soles on the floor and stand up.
5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Benefits: It helps to stretch your back and neck. It is a great yoga posture to remove stress and depression along with strengthening the legs and improving the digestion.Step 1- Breathe in and lie down supine on the floor.
Step 2- Put your hands on the floor with your palms facing downwards.
Step 3- Bend your knees. From knees to toes, your legs should be straight.
Step 4- Breathe out, use some strength and push your body upwards. From chest to knees, the body should be upwards.
Step 5- Stay in this pose for 5-10 seconds.
Step 6– Breathe out and lower down your body.
6. Mermaid Pose
Background: This is a pose created by Namastekid.com. Namaste Kid provides great learning resources as well as lots of visuals to learn yoga for kids. Be sure to stop by their site to get more detailed directions on many of these poses.Benefits: It helps to make your body more flexible, especially the backbone and the lower abdomen.
Step 1- Bend your knees and sit down.
Step 2- Bend your left leg backwards and slide your right leg inside your left leg.
Step 3- The sole of your right foot should touch your right knee. Inhale and exhale normally.
Step 4- Place your left palm on your left toe.
Step 5- Raise your right hand upwards. Your right palm should be towards your face.
Step 6- Look at your palm, keeping your face upwards.
Step 7- Keep your body in this position for a few breaths.
Step 8- Lower down your hand and return to the original posture.
See the NamastaKid website above for a picture.
7. Dekasana (Airplane Pose)
Benefits: This yoga posture helps to increase the concentration level. It teaches kids to maintain balance and helps to strengthen the legs, the chest and hands.Step 1- Breathe in and stand straight.
Step 2- Put your right leg forward. Both your knees should be straight and locked.
Step 3- Lean your body a little forward.
Step 4- Raise your arms upwards on either side to maintain your balance. Your body pose should be like a flying aeroplane.
Step 5- Stay in this posture for a few seconds.
Step 6- Put your arms down and stand straight.
8. Vriksasana (Tree Pose)
Benefits: It helps to balance your body and stretches the chest. It also assists in strengthening your legs and hands.Step 1- Inhale and stand erect.
Step 2- Put your left sole a little bit upwards, but keep your toe on the floor.
Step 3- Your left sole should be on the floor and touch your right toe.
Step 4- To balance yourself, extend your hands upwards.
Step 5- Your right leg should be straight and right knee should be locked.
Step 6- Look upwards and breathe normally.
Step 7- Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds.
Step 8- Repeat this pose with the other leg.
Picture below is slightly changed. Foot may be down and on floor instead of up.
9. Anjali Mudra (Salutation Seal)
Benefits: This yoga pose works as a great stress-buster, which ultimately relaxes your body and provides you peace of mind.Step 1- Breathe in and sit down, crossing your legs.
Step 2- Join both your palms together while inhaling. Place your hands in such a manner as if you are doing a prayer. Your back should be straight.
Step 3- Stay in this position for 1 minute or so and breathe normally, then deeply.
10. Balasana (Flower Pose)
Benefits: Flower pose helps to build strength, as well as helps to improve balance.Step 1- Sit on the floor and keep your spinal cord straight.
Step 2- Bend your legs and both your knees should be pointed in the opposite direction.
Step 3- Hold your legs with your hands.
Step 4- Now, slowly lift your legs upwards.
Step 5- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Step 6- Lower down your legs, gently.
11. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Benefits: Mountain pose helps to improve your body posture and helps to strengthen your legs and muscles.Step 1- Stand straight.
Step 2- Take a deep breath and keep your spinal cord straight.
Step 3- Your legs should be straight and knees should be locked.
Step 4- Your toes should touch each other.
Step 5- Your hands should be downwards and straight.
Step 6- Inhale and exhale deeply and stay in this pose for 30 seconds or so.
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Benefits: This yoga posture helps to calm your mind and provides energy to your body. It stretches the upper body area, which helps to relieve headaches and back pain.Step 1- Take a deep breath and stand erect.
Step 2- Now, bend your body from waist to head, downwards.
Step 3- Place your palms on the floor.
Step 4- Push your butt upwards. Your elbows shouldn’t be bent.
Step 5- Pull your soles upwards.
Step 6- Breathe normally and stay in this pose for a few seconds.
Step 7- Return to the original posture while exhaling.
13. Star Pose
Benefits: Star pose helps to improve your balance and also helps in stretching the chest and shoulders. This pose also helps to build-up the strength.Step 1- Take a deep breath and stand erect.
Step 2- Slide your legs apart from each other.
Step 3- Raise your hands upwards on either side. Your elbows should not be bent.
Step 4- Your body posture should be in a star shape. Breathe normally.
Step 5- Stay in this posture for a few seconds.
Step 6- Lower down your hands and stand straight.
14. Kite Pose (Falling Star)
Benefits: This pose helps to strengthen the legs, stretches the arms and improves the balance.Step 1- Start with the star pose.
Step 2- Slide your right leg backwards and raise it a little bit upwards from the floor.
Step 3- Shift your body weight on your left leg.
Step 4- Lean towards your left leg.
Step 5- Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
Step 6- Lower your hands down and stand straight.
15. Rainbow Pose
Benefits: This posture helps in stretching the arm,the abdominal andchest along with the spinal cord. It also helps to calm down the stressed mind.Step 1- Begin with kneeling down on the ground.
Step 2- Keep your backbone straight. From head to tailbone, your body should be straight.
Step 3- Raise your left hand upwards and bend it on your right side.
Step 4- Keep your right hand downwards and don’t bend your right elbow.
Step 6- Stay in this position for several seconds.
Step 7- Repeat this pose with the other hand.
16. Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)
Benefits: Happy baby pose helps to pacify the mind and body, and decreases the level of stress. It also stretches the spinal cord.Step 1- Inhale and lay down supine on the floor.
Step 2- Breathe out and bend your knees towards your belly.
Step 3- Hold your feet with your palms.
Step 4- Stay in this position for 5 to 7 seconds.
Step 5- Gently, lower down your legs.
17. Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Benefits: Child’s pose stretches the legs and hips. Besides this, it also helps in calming the mind down.Step 1- Inhale, bend your knees backwards and sit down.
Step 2- Now, breathe normally and bend your body forward.
Step 3- Put your hands backwards and keep your knuckles on the floor.
Step 4- Put your head down and keep your forehead on the ground
Step 5- Make sure that your bent body touches your thighs.
Step 6- Stay in this position for a few relaxing breaths.
Step 7- Put your hands forward and sit down.
18. Dhanurasana (Floor Bow Pose)
Benefits: This yoga posture helps the kids in improving their body posture, stretching out their whole body and helps in strengthening the back muscles.Step 1- Lie down prone on the ground.
Step 2- Bend your knees while exhaling.
Step 3- Keep your hands backwards.
Step 4- Hold your toes with your palms.
Step 5- Stretch your body and look forward.
Step 6- Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds.
Step 7- Then, release your toes and lie comfortably.
19. Crescent Moon Pose
Benefits: Crescent moon pose helps in relieving the stress. It stretches your abdomen, hands and spinal cord.Step 1- Breathe in and stand erect.
Step 2- Raise your hands upwards while inhaling. Your fingers should be towards the ceiling.
Step 3- Join your palms.
Step 4- Exhale and bend your body a little towards your right side.
Step 5- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Step 6- Then, inhale and stand erect. Bring your arms down while exhaling.
Step 7- Repeat this pose on the left side.
20. Marjaryasana Bitilasana (Cat Cow Pose)
Benefits: Cat cow pose massages the organs and spinal cord gently, and helps in stretching the neck and the torso.Step 1- Kneel down. Remember, your knees should be underneath your hips and hands should be underneath your shoulders.
Step 2- Your hands should be straight and elbows shouldn’t be bent.
Step 3- Let your tummy slightly sink towards the floor while inhaling. Look towards the ceiling. (Cow pose)
Step 4- Now, exhale and slightly raise your tummy towards the ceiling. Look towards your belly. (Cat pose)
Step 5- Repeat this pose 2-3 times.
21. Shooting Stars Breathing Exercise
Benefits: This yoga pose relieves the body from mild depression, insomnia, and fatigue.Step 1- Take a deep breath and sit cross-legged.
Step 2- Now, raise your hands upwards above your head.
Step 3- Then, bring down your hands to your sides while exhaling. Your hands should be in “V” position.
Step 4- Open up your palms, and your fingers should not touch each other.
Step 6- Stay in this position for several seconds.
Step 7- Lower down your hands slowly and sit for a while.
22. Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Benefits: Corpse pose is really helpful in relaxing the mind, vanishing the stress, and alleviating insomnia, headaches and fatigue.Step 1- Lie supine on the floor.
Step 2- Keep your legs and hands straight.
Step 3- Place your palms on the ground.
Step 4- Close your eyes and try to focus for 10 minutes.
23. Dolphin Pose/Shark Pose
Benefits: Dolphin pose or shark pose provide many benefits, like stretching the hips and upper body, fights with depression, relieves the headaches and backaches, provides energy to the body, and strengthens the legs and hands.Step 1- Kneel down. Put your hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips.
Step 2- Your palms should be on the floor and fingers should be spaced out from each other. Your back should be straight.
Step 3- Breathe out and lift your hips while straightening your knees.
Step 4- Raise your soles. Only your toes should be on the floor.
Step 5- From elbows to palms, your hands should be on the floor. Keep your breathing normal. Clasp the knuckles of both palms.
Step 6- Your body should be in “/\” shape.
Step 7- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Step 8- Straighten your body and return to the original pose.
24. Virabhradhrasana II (Warrior II Pose)
Benefits: Warrior pose II helps in stretching the body, especially the spinal cord and the hands. It also helps to get rid of backaches.Step 1- Inhale and stand erect. Your feet should be apart from each other.
Step 2- Breath out and bend your right knee.
Step 3- Slide your left leg backwards and lock your left knee.
Step 4- Keep your spinal cord straight.
Step 5- Stretch your hands and raise them up to your shoulders.
Step 6- From right palm to the left palm, your hands should form a perfect 180° angle. Your elbows should be straight.
Step 7- Look towards the fingertips of the right hand.
Step 8- Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then, lower your hands and straighten your legs while inhaling.
Step 9– Repeat this pose on the other side.
25. Table Pose
Benefits: This posture helps in strengthening your bones and increasing the balance.Step 1- Breathe in and kneel down.
Step 2- Put your arms beneath your shoulders and palms on the floor.
Step 3- Keep your elbows locked and breathe normally. Your backbone should be straight.
Step 4- Look straight.
Step 5- Stay in this posture for 1 minute and then, return to the original posture.
26. Simhasana (Lion Pose)
Benefits: Lion pose helps in stretching the lower body, relieving stress and calming the mind.Step 1- Inhale, bend your knees backwards and sit down.
Step 2- Put your palms on your knees. Spread out your fingers.
Step 3- Exhale and bend your body a little forward.
Step 4- Inhale deep through nose.
Step 5- Open your mouth and take out your tongue.
Step 6- Exhale out through your mouth making a loud ‘Roar’.
Step 7- Repeat this pose many times.
27. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
Benefits: This posture helps in strengthening the legs, as well as, stretches the shoulders.Step 1- Stand straight.
Step 2- Inhale, raise your hands upwards and stretch your body a little.
Step 3- Bend your knees enough to stand properly.
Step 4- Breathe normally and hold this pose for a few seconds.
Step 5- Straighten your legs while breathing in and bring down your hands while exhaling.
28. Uttanasana (Ragdoll Pose)
Benefits: Ragdoll pose relaxes the mind and stretches your back, neck and legs.Step 1- Breathe in and stand erect.
Step 2- Put your hands towards the ceiling.
Step 3- Bend your body from waist to head forward.
Step 4- Try to touch your toes with your palms.
Step 5- Take a deep breath. First, nod your head yes, and then, shake it no.
Step 6- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Step 7- Slowly, straighten your back and stand straight.
29. Plank Pose
Benefits: Plank pose helps in strengthening and energizing the whole body.Step 1- Start with downward facing dog. (Explained above in pose no. 12)
Step 2- Lower down your torso while inhaling till it becomes parallel to the ground. Keep your arms perpendicular to the ground.
Step 3- Only your palms and toe fingers should be on the floor.
Step 4- Stay in this posture for a few seconds.
Step 5- Lower down your body and lie down to relax.
30. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Benefits: Triangle pose helps in stretching, as well as, strengthening the hands, spinal cord and chest. It also aids in improving the digestion system.Step 1- Stand erect and inhale.
Step 2- Apart your feet while exhaling. Both your knees should be locked.
Step 3- Raise your hands towards the ceiling and stretch your body upwards.
Step 4- Bend your body on your right side.
Step 5- Lower down your right hand and put it on your ankle.
Step 6- Lock your elbows and look towards your raised left palm.
Step 7- Stay in this position for several seconds.
Step 8- Then, stand straight and repeat this pose with your left leg.