Simple Grilled BBQ Chicken


DescriptionDelicious BBQ Chicken ready to eat

This sweet tangy BBQ chicken is a simple way to make slow-cooked, delicious, barbecue on your home grill.


4 chicken thighs, bone in, skin on
2 cups BBQ sauce
3/4 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp smoked paprika  


Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 to 40 minutes
Servings: 4 servings
Mix the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and smoked paprika together in a small bowl.  Rub the mixture on the chicken, make sure to get the rub underneath and on top of the skin.
Cook the chicken on a medium high grill using indirect heat for 25 to 35 minutes, with the chicken placed on a cooler portion of the grill.  Turn the chicken every 8 to 10 minutes to ensure even cooking.  The chicken will be ready for the BBQ sauce when it is firm to the touch, but still has some spring to it.
The final touch for this chicken is to paint on the BBQ sauce.  You'll want to have 1 cup of BBQ sauce, a silicon brush, and a pair of long handled tongs ready for saucing the chicken.  Once you have everything ready, brush a layer of sauce on one side of the chicken, then flip the chicken on to a hot part of the grill and paint the other side with sauce.
Let the chicken cook on the hot part of the grill for a minute or two on each side and then turn it over so the other side is sauce down on the hot part of the grill.
The goal here is to crisp everything up, while adding some color, and a layer of sauce to the chicken.  Repeat this process until each side has been sauced and crisped three times.
Take the chicken off the grill and let it rest for five minutes.  Serve with the other cup of BBQ sauce on the side.


To cook using indirect heat you'll want to have high heat on one side of the grill and very little to no direct heat on the other side of the grill, where the chicken resides for most of the cooking time.
During the saucing portion of cooking it's ok if the chicken flames up as you're turning it over.  This is why you're using long handled tongs.  Cooking the chicken in a little fire here is ok, but don't let them sit in the fire for more then 15 to 20 seconds at a time.

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