Dry Shampoo for Light Hair and Dark Hair

DIY Dry Shampoo

DIY: Dry Shampoo for Light Hair and Dark Hair

It is almost impracticable and impossible for you to wash your hair every day. As a result, your hair gets damaged. Rinsing hair take time and further time is consumed in drying them. Women style their hair using a variety of tools, such as ironing presser, crimper, dryer, curler, etc. Are you aware of the fact that such tools may make your hair look flawless for the time being, but, ultimately, they are going to make your strands vulnerable and more susceptible to damage?
Since, shampooing and condition everyday consumes a lot of time, one can opt for a dry shampoo. But, dry shampoos, available in the market, can be really expensive and might contain harmful chemicals that could have a reverse effect on the quality of your hair. So, it is better to go for a cheaper and authentic option, that is, a homemade dry shampoo.

DIY Dry Shampoo for Light Hair


  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • Essential oil of your choice- 5-10 drops

Method of Preparation

Step 1- Add both- cornstarch and baking soda in a small bowl.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Light Hair 1
Step 2- Now, mix both the ingredients together.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Light Hair 2
Step 3- Add the drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix up it well.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Light Hair 3
Step 4- Transfer it in an airtight container.  Store it in a cool and dry place.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Light Hair 4
Whenever you want to use it, apply onto your hair with the help of a makeup brush and make it spread into your hair completely.

DIY Dry Shampoo for Dark Hair


  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ¼ cup cocoa
  • Essential oil of your choice- 5- 10 drops

Method of Preparation

Step 1- Mix together all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Dark Hair 1
Step 2- Then, transfer it in an air tight container and keep it in a cool and dry place.
DIY Dry Shampoo for Dark Hair 2
Use in the same manner as you would use shampoo for light hair.
Tip: As you apply the dry shampoo, let it sit in your hair for 2-3 minutes, and then, comb as usual.

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