7 Home Remedies For Breast Reduction

A heavy chest can cause many health problems for women apart from making them feel visually unappealing. You can have back and chest pain due to big breasts. You will have restricted physical activities, which will stop you from doing many things that require free physical movements. Big and heavy breasts can cause arthritis and breast cancer. Hormonal problems and genetic factors can cause the breast size to increase.
If you want to decrease the breast size, you have to reduce the fat of the whole body. The breasts contain eighty percent fat. If there is decrease in the general body fat, the breast size will decrease itself. Professional athletes who have a high activity level have less body fat and small breast too. You can try home remedies for decreasing the breast size. You must try the following home remedies for breast reduction.

Effective Home Remedies For Breast Reduction

Aerobic Exercises

Exercise helps in tightening and toning the chest muscles. Burning calories can give you flat breast. Aerobic exercises can help in decreasing the fat of the whole body along with breast fat.You can do running, swimming and stair stepping. You can participate in sports like soccer and basketball. You can do cycling, rowing and dancing. Aerobic exercises help in burning calories and increasing the metabolism.
Aerobic Exercises

Anaerobic Exercises

Anaerobic exercises also help in decreasing the breast size. You can do dumbbell flys. Some other useful anaerobic exercises are the bench and incline presses. These exercises help in toning the muscles, which decreases the breast size. When you do these exercises, you should tighten the muscles instead of expanding them. You should do minimum twelve repetitions of these exercises in one set.
Anaerobic Exercises

Push Ups And Arm Lifts

You can do push ups along with pull-ups. To do the push ups  you should lie on the floor and keep the hands near the shoulders. Then, push by applying pressure on the knees.The body should be straight. Then, lower the body and come down so that you touch the ground. You can also do the arm lifts and rotations with both arms. These exercises make the breast muscles strong and firm.
Push Ups And Arm Lifts

Proper Diet

You can do dieting to decrease the breast size. Decrease the amount of calories you take. Increase physical activities. If you decrease 500 calories daily in the diet, you will have weight loss of one pound in one week. Avoid foods that contain synthetic hormones. Prefer a vegetarian diet instead of taking non-vegetarian food.

Take Fibrous Foods

High estrogen causes fluid retention and lump formation in the breast. You can decrease the estrogen levels by taking foods that contain fiber. You can take bran flakes as it helps in absorbing extra estrogen from the body. You can take whole grains. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet. You should not take fatty foods.
Fibrous Foods

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a plant that is grown in North America. The ripe berries of Saw Palmetto have many medicinal properties. Saw palmetto decreases inflammation in the breasts and decreases estrogen. You can take 160 mg capsule of saw palmetto two times daily.
Saw Palmetto

Ginger And Fennel

You should take ginger and fennel as they contain volatile oils that decrease inflammation and reduce the breast size. Ginger contains shogaols and gingerols and has many medicinal properties. Fennel contains Vitamin C and fiber. It also contains potassium and manganese.

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