Does a laxative help you lose weight?


Does a laxative help you lose weight?

Using laxatives to reduce weight has become an extreme dieting technique followed by many people all over the world. Laxatives help speed up the digestion process, thus, it results in increased bowel movement. Researches reveal that more than 47 percent women in the world – who are looking forward to reduce weight fast – utilize laxative pills. How safe is using laxatives to shed pounds and what are the side effects one has to face, if they continue to use laxatives? Let us discuss about it in detail.

Basic Information about Using Laxatives

Laxatives are available in the form of pills that can be used like digestive pills. They are mainly used to speed up the digestion process and also to avoid recurrence of constipation. People suffering with chronic constipation are recommended to intake laxatives to regulate their bowel movement. Regular usage of laxative is considered as a serious threat to health because it excretes all nutrients from your body at a faster rate.

Losing Water Weight with Laxative: Effects and Usage

For losing water weight, laxatives are the best remedy. They are used two times in a day to increase the bowel movement. Laxatives are also capable of removing toxins from your body by flushing them fast. They work out in the gastro intestinal tract, thereby releasing gas. However, the doctors all over the world say that this is not at all an effective method to lose water weight. The use of laxatives for an extended period of time may disturb a person’s overall metabolism and digestion process.
Increased water discharge from body due to laxatives also harms the energy level of your body. With increased fluid discharge, sudden death may also transpire. Especially for women who use laxative pills to shed water weight, it may result in multi-organ damage and liver failure too.

Short and Long Term Effects

Laxatives cause both short and long term side effects depending on their usage. These effects also vary from one person to other based on their lifestyle and nutrition level.
The short term side effects of laxative pills include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and even increased bloating. These short term effects may vanish as soon as you take alternative medicines or just quit the habit of consuming laxatives.
Stomach cramps in women are also caused by laxatives; hence, their consumption should be immediately stopped to avoid further iteration in the health and also the menstrual cycle.
The most common long term effect of laxative pills includes improper bowel movement which results in bleeding during the excretion process. Moreover, owing to reduced water level in the body, people may suffer with freckles, pimples, and even permanent shrinks on their skin that makes them appear aged. Nerve impulses are also caused due to laxatives, as they affect the electrolytes that enter your body. Permanent damage to the liver and kidneys are also caused by laxatives.

Natural Alternate to Laxatives for Weight Loss

If you wish to stay slim and get rid of water weight fast, then employ natural laxatives that are easily available. Here are a few among the most useful alternatives for laxatives.
1. Water
To lose water weight fast, drink not more than eight glasses of water every day. Water can keep you hydrated and helps speed up the digestion process.
2. Prunes
Prunes are a rich source of vitamin A and potassium. They also work as a great remedy for constipation, since they regulate the digestion process. Have enough prunes regularly and try to have them on an empty stomach to keep you from constipation and also to reduce weight fast.
3. Tender Coconut Water
Coconut water has a great impact in reducing the cholesterol level of the body. It can also be used to get rid of constipation. Instead of laxative pills, one can have coconut water every day to reduce body weight.
4. Legumes
The fiber rich legumes can be consumed daily, in breakfast, to reduce weight fast. Since legumes have a lot of fiber, they help in weight loss quickly.
5. Beets and Cabbage
Have salads containing beets and cabbage. They are considered good for regulating the digestion process. You can also have beet juice or cabbage juice every day to reduce weight sooner.
Natural laxatives available in the form of herbs and Ayurveda medicines are as harmful as   allopathic laxative pills. Hence, it is recommended to avoid using such pills, be it in any form.


  • Laxatives can be used when you are following a balanced diet for a short period. Therefore, use them for not less than 5 days to reduce weight.
  • Laxatives can be used only for constipation relief, if recommended by a physician.
  • Get enough rest and sleep, when you are using laxative pills to keep your body energized.
  • Try to keep your body warm while consuming laxatives, as it increases blood flow evenly throughout your body.


  • Usage of laxatives may become an addiction. So, do not use them regularly.
  • For women with polycystic ovaries and also for pregnant women, laxatives usage is strictly prohibited.
  • Avoid using laxatives for smaller children, even if they are suffering with constipation. This may result in excessive bowel movement and sudden death too.
  • Never combine laxative usage with any other medication, as it may have reverse effects on your overall health.
  • Employing natural laxative for weight loss is not at all recommended for anyone.

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