If diagnosed in early stages, syphilis can easily be treated successfully. Penicillin is preferred by the doctors for treatment. If you are allergic to penicillin, your doctor will prescribe another antibiotic for you. Pregnant women can be first desensitized and then given the penicillin injections, but the newborn would still require a treatment with antibiotics. Tertiary cases require more attention and intravenous penicillin may be given. Given here are some of the drugs and medications prescribed by doctors for the treatment of syphilis.
Top Drugs And Medications To Treat Syphilis
By Uche Francis at 13:13
If diagnosed in early stages, syphilis can easily be treated successfully. Penicillin is preferred by the doctors for treatment. If you are allergic to penicillin, your doctor will prescribe another antibiotic for you. Pregnant women can be first desensitized and then given the penicillin injections, but the newborn would still require a treatment with antibiotics. Tertiary cases require more attention and intravenous penicillin may be given. Given here are some of the drugs and medications prescribed by doctors for the treatment of syphilis.
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