Wrinkles are fine lines in the skin which tend to occur on the face, under the eyes, around the eyes, on the neck, hands and feet. They occurs when skin loses its elasticity due to aging.
Other factors that cause wrinkles are stress, pollution, unbalanced diet and smoking, exposure to sun and weight loss. Wrinkles make you look old. Here we mention natural remedies for wrinkles to look young and attractive.

East Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Grape Seed Oil

Grape Seed Oil To Reduce Wrinkles Grape seed oil rejuvenates the skin and hydrates itMassaging the area around eyes and other wrinkled areas help to make wrinkles less visible and also nourishes the area. It also stops formation of new

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil To Reduce Wrinkles Massage your face, neck, eyes and other wrinkled area with coconut oil every day before going to bed. Coconut oil nourishes skin and starts reducing wrinkles within a week.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil To Reduce Wrinkles Castor oil gives excellent results to reduce under eye wrinkles.

Applying castor oil regularly will keep skin soft and slow down the aging. After wrinkles reduce, castor oil should be used once or twice a week to avoid reappearing of wrinkles.

Almond Oil

Almond Oil To Reduce Wrinkles Dab a few drops of almond on wrinkled areas and massage gently. Almond oil smoothes out skin and reduce signs of aging.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil To Reduce Wrinkles You can do regular facial massage using olive oil.This prevents dehydration and drooping of skin. Hence, helps to prevent wrinkles.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E To Reduce Wrinkles Vitamin E is an antioxidant which hydrates the dry skin and prevents formation of wrinkles. Take the liquid out of Vitamin E capsule and apply it directly under the eyes where wrinkles are visible. You should use Vitamin E at night for best results. Alternatively, you can make a mixture of Vitamin E, yogurt, honey and lemon juice.
Put the contents of two to three vitamin E capsules in a bowl. Mix it with two teaspoons of yogurt, half teaspoon of honey and half teaspoon if lemon juice. Apply the mixture on face and other wrinkled area. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. It makes wrinkles appear less noticeable.

Egg White

Egg White To Reduce Wrinkles Egg white tightens skin and helps to maintain skin elasticity. Separate the egg white and yolk. Beat the egg white. Apply the beaten egg white under and around the eyes using a cotton ball.
Let it dry and then rinse with warm water. You may also apply egg white on the face by mixing it with coconut oil to eliminate wrinkles. Coconut oil prevents dehydration.


Grapes To Reduce Wrinkles Green seedless grapes are helpful to cure eye and face wrinkles. Cut grapes into two halves and rub it on the wrinkled area. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse off.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice To Reduce Wrinkles Apply lemon juice directly using a cotton ball on wrinkled area. You may also scrub a lemon for 2-3 minutes. Lemon reduces fine lines and also cleans the skin surface.
Alternatively, apply a mixture of lemon juice and orange juice. You may mix lemon juice with rose water as well to reduce wrinkles.


Cucumber To Reduce Wrinkles Apply fresh cucumber juice on wrinkles. This is one of the most effective treatments in curing wrinkles.


Pineapple To Reduce Wrinkles Pineapple helps to cure fine lines as it is rich in antioxidants. Rub the core of pineapple on the wrinkled area and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. You may also apply green pineapple or apple juice on wrinkled area for 10-15 minutes every day. This provides you wrinkle free skin.


Avocado To Reduce Wrinkles Avocado tightens skin and hydrates it. It helps to remove under eye wrinkles. Apply mashed avocado directly under and around the eyes. Leave for a few minutes and the wash with cold water. You may also apply a paste of mashed banana and avocado to get rid of wrinkles.


Honey To Reduce Wrinkles Make a mixture of one teaspoon of honey and one-fourth teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply on wrinkled face and neck and leave for about half an hour. Then wash with lukewarm water.


Turmeric To Reduce Wrinkles Turmeric slows the process of aging. Make a mixture of 2-3 teaspoons of turmeric powder and 1-2 tables spoons of sugarcane juice. Apply it on wrinkled area and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off. Regular use of turmeric gives excellent results.

Tea Bags

Tea Bags To Reduce Wrinkles Wet tea bags help to remove under eye wrinkles and puffiness. Place wet tea bags directly under the eyes. Alternatively, freeze wet tea bags. Then apply on the wrinkles. This also makes you feel relaxed.


Banana To Reduce Wrinkles Mash a banana and apply it on wrinkled area. Leave the paste for 15-20 minutes and then wash off. Wash first with lukewarm water and then again with cold water.


Papaya To Reduce Wrinkles Apply a paste of mashed papaya on face and neck. Leave for a few minutes and then rinse. You may also apply a mix of raw papaya and banana. This helps to tighten skin.


Tape To Reduce Wrinkles Put a piece of clear tape over wrinkle after holding the eye skin taut and leave it over night. Remove the tape in the morning. This helps to reduce wrinkles temporarily.


Rose Water To Reduce Wrinkles Dip cotton balls in rose water and apply it on the face to reduce wrinkles. Alternatively, make a face of rose water, honey and turmeric. Apply it on wrinkled areas. You may also apply a mix of rose extracts and pomegranate to get rid of wrinkles. Rose rejuvenates skin.

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage Juice To Reduce Wrinkles Cabbage juice tightens skin and removes wrinkles. Massage wrinkled area with cabbage juice and let it dry. Then wash off with warm water.

Ice Cubes

Ice Cubes To Reduce Wrinkles Ice cubes moisturises skin and makes it wrinkle free. Rub ice cubes on wrinkled area for a few minutes regularly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera To Reduce Wrinkles The aloe vera leaves rejuvenates skin and makes it wrinkle free. Apply aloe vera juice regularly to reduce fine lines.
Milk To Reduce Wrinkles Mix warm milk with brown sugar. Allow the mixture to cool.Then apply it on the face and under and around the eyes. It reduces wrinkles as well as cleans the skin surface.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel To Reduce Wrinkles Mix one-fourth cup of comfrey infusion, one-fourth cup of witch hazel and ten drops of patchouli essential oil. Apply this mixture every night before sleep. Wash off in the morning. Witch hazel reduces wrinkles by tightening the skin.

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