Does Smoking Weed Help Lose Weight?
why people who smoke pot regularly are so skinny?
Well, the answer depends on how many calories you eat when you are high on weed and how many you burn off when you are sober. If you eat high calorie food when you get the ‘munchies’ and do not perform any physical activity to burn those calories, you are naturally going to gain weight. It is very important to keep a track of what you eat, when you are high on weed. Research shows that people who get the munchies will normally have those foods that are high is calorie such as soda, cakes, donuts, potato chips and many other junk food. Why they prefer such food is not yet known.
People who smoke weed and gain weight have only two options. The first (and obviously the best option) is to stop smoking weed or get used to doing some form of physical activity when they are not high. Consuming ample vegetables and fruits as well as drinking lots of water when you are sober is a good way of balancing your weight. Listed below are a few pointers about what a weed smoker should or shouldn’t do to control their weight.
Diet Plan for Weed Smokers
1. Stock up food stuffsSome pot smokers stack up their cupboards and refrigerators with healthy foodstuffs, so that they have no choice except to eat what is available, and, in this way, they save themselves from eating high calorie food.
2. Smoking in summers
Some other smokers prefer to smoke during the day, especially in the summer, as this is the best time for them to indulge in outdoor activities which are fun. Smoking on a cold winter night or day, for that matter, is very boring, because one can’t go outdoors and, therefore, end up smoking and lying around the house, consequently, add up on bad carbohydrates.
3. Smoke and sleep
Another way to keep you from putting on weight by smoking weed is to hit the hay, immediately, after smoking. If you fall asleep, and do not eat, then, obviously there would be no weight gain.
4. Weed Vaporizer
Smoking weed in public places is prohibited. So, invest in a weed vaporizer, as it will help kill two birds with one stone. You can smoke the weed outdoors in public places, since it is odourless and will keep you away from the junk food present at your place.
5. No smoking with friends
Avoid smoking in groups because you end up smoking and eating more. Hence, the best option is to smoke when you are aloof.
6. Cigarettes and Weeds
Another reason why people who smoke weeds are skinny is because most of them smoke cigarettes as well. Cigarettes contain nicotine which has repressing qualities on one’s diet. Thus, smokers end up eating less and do not put on any weight, because the effects of the cigarette counter balance those of the weeds.
Whilst smoking weed may help people to a certain degree, but there are more of disadvantages. The sole advantage is that you can keep weight gain at bay, provided you smoke and work out.