This problem has dramatically increased over the years as many women postpone childbearing. Female fertility begins deteriorating very quickly after the age of thirty five years. In today’s fast moving world, your lifestyle too has a direct bearing on fertility. Too much consumption of alcohol, caffeine, obesity, cigarette smoking, certain drugs and diseases can directly interfere with fertility. Depression, stress, sexual dysfunction and emotional trauma can also make one infertile. A healthy lifestyle protects fertility and keeps it intact during the reproductive years.
Herbal Remedies To Increase Fertility
By Uche Francis at 12:29
This problem has dramatically increased over the years as many women postpone childbearing. Female fertility begins deteriorating very quickly after the age of thirty five years. In today’s fast moving world, your lifestyle too has a direct bearing on fertility. Too much consumption of alcohol, caffeine, obesity, cigarette smoking, certain drugs and diseases can directly interfere with fertility. Depression, stress, sexual dysfunction and emotional trauma can also make one infertile. A healthy lifestyle protects fertility and keeps it intact during the reproductive years.
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